Friday, January 14, 2011

T-branes and Yukawa Couplings

We consider various configurations of T-branes which are non-abelian bound states of branes and were recently introduced by Cecotti, Cordova, Heckman and Vafa. They are a refinement of the concept of monodromic branes featured in phenomenological F-theory models. We are particularly interested in the T-branes corresponding to Z3 and Z4 monodromies, which are used to break E7 or E8 gauge groups to SU(5) GUT. Our results imply that the up-type and down-type Yukawa couplings for the breaking of E7 are zero, whereas up-type and down-type Yukawa couplings, together with right handed neutrino Yukawas are non-zero for the case of the breaking of E8. The dimension four proton decay mediating term is avoided in models with either E7 or E8 breaking.

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