Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Supersymmetric N=2 gauge theory with arbitrary gauge group

M. Kuchiev
A universal model, which implements the Seiberg-Witten approach to low-energy properties of the supersymmetric N=2 gauge theory with an arbitrary compact simple gauge group, classical or exceptional, is suggested. It has a clear form based on the hyperelliptic curve, whose genus equals the rank of the gauge group. The weak and strong coupling limits are reproduced correctly. The magnetic and electric charges of light dyons, which are present in the proposed model at strong coupling comply with recent predictions derived from the general properties of N=2 and N=1 gauge theories. The discrete chiral symmetry is implemented, the duality condition is reproduced, and connections between monodromies at weak and strong coupling are established. The model predicts the identical analytic structure of the coupling constants for the theories based on the SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups.

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