Sunday, March 27, 2011

Topological modular forms and conformal nets

We describe the role conformal nets, a mathematical model for conformal field theory, could play in a geometric definition of the generalized cohomology theory TMF of topological modular forms. Inspired by work of Segal and Stolz-Teichner, we speculate that bundles of boundary conditions for the net of free fermions will be the basic underlying objects representing TMF-cohomology classes. String structures, which are the fundamental orientations for TMF-cohomology, can be encoded by defects between free fermions, and we construct the bundle of fermionic boundary conditions for the TMF-Euler class of a string vector bundle. We conjecture that the free fermion net exhibits an algebraic periodicity corresponding to the 576-fold cohomological periodicity of TMF; using a homotopy-theoretic invariant of invertible conformal nets, we establish a lower bound of 24 on this periodicity of the free fermions.

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