Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Universality and asymptotics of graph counting problems in unoriented surfaces

S. Garoufalidis, M. Marino
The paper introduces a pair of sequences $(u_n,v_n)$ defined by a quadratic nonlinear recursion relation, and gives their asymptotic expansion for large $n$. We conjecture that, properly normalized, $(u_n,v_n)$ agrees with the constants $(t_g,p_g)$ that appear in numerous graph counting problems on oriented/unoriented surfaces studied by Bender-Canfield. Our conjecture was recently proven for $t_g$ in joint work with T.T.Q. Le but remains open for $p_g$. Aside from efficient exact formulas for $(u_n,v_n)$, new to the communities of combinatorics and representation theory, we prove the existence of the asymptotic expansion of $(u_n,v_n)$ and exactly compute it to all orders in $1/n$ in terms of a nonzero Stokes constant, for which we conjecture an exact value. Our proof uses the method of Borel transform applied to a pair of coupled nonlinear differential equations for the generating series of $(u_n,v_n)$. An additional proof and an exact computation of the Stokes constant may be obtained by the Riemann-Hilbert approach with a known Lax pair for the coupled system of differential equations. In addition, we give a matrix model computation of the Stokes constant, a motivation for our conjecture using a quartic matrix model for real symmetric matrices, and a conjecture for the number of rooted quadrangulations in the 2-dimensional projective plane. Our conjecture identifying $v_n$ with $p_g$ implies analyticity of the O(N) and $Sp(N)$-types of free energy of a closed 3-manifolds in a neighborhood of zero.

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