Thursday, November 27, 2008

CFT Duals for Extreme Black Holes

T. Hartman, K. Murata, T. Nishioka, A. Strominger
It is argued that the general four-dimensional extremal Kerr-Newman-AdS-dS black hole is holographically dual to a (chiral half of a) two-dimensional CFT, generalizing an argument given recently for the special case of extremal Kerr. Specifically, the asymptotic symmetries of the near-horizon region of the general extremal black hole are shown to be generated by a Virasoro algebra. Semiclassical formulae are derived for the central charge and temperature of the dual CFT as functions of the cosmological constant, Newton's constant and the black hole charges and spin. We then show, assuming the Cardy formula, that the microscopic entropy of the dual CFT precisely reproduces the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking area law. This CFT description becomes singular in the extreme Reissner-Nordstrom limit where the black hole has no spin. At this point a second dual CFT description is proposed in which the global part of the U(1) gauge symmetry is promoted to a Virasoro algebra. This second description is also found to reproduce the area law. Various further generalizations including higher dimensions are discussed.

On the E10/Massive IIA Correspondence

M. Henneaux, E. Jamsin, A. Kleinschmidt, D. Persson
In this paper we investigate in detail the correspondence between E10 and Romans' massive deformation of type IIA supergravity. We analyse the dynamics of a non-linear sigma model for a spinning particle on the coset space E10/K(E10) and show that it reproduces the dynamics of the bosonic as well as the fermionic sector of the massive IIA theory, within the standard truncation. The mass deformation parameter corresponds to a generator of E10 outside the realm of the generators entering the usual D=11 analysis, and is naturally included without any deformation of the coset model for E10/K(E10). Our analysis thus provides a dynamical unification of the massless and massive versions of type IIA supergravity inside E10. We discuss a number of additional and general features of relevance in the analysis of any deformed supergravity in the correspondence to Kac-Moody algebras, including recently studied deformations where the trombone symmetry is gauged.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Algebraic methods in random matrices and enumerative geometry

B. Eynard, N. Orantin
We review the method of symplectic invariants recently introduced to solve matrix models loop equations, and further extended beyond the context of matrix models. For any given spectral curve, one defined a sequence of differential forms, and a sequence of complex numbers Fg . We recall the definition of the invariants Fg, and we explain their main properties, in particular symplectic invariance, integrability, modularity,... Then, we give several example of applications, in particular matrix models, enumeration of discrete surfaces (maps), algebraic geometry and topological strings, non-intersecting brownian motions,...

M2-Branes and Quiver Chern-Simons: A Taxonomic Study

A. Hanany, Y.-H. He
We initiate a systematic investigation of the space of 2+1 dimensional quiver gauge theories, emphsising a succinct "forward algorithm". Few "order parametres" are introduced such as the number of terms in the superpotential and the number of gauge groups. Starting with two terms in the superpotential, we find a generating function, with interesting geometric interpretation, which counts the number of inequivalent theories for a given number of gauge groups and fields. We demonstratively list these theories for some low numbers thereof. Furthermore, we show how these theories arise from M2-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds by explicitly obtaining the toric data of the vacuum moduli space. By observing equivalences of the vacua between markedly different theories, we see a new emergence of "toric duality".

Friday, November 21, 2008

Coxeter Elements and Root Bases

A. Kirillov Jr., J. Thind
Let g be a Lie algebra of type A,D,E with fixed Cartan subalgebra h, root system R and Weyl group W. We show that a choice of Coxeter element C gives a root basis for g. Moreover we show that this root basis gives a purely combinatorial construction of g, where root vectors correspond to vertices of a certain quiver $Gammahat$, and show that with respect to this basis the structure constants of the Lie bracket are given by paths in $Gammahat$. This construction is then related to the constructions of Ringel and Peng and Xiao.

The Number of Supertraces on the Superalgebra of Observables of Rational Calogero Model based on the Root System

S.E. Konstein, R. Stekolshchik
In the Coxeter group W(R) generated by the root system R, let Q(R) be the number of conjugacy classes having no eigenvalue -1. The superalgebra of observables of the rational Calogero model based on the root system R possesses Q(R) supertraces. The numbers Q(R) are determined for all irreducible root systems (hence for all root systems).

Quantum symmetries and exceptional collections

R.L. Karp
We study the interplay between discrete quantum symmetries at certain points in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications, and the associated identities that the geometric realization of D-brane monodromies must satisfy. We show that in a wide class of examples, both local and compact, the monodromy identities in question always follow from a single mathematical statement. One of the simplest examples is the Z_5 symmetry at the Gepner point of the quintic, and the associated D-brane monodromy identity.

Cascades and Collapses, Great Walls and Forbidden Cities: Infinite Towers of Metastable Vacua in Supersymmetric Field Theories

K.R. Dienes, B. Thomas
In this paper, we present a series of supersymmetric models exhibiting an entirely new vacuum structure: towers of metastable vacua with higher and higher energies. As the number of vacua grows towards infinity, the energy of the highest vacuum remains fixed while the energy of the true ground state tends towards zero. We study the instanton-induced tunneling dynamics associated with such vacuum towers, and find that many distinct decay patterns along the tower are possible: these include not only regions of vacua experiencing direct collapses and/or tumbling cascades, but also other regions of vacua whose stability is protected by ``great walls'' as well as regions of vacua populating ``forbidden cities'' into which tunnelling cannot occur. We also discuss possible applications of this setup for the cosmological-constant problem, for studies of the string landscape, for supersymmetry breaking, and for Z' phenomenology. Finally, we point out that a limiting case of our setup yields theories with yet another new vacuum structure: infinite numbers of degenerate vacua. As a result, the true ground states of such theories are Bloch waves, with energy eigenvalues approximating a continuum and giving rise to a vacuum ``band'' structure.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quantum Criticality and Yang-Mills Gauge Theory

P. Horava
We present a family of nonrelativistic Yang-Mills gauge theories in D+1 dimensions whose free-field limit exhibits quantum critical behavior with gapless excitations and dynamical critical exponent z=2. The ground state wavefunction is intimately related to the partition function of relativistic Yang-Mills in D dimensions. The gauge couplings exhibit logarithmic scaling and asymptotic freedom in the upper critical spacetime dimension, equal to 4+1. The theories can be deformed in the infrared by a relevant operator that restores Poincare invariance as an accidental symmetry. In the large-N limit, our nonrelativistic gauge theories can be expected to have weakly curved gravity duals.

Analyticity of the Free Energy of a Closed 3-Manifold

S. Garoufalidis, T.T.Q. Le, M. Marino
The free energy of a closed 3-manifold is a 2-parameter formal power series which encodes the perturbative Chern-Simons invariant (also known as the LMO invariant) of a closed 3-manifold with gauge group U(N) for arbitrary $N$. We prove that the free energy of an arbitrary closed 3-manifold is uniformly Gevrey-1. As a corollary, it follows that the genus $g$ part of the free energy is convergent in a neighborhood of zero, independent of the genus. Our results follow from an estimate of the LMO invariant, in a particular gauge, and from recent results of Bender-Gao-Richmond on the asymptotics of the number of rooted maps for arbitrary genus. We illustrate our results with an explicit formula for the free energy of a Lens space. In addition, using the Painlev\'e differential equation, we obtain an asymptotic expansion for the number of cubic graphs to all orders, stengthening the results of Bender-Gao-Richmond.

Flavor Hierarchy From F-theory

J.J. Heckman, C. Vafa
It has recently been shown that F-theory based constructions provide a potentially promising avenue for engineering GUT models which descend to the MSSM. In this note we show that with no additional ingredients, these models automatically achieve hierarchical Yukawa matrices in the quark and lepton sectors. At leading order, the existence of a U(1) symmetry which is related to phase rotations of the internal holomorphic coordinates at the brane intersection point leads to rank one Yukawa matrices. Subleading corrections to the internal wave functions from variations in the background gauge field strength generate small violations of this U(1), leading to hierarchical Yukawa structures reminiscent of the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. The expansion parameter for this perturbation is in terms of alpha_(GUT)^(1/2). Moreover, we naturally obtain a hierarchical CKM matrix with V_(12) ~ V_(21) ~ epsilon, V_(23) ~ V_(32) ~ epsilon^2, V_(13) ~ V_(31) ~ epsilon^3, where epsilon ~ alpha_(GUT)^(1/2), in excellent agreement with observation.

Fixing D7 Brane Positions by F-Theory Fluxes

A.P. Braun, A. Hebecker, C. Ludeling, R. Valandro
To do realistic model building in type IIB supergravity, it is important to understand how to fix D7-brane positions by the choice of fluxes. More generally, F-theory model building requires the understanding of how fluxes determine the singularity structure (and hence gauge group and matter content) of the compactification. We analyse this problem in the simple setting of M-theory on K3xK3. Given a certain flux which is consistent with the F-theory limit, we can explicitly derive the positions at which D7 branes or stacks of D7 branes are stabilised. The analysis is based on a parameterization of the moduli space of type IIB string theory on T^2/Z_2 (including D7-brane positions) in terms of the periods of integral cycles of M-theory on K3. This allows us, in particular, to select a specific desired gauge group by the choice of flux numbers.

he Yang-Mills String as the A-Model on the Twistor Space of the Complex Two-Dimensional Projective Space with Fluxes and Wilson Loops: Beta Function

M. Bochicchio
We argue that the string theory dual to a certain sector of the four-dimensional Yang-Mills theory at large-N is the A-model wrapping N D-branes on the twistor space of the complex two-dimensional projective space, with certain fluxes and Wilson loops, by finding that the target space beta function of this A-model coincides with the large-N beta function of the Yang-Mills theory.

Stability structures, motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants and cluster transformations

M. Kontsevich, Y. Soibelman
We define new invariants of 3d Calabi-Yau categories endowed with a stability structure. Intuitively, they count the number of semistable objects with fixed class in the K-theory of the category ("number of BPS states with given charge" in physics language). Formally, our motivic DT-invariants are elements of quantum tori over a version of the Grothendieck ring of varieties over the ground field. Via the quasi-classical limit "as the motive of affine line approaches to 1" we obtain numerical DT-invariants which are closely related to those introduced by Behrend. We study some properties of both motivic and numerical DT-invariants including the wall-crossing formulas and integrality. We discuss the relationship with the mathematical works (in the non-triangulated case) of Joyce, Bridgeland and Toledano-Laredo, as well as with works of physicists on Seiberg-Witten model (string junctions), classification of N=2 supersymmetric theories (Cecotti-Vafa) and structure of the moduli space of vector multiplets. Relating the theory of 3d Calabi-Yau categories with distinguished set of generators (called cluster collection) with the theory of quivers with potential we found the connection with cluster transformations and cluster varieties (both classical and quantum).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Crystal Melting and Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds

H. Ooguri, M. Yamazaki
We construct a statistical model of crystal melting to count BPS bound states of D0 and D2 branes on a single D6 brane wrapping an arbitrary toric Calabi-Yau threefold. The three-dimensional crystalline structure is determined by the quiver diagram and the brane tiling which characterize the low energy effective theory of D branes. The crystal is composed of atoms of different colors, each of which corresponds to a node of the quiver diagram, and the chemical bond is dictated by the arrows of the quiver diagram. BPS states are constructed by removing atoms from the crystal. This generalizes the earlier results on the BPS state counting to an arbitrary non-compact toric Calabi-Yau manifold. We point out that a proper understanding of the relation between the topological string theory and the crystal melting involves the wall crossing in the Donaldson-Thomas theory.

Partition Functions of Matrix Models as the First Special Functions of String Theory. II. Kontsevich Model

A. Alexandrov, A. Mironov, A. Morozov, P .Putrov
In arXiv:hep-th/0310113 we started a program of creating a reference-book on matrix-model tau-functions, the new generation of special functions, which are going to play an important role in string theory calculations. The main focus of that paper was on the one-matrix Hermitian model tau-functions. The present paper is devoted to a direct counterpart for the Kontsevich and Generalized Kontsevich Model (GKM) tau-functions. We mostly focus on calculating resolvents (=loop operator averages) in the Kontsevich model, with a special emphasis on its simplest (Gaussian) phase, where exists a surprising integral formula, and the expressions for the resolvents in the genus zero and one are especially simple (in particular, we generalize the known genus zero result to genus one). We also discuss various features of generic phases of the Kontsevich model, in particular, a counterpart of the unambiguous Gaussian solution in the generic case, the solution called Dijkgraaf-Vafa (DV) solution. Further, we extend the results to the GKM and, in particular, discuss the p-q duality in terms of resolvents and corresponding Riemann surfaces in the example of dualities between (2,3) and (3,2) models.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The N=2 cascade revisited and the enhancon bearings

F. Benini, M. Bertolini, C. Closset, S. Cremonesi
Supergravity backgrounds with varying fluxes generated by fractional branes at non-isolated Calabi-Yau singularities had escaped a precise dual field theory interpretation so far. In the present work, considering the prototypical example of such models, the C*C^2/Z_2 orbifold, we propose a solution for this problem, and show that the known cascading solution corresponds to a vacuum on the Coulomb branch of the corresponding quiver gauge theory involving a sequence of strong coupling transitions reminiscent of the baryonic root of N=2 SQCD. We also find a slight modification of this cascading vacuum which upon mass deformation is expected to flow to the Klebanov-Strassler cascade. Finally, we discuss an infinite class of vacua on the Coulomb branch whose RG flows include infinitely coupled conformal regimes, and explain their gravitational manifestation in terms of new geometric structures that we dub enhancon bearings. Repulson-free backgrounds dual to all the vacua we analyse are explicitly provided.

Non-geometric flux vacua, S-duality and algebraic geometry

A. Guarino, G.J. Weatherill
We relate non-geometric fluxes backgrounds after S-duality with deformations of those found over the T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2) orientifold in the T-dual setup with a non-geometric Q flux turned on. Working in Type IIB with O3/O7-planes, we build upon the results of recent work and show that not only can we solve the Bianchi constraints of a single non-geometric Q flux but they can be extended to include its S-dual P flux. This P flux is implemented as linear deformations of the T-duality invariant gauge subalgebra by an element of its second cohomology class. Algebraic geometry methods are extensively used to solve these constraints and supersymmetric vacua, centering our attention on Minkowski solutions, become systematically computable and are also provided to clarify the methods.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black Hole Partition Function using Hybrid Formalism of Superstrings

B. Chandrasekhar
The hybrid formalism of superstrings on AdS_2xS^2, defined as a sigma model on the coset supermanifold PSU(1,1|2)/U(1)xU(1) with a WZ term, is used to calculate the instanton partition function of IIA superstrings on the euclidean attractor geometry AdS_2xS^2xCY_3. A nilpotent BRST operator is constructed and the sigma model action is shown to be closed. The BRST operator is then used to regularize the divergence over the AdS_2 part and the path integral is shown to result in the topological string partition function.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A theory of generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants. I. An invariant counting stable pairs

D. Joyce, Y. Song
Let X be a Calabi-Yau 3-fold over C. The Donaldson-Thomas invariants of X are integers DT^a(t) which count stable sheaves with Chern character a on X, with respect to a Gieseker stability condition t. They are defined only for Chern characters a for which there are no strictly semistable sheaves on X. They have the good property that they are unchanged under deformations of X. Their behaviour under change of stability condition t was not understood until now.
This is the first of three papers studying a generalization of Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Our generalized invariants \bar{DT}^a(t) are rational numbers, defined for all Chern characters a, and are equal to DT^a(t) if there are no strictly semistable sheaves in class a. They are deformation-invariant, and have a known transformation law under change of stability condition.
This paper studies a different family of invariants PI^a(t') counting "stable pairs" (E,s) on X, where E is a coherent sheaf and s is a section of E(n) for fixed n>>0, and (E,s) satisfies a stability condition t'. Following ideas of Pandharipande and Thomas, we define a symmetric perfect obstruction theory on the moduli spaces of stable pairs. Then by the virtual fundamental class of Behrend and Fantechi, we obtain integer invariants PI^a(t') which are unchanged under deformations of X.
In the third paper we will write the PI^a(t') in terms of our new invariants \bar{DT}^b(t), and then use deformation-invariance of the PI^a(t') to deduce deformation-invariance of the \bar{DT}^b(t).

Monday, November 3, 2008

E10 and Gauged Maximal Supergravity

E.A. Bergshoeff, O. Hohm, A. Kleinschmidt, H. Nicolai, T.A. Nutma, J. Palmkvist
We compare the dynamics of maximal three-dimensional gauged supergravity in appropriate truncations with the equations of motion that follow from a one-dimensional E10/K(E10) coset model at the first few levels. The constant embedding tensor, which describes gauge deformations and also constitutes an M-theoretic degree of freedom beyond eleven-dimensional supergravity, arises naturally as an integration constant of the geodesic model. In a detailed analysis, we find complete agreement at the lowest levels. At higher levels there appear mismatches, as in previous studies. We discuss the origin of these mismatches.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Iwahori-Hecke type algebras associated with the Lie superalgebras A(m,n), B(m,n), C(n) and D(m,n)

H. Yamane
In this paper we give Iwahori-Hecke type algebras H_q(g) associated with the Lie superalgebras g=A(m,n), B(m,n), C(n) and D(m,n). We classify the irreducible representations of H_q(g) for generic q.

Ising vectors in the vertex operator algebra $V_{\Lambda}^+$ associated with the Leech lattice $\Lambda$

C. H. Lam, H. Shimakura
In this article, we study the Ising vectors in the vertex operator algebra $V_\Lambda^+$ associated with the Leech lattice $\Lambda$. The main result is a characterization of the Ising vectors in $V_\Lambda^+$. We show that for any Ising vector $e$ in $V_\Lambda^+$, there is a sublattice $E\cong \sqrt{2}E_8$ of $\Lambda$ such that $e\in V_E^+$. Some properties about their corresponding $\tau$-involutions in the moonshine vertex operator algebra $V^\natural$ are also discussed. We show that there is no Ising vector of $\sigma$-type in $V^\natural$. Moreover, we compute the centralizer $C_{\aut V^\natural}(z, \tau_e)$ for any Ising vector $e\in V_\Lambda^+$, where $z$ is a 2B element in $\aut V^\natural$ which fixes $V_\Lambda^+$. Based on this result, we also obtain an explanation for the 1A case of an observation by Glauberman-Norton (2001), which describes some mysterious relations between the centralizer of $z$ and some 2A elements commuting $z$ in the Monster and the Weyl groups of certain sublattices of the root lattice of type $E_8$ .

Geometric construction of crystal bases for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras

S.-J. Kang, M. Kashiwara, O. Schiffmann
We provide a geometric realization of the crystal $B(\infty)$ for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras in terms of the irreducible components of certain Lagrangian subvarieties in the representation spaces of a quiver.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Chern-Simons theory on L(p,q) lens spaces and Gopakumar-Vafa duality

A. Brini, L. Griguolo, D. Seminara, A. Tanzini
We consider aspects of Chern-Simons theory on L(p,q) lens spaces and its relation with matrix models and topological string theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds, searching for possible new large N dualities via geometric transition for non-SU(2) cyclic quotients of the conifold. To this aim we find, on one hand, some novel matrix integral representations of the SU(N) CS partition function in a generic flat background for the whole L(p,q) family and provide a solution for its large N dynamics; on the other, we perform in full detail the construction of a family of would-be dual closed string backgrounds via conifold geometric transition from T^*L(p,q). We can then explicitly prove that Gopakumar-Vafa duality in a fixed vacuum fails in the case q>1, and briefly discuss how it could be restored in a non-perturbative setting.