Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories

It has recently been argued by Alday et al that the inclusion of surface operators in 4d N=2 SU(2) quiver gauge theories should correspond to insertions of certain degenerate operators in the dual Liouville theory. So far only the insertion of a single surface operator has been treated (in a semi-classical limit). In this paper we study and generalise this proposal. Our approach relies on the use of topological string theory techniques. On the A-model side we propose that the 5d lift of the SU(N) gauge theory partition function in the presence of (one or many) surface operators is equal to an A-model topological string partition function with the insertion of (one or many) toric branes. On the B-model side we propose that the effects of multiple surface operator insertions in 4d N=2 gauge theories can be calculated using the B-model topological recursion method in an order-by-order expansion valid beyond the semi-classical limit. We show that our proposals lead to results that agree with what one obtains by combining the AGT conjecture with the dual interpretation in terms of degenerate operators. The topological string theory approach also opens up new possibilities in the study of 2d Toda field theories.

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