Friday, April 8, 2011

Heterotic E6 GUTs and Partition Functions

The E6 grand unified theory is an attractive candidate for the intermediate theory between the standard model and string theory. However, only one E6 grand unified model with three generations and at least one adjoint Higgs field had been derived from string theory in the literature, which is phenomenologically not satisfactory. Recently, in arXiv:1012.1690, we have constructed two new such E6 grand unified models in heterotic asymmetric orbifold. Although our new models themselves cannot resolve the dissatisfaction in the previous model, our discovery raises hopes that one can construct many other such models in this framework and find better ones. Here, by showing partition functions explicitly, we shall explain the details of our construction. Combining all the techniques developed so far in various literatures, we can construct models rather systematically. We hope that these techniques and the details of our construction will lead to more phenomenologically desirable models.

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