Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Supermembrane with Central Charges on a G2 Manifold

A. Belhaj, M.P.G. del Moral, A. Restuccia, A. Segui, J.P. Veiro
We construct the 11D supermembrane with topological central charges induced through an irreducible winding on a G2 manifold realized from the T7/Z2xZ2xZ2 orbifold construction. The hamiltonian H of the theory on a T7 target has a discrete spectrum. Within the discrete symmetries of H associated to large diffeomorphisms, the Z2xZ2xZ2 group of automorphisms of the quaternionic subspaces preserving the octonionic structure is relevant. By performing the corresponding identification on the target space, the supermembrane may be formulated on a G2 manifold, preserving the discretness of the spectrum. The corresponding 4D low energy effective field theory has N=1 supersymmetry.

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