This monograph is an updated and extended version of the author's PhD thesis. It consists of an introductory text followed by two separate parts which are loosely related but may be read independently of each other. In Part I we analyze certain hyperbolic structures arising when studying gravity in the vicinity of a spacelike singularity (the "BKL-limit"). In this limit, spatial points decouple and the dynamics exhibits ultralocal behaviour which may be described in terms of a (possibly chaotic) hyperbolic billiard. In all supergravities arising as low-energy limits of string theory or M-theory, the billiard dynamics takes place within the fundamental Weyl chambers of certain hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras, suggesting that these algebras generate hidden infinite-dimensional symmetries of the theory. Part II of the thesis is devoted to a study of how (U-)dualities in string theory provide powerful constraints on perturbative and non-perturbative quantum corrections. These dualities are described by certain arithmetic groups G(Z) which are conjectured to be preserved in the effective action. The exact couplings are given by automorphic forms on the double quotient G(Z)\G/K. We discuss in detail various methods of constructing automorphic forms, with particular emphasis on non-holomorphic Eisenstein series. We provide detailed examples for the physically relevant cases of SL(2,Z) and SL(3,Z), for which we construct their respective Eisenstein series and compute their (non-abelian) Fourier expansions. We also show how these techniques can be applied to hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II Calabi-Yau compactifications, and we provide a detailed analysis for the universal hypermultiplet.
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