Thursday, July 28, 2011

The heterotic string at high temperature (or with strong supersymmetry breaking)

Perturbative heterotic string theory develops a single complex tachyonic mode beyond the Hagedorn temperature. We calculate the quartic effective potential for this tachyonic mode at the critical temperature. Equivalently, we determine the quartic effective potential for strong supersymmetric breaking via anti-perdiodic boundary conditions for fermions on a small circle. We give many details of the heterotic tachyon scattering amplitudes, including a unitarity check to fix all normalization constants. We discuss difficulties in obtaining an effective action valid at all radii. We argue that in certain variables, the quartic term in the potential is radius independent. Speculations on the properties of a new strongly curved phase that could occur after tachyon condensation are offered.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mirror of the refined topological vertex from a matrix model

We find an explicit matrix model computing the refined topological vertex, starting from its representation in terms of plane partitions. We then find the spectral curve of that matrix model, and thus the mirror symmetry of the refined vertex. With the same method we also find a matrix model for the strip geometry, and we find its mirror curve. The fact that there is a matrix model shows that the refined topological string amplitudes also satisfy the remodeling the B-model construction.

Affine SU(N) algebra from wall-crossings

We study the relation between the instanton counting on ALE spaces and the BPS state counting on a toric Calabi-Yau three-fold. We put a single D4-brane on a divisor isomorphic to A_{N-1}-ALE space in the Calabi-Yau three-fold, and evaluate the discrete changes of BPS partition function of D4-D2-D0 states in the wall-crossing phenomena. In particular, we find that the character of affine SU(N) algebra naturally arises in wall-crossings of D4-D2-D0 states. Our analysis is completely based on the wall-crossing formula for the d=4, N=2 supersymmetric theory obtained by dimensionally reducing the Calabi-Yau three-fold.

Gauge Theories on ALE Space and Super Liouville Correlation Functions

We present a relation between N=2 quiver gauge theories on the ALE space O_{P^1}(-2) and correlators of N=1 super Liouville conformal field theory, providing checks in the case of punctured spheres and tori. We derive a blow-up formula for the full Nekrasov partition function and show that, up to a U(1) factor, the N=2^* instanton partition function is given by the product of the character of \hat{SU}(2)_2 times the super Virasoro conformal block on the torus with one puncture.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Invariants of Toric Seiberg Duality

Three-branes at a given toric Calabi-Yau singularity lead to different phases of the conformal field theory related by toric (Seiberg) duality. Using the dimer model/brane tiling description in terms of bipartite graphs on a torus, we find a new invariant under Seiberg duality, namely the Klein j-invariant of the complex structure parameter in the distinguished isoradial embedding of the dimer, determined by the physical R-charges. Additional number theoretic invariants are described in terms of the algebraic number field of the R-charges. We also give a new compact description of the a-maximization procedure by introducing a generalized incidence matrix.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The overarching finite symmetry group of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M_24

We construct a bijection between the full integral homology lattice of K3 and a Niemeier lattice, which is simultaneously compatible with the finite symplectic automorphism groups of several different Kummer K3 surfaces. Thereby we develop a device which allows us to express symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces explicitly as elements of the Mathieu group M_24, and to combine groups of symmetries from different K3 surfaces to larger groups by means of their simultaneous action on the Niemeier lattice. With this technique we generate the semidirect product group of C_2^4 and A_7, which is the overarching finite symmetry group of all Kummer surfaces, as the maximal subgroup of M_23 that preserves a specific octad. This group has order 40320, thus surpassing the size of the largest finite symplectic automorphism group of a K3 surface by orders of magnitude. The method used is based on Nikulin's lattice gluing techniques, and it identifies the symplectic automorphisms of Kummer surfaces as permutations of 24 elements preserving the Golay code. The examples of Kummer surfaces whose underlying complex tori are constructed from the D_4 and the square lattice are treated in detail, confirming the existence proofs of Mukai and Kondo, that their finite groups of symplectic automorphisms are subgroups of one of eleven subgroups of M_23. The framework presented here provides a line of attack to unravel the role of M_24 in the context of strings compactified on K3 surfaces.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Finite Time Vacuum Survival Amplitude and Vacuum Energy Decay

The problem of the vacuum energy decay is studied for both signs of the cosmological constant, through the analysis of the vacuum survival amplitude, defined in terms of the {\em conformal time}, $z$, by ${\mathcal A}(z,z^\prime)\equiv <\text{vac}\,z\text{vac}\,z^\prime>$. Transition amplitudes are computed for finite time-span, $Z\equiv z^\prime-z$, and their {\em late time} behavior (directly related to the putative decay width of the state) as well as the transients are discussed up to first order in the coupling constant, $\lambda$.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enhanced Gauge Groups in N=4 Topological Amplitudes and Lorentzian Borcherds Algebras

We continue our study of algebraic properties of N=4 topological amplitudes in heterotic string theory compactified on T^2, initiated in arXiv:1102.1821. In this work we evaluate a particular one-loop amplitude for any enhanced gauge group h \subset e_8 + e_8, i.e. for arbitrary choice of Wilson line moduli. We show that a certain analytic part of the result has an infinite product representation, where the product is taken over the positive roots of a Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebra g^{++}. The latter is obtained through double extension of the complement g= (e_8 + e_8)/h. The infinite product is automorphic with respect to a finite index subgroup of the full T-duality group SO(2,18;Z) and, through the philosophy of Borcherds-Gritsenko-Nikulin, this defines the denominator formula of a generalized Kac-Moody algebra G(g^{++}), which is an 'automorphic correction' of g^{++}. We explicitly give the root multiplicities of G(g^{++}) for a number of examples.