Sunday, November 9, 2008

A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants. I. An invariant counting stable pairs

D. Joyce, Y. Song
Let X be a Calabi-Yau 3-fold over C. The Donaldson-Thomas invariants of X are integers DT^a(t) which count stable sheaves with Chern character a on X, with respect to a Gieseker stability condition t. They are defined only for Chern characters a for which there are no strictly semistable sheaves on X. They have the good property that they are unchanged under deformations of X. Their behaviour under change of stability condition t was not understood until now.
This is the first of three papers studying a generalization of Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Our generalized invariants \bar{DT}^a(t) are rational numbers, defined for all Chern characters a, and are equal to DT^a(t) if there are no strictly semistable sheaves in class a. They are deformation-invariant, and have a known transformation law under change of stability condition.
This paper studies a different family of invariants PI^a(t') counting "stable pairs" (E,s) on X, where E is a coherent sheaf and s is a section of E(n) for fixed n>>0, and (E,s) satisfies a stability condition t'. Following ideas of Pandharipande and Thomas, we define a symmetric perfect obstruction theory on the moduli spaces of stable pairs. Then by the virtual fundamental class of Behrend and Fantechi, we obtain integer invariants PI^a(t') which are unchanged under deformations of X.
In the third paper we will write the PI^a(t') in terms of our new invariants \bar{DT}^b(t), and then use deformation-invariance of the PI^a(t') to deduce deformation-invariance of the \bar{DT}^b(t).

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