Monday, July 27, 2009

Tits construction of the exceptional simple Lie algebras

A. Elduque
The classical Tits construction of the exceptional simple Lie algebras has been extended in a couple of directions by using either Jordan superalgebras or composition superalgebras. These extensions are reviewed here. The outcome has been the discovery of some new simple modular Lie superalgebras.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wall-crossing, Hitchin Systems, and the WKB Approximation

D. Gaiotto, G.W. Moore, A. Neitzke
We consider BPS states in a large class of d=4, N=2 field theories, obtained by reducing six-dimensional (2,0) superconformal field theories on Riemann surfaces, with defect operators inserted at points of the Riemann surface. Further dimensional reduction on S^1 yields sigma models, whose target spaces are moduli spaces of Higgs bundles on Riemann surfaces with ramification. In the case where the Higgs bundles have rank 2, we construct canonical Darboux coordinate systems on their moduli spaces. These coordinate systems are related to one another by Poisson transformations associated to BPS states, and have well-controlled asymptotic behavior, obtained from the WKB approximation. The existence of these coordinates implies the Kontsevich-Soibelman wall-crossing formula for the BPS spectrum. This construction provides a concrete realization of a general physical explanation of the wall-crossing formula which was proposed in 0807.4723. It also yields a new method for computing the spectrum using the combinatorics of triangulations of the Riemann surface.

Refined open noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants for small crepant resolutions

K. Nagao
The aim of this paper is to study analogs of noncommutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants corresponding to the refined topological vertex for small crepant resolutions of toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds. We define the invariants using dimer models and provide "wall-crossing" formulas. In particular, we get normalized generating functions which are unchanged under "wall-crossing".

Borel and Stokes Nonperturbative Phenomena in Topological String Theory and c=1 Matrix Models

S. Pasquetti, R. Schiappa
We address the nonperturbative structure of topological strings and c=1 matrix models, focusing on understanding the nature of instanton effects alongside with exploring their relation to the large-order behavior of the 1/N expansion. We consider the Gaussian, Penner and Chern-Simons matrix models, together with their holographic duals, the c=1 minimal string at self-dual radius and topological string theory on the resolved conifold. We employ Borel analysis to obtain the exact all-loop multi-instanton corrections to the free energies of the aforementioned models, and show that the leading poles in the Borel plane control the large-order behavior of perturbation theory. We understand the nonperturbative effects in terms of the Schwinger effect and provide a semiclassical picture in terms of eigenvalue tunneling between critical points of the multi-sheeted matrix model effective potentials. In particular, we relate instantons to Stokes phenomena via a hyperasymptotic analysis, providing a smoothing of the nonperturbative ambiguity. Our predictions for the multi-instanton expansions are confirmed within the trans-series set-up, which in the double-scaling limit describes nonperturbative corrections to the Toda equation. Finally, we provide a spacetime realization of our nonperturbative corrections in terms of toric D-brane instantons which, in the double-scaling limit, precisely match D-instanton contributions to c=1 minimal strings.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Supersymmetric quantum cosmological billiards

A. Kleinschmidt, M. Koehn, H. Nicolai
D=11 Supergravity near a space-like singularity admits a cosmological billiard description based on the hyperbolic Kac-Moody group E10. The quantization of this system via the supersymmetry constraint is shown to lead to wavefunctions involving automorphic (Maass wave) forms under the modular group W^+(E10)=PSL(2,O) with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the billiard domain. A general inequality for the Laplace eigenvalues of these automorphic forms implies that the wave function of the universe is generically complex and always tends to zero when approaching the initial singularity. We discuss possible implications of this result for the question of singularity resolution in quantum cosmology and comment on the differences with other approaches.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

On the derived category of the Cayley plane

L. Manivel
We describe a maximal exceptional collection on the Cayley plane, the minimal homogeneous projective variety of $E_6$. This collection consists in a sequence of 27 irreducible homogeneous bundles.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tetrahedron in F-theory Compactification

E.H. Saidi
Complex tetrahedral surface $\mathcal{T}$ is a non planar projective surface that is generated by four intersecting complex projective planes $CP^{2}$. In this paper, we study the family $\{\mathcal{T}_{m}\} $ of blow ups of $\mathcal{T}$ and exhibit the link of these $\mathcal{T}_{m}$s with the set of del Pezzo surfaces $dP_{n}$ obtained by blowing up n isolated points in the $CP^{2}$. The $\mathcal{T}_{m}$s are toric surfaces exhibiting a $U(1) \times U(1) $ symmetry that may be used to engineer gauge symmetry enhancements in the Beasley-Heckman-Vafa theory. The blown ups of the tetrahedron have toric graphs with faces, edges and vertices where may localize respectively fields in adjoint representations, chiral matter and Yukawa tri-fields couplings needed for the engineering of F- theory GUT models building.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Supersymmetric N=2 gauge theory with arbitrary gauge group

M. Kuchiev
A universal model, which implements the Seiberg-Witten approach to low-energy properties of the supersymmetric N=2 gauge theory with an arbitrary compact simple gauge group, classical or exceptional, is suggested. It has a clear form based on the hyperelliptic curve, whose genus equals the rank of the gauge group. The weak and strong coupling limits are reproduced correctly. The magnetic and electric charges of light dyons, which are present in the proposed model at strong coupling comply with recent predictions derived from the general properties of N=2 and N=1 gauge theories. The discrete chiral symmetry is implemented, the duality condition is reproduced, and connections between monodromies at weak and strong coupling are established. The model predicts the identical analytic structure of the coupling constants for the theories based on the SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

BKM Lie superalgebras from dyon spectra in Z_N CHL orbifolds for composite N

S. Govindarajan, K.G. Krishna
We show that the generating function of electrically charged 1/2-BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric CHL Z_N orbifolds of the heterotic string on T^6 are given by multiplicative eta-products. The eta-products are determined by the cycle shape of the corresponding symplectic involution in the dual type II picture. This enables us to complete the construction of the genus-two Siegel modular forms due to David, Jatkar and Sen [arXiv:hep-th/0609109] for Z_N orbifolds when N is non-prime. We study the Z_4 CHL orbifold in detail and show that the associated Siegel modular forms, \Phi_3(Z) and \widetilde{\Phi}_3(Z), are given by the square of the product of three even genus-two theta constants. Extending work by us[arXiv:0807.4451] as well as Cheng and Dabholkar[arXiv:0809.4258], we show that their `square roots' appear as the denominator formulae of two distinct Borcherds-Kac-Moody (BKM) Lie superalgebras. The BKM Lie superalgebra associated with the generating function of 1/4-BPS states, i.e., \widetilde{\Phi}_3(Z) has a parabolic root system with a light-like Weyl vector and the walls of its fundamental Weyl chamber are mapped to the walls of marginal stability of the 1/4-BPS states.