Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The overarching finite symmetry group of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M_24

We construct a bijection between the full integral homology lattice of K3 and a Niemeier lattice, which is simultaneously compatible with the finite symplectic automorphism groups of several different Kummer K3 surfaces. Thereby we develop a device which allows us to express symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces explicitly as elements of the Mathieu group M_24, and to combine groups of symmetries from different K3 surfaces to larger groups by means of their simultaneous action on the Niemeier lattice. With this technique we generate the semidirect product group of C_2^4 and A_7, which is the overarching finite symmetry group of all Kummer surfaces, as the maximal subgroup of M_23 that preserves a specific octad. This group has order 40320, thus surpassing the size of the largest finite symplectic automorphism group of a K3 surface by orders of magnitude. The method used is based on Nikulin's lattice gluing techniques, and it identifies the symplectic automorphisms of Kummer surfaces as permutations of 24 elements preserving the Golay code. The examples of Kummer surfaces whose underlying complex tori are constructed from the D_4 and the square lattice are treated in detail, confirming the existence proofs of Mukai and Kondo, that their finite groups of symplectic automorphisms are subgroups of one of eleven subgroups of M_23. The framework presented here provides a line of attack to unravel the role of M_24 in the context of strings compactified on K3 surfaces.

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