arXiv:0803.3668H. Zheng. We categorify the highest weight integrable representations and their tensor products of a symmetric quantum Kac-Moody algebra. As a byproduct, we obtain a geometric realization of Lusztig's canonical bases of these representations as well as a new positivity result. The main ingredient in the underlying geometric construction is a class of micro-local perverse sheaves on quiver varieties.
arXiv:0803.3999K. Okamura.In this dissertation, we discuss how our understanding of the large-N spectrum of AdS/CFT has been deepened by integrability-based approaches. We begin with a comprehensive review of the integrability of the gauge theory spin-chain and that of the string sigma model. In the light of the AdS/CFT duality, they should be just two ways of describing the same underlying integrability, and it is believed that the unified integrability can be characterised by a set of Bethe ansatz equations which is valid for all values of the 't Hooft coupling. By studying the asymptotic spectrum of the AdS/CFT in the infinite spin/R-charge limit, we first identify the corresponding solitonic counterparts in the context of the AdS/CFT, which are the so-called dyonic giant magnons and the SYM magnon boundstates. Then we show that the S-matrix computed directly from the string solitons scattering precisely reproduces the prediction from the conjecture. We further perform an analyticity test by studying the singularities of the conjectured magnon boundstate S-matrix and checking the physicality conditions. These tests give strong positive supports for the integrability of large-N AdS/CFT as well as the specific form of the conjectured Bethe ansatz equations. Concerning the string theory integrability, we also provide a detailed study of certain classical string solutions on AdS_5 x S^5. These are constructed in such a way they correspond to generic soliton solutions of (Complex) sine/sinh-Gordon equations via the so-called Pohlmeyer reduction procedure. Furthermore, we describe them in terms of algebro-geometric data as finite-gap solutions, giving a complete map of the elliptic string solutions.
arXiv:0803.3766J. Bryan, A. Gholampour.Let G be a polyhedral group, namely a finite subgroup of SO(3). Nakamura's G-Hilbert scheme provides a preferred Calabi-Yau resolution Y of the polyhedral singularity C^3/G. The classical McKay correspondence describes the classical geometry of Y in terms of the representation theory of G. In this paper we describe the quantum geometry of Y in terms of R, an ADE root system associated to G. Namely, we give an explicit formula for the Gromov-Witten partition function of Y as a product over the positive roots of R. In terms of counts of BPS states (Gopakumar-Vafa invariants), our result can be stated as a correspondence: each positive root of R corresponds to one half of a genus zero BPS state. As an application, we use the crepant resolution conjecture to provide a full prediction for the orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of [C^3/G].
arXiv:0803.3984H. Kihara.Itoyama-Tokura type USp matrix model is discussed. Non-Abelian Berry's phases in a T-dualized model of IT model were reconsidered. These phases describe the higher dimensional monopoles; Yang monopole and nine-dimensional monopole. They are described by the connections of the BPST instanton on S^4 and the Tchrakian-GKS instanton on S^8, respectively. As a preparation to understand their effect in original zero-dimensional model, we consider partition function of simplified matrix models. We compute partition functions of SU, SO and USp reduced matrix models. Groups SO and USp appear in low energy effective theories of string against orientifold background. In this evaluation we chose different poles from that of Moore-Nekrasov-Shatashvili and our previous result. The position of poles explain branes' and the orientifold's configurations. There is a brane which is sitting on the orientifold in the SO(2N) model, while in USp(2N) and SO(2N+1) model there are no branes on the orientifold. The grand partition functions of these models are considered. They follow to linear second order ordinary differential equations and their singularities are q=0,\infty. Their solutions can be analytically continued to whole q plane. We show the expectation values of the number N of A and C cases as examples. There is an ambiguity coming from the problem on sign. Grand partition functions with minus sign give effective actions which have cusp singularities.
arXiv:0803.3063A. Várilly-Alvarado, D. Zywina. We construct explicit examples of E_8 lattices occurring in arithmetic for which the natural Galois action is equal to the full group of automorphisms of the lattice, i.e., the Weyl group of E_8. In particular, we give explicit elliptic curves over Q(t) whose Mordell-Weil lattices are isomorphic to E_8 and have maximal Galois action. Our main objects of study are del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 over number fields. The geometric Picard group, considered as a lattice via the negative of the intersection pairing, contains a sublattice isomorphic to E_8. We construct examples of such surfaces for which the action of Galois on the geometric Picard group is maximal.
arXiv:0803.2989E.A. Bergshoeff, O. Hohm, T.A. Nutma.We determine the gauge symmetries of all p-forms in maximal three-dimensional gauged supergravity by requiring invariance of the Lagrangian. It is shown that in a particular ungauged limit these symmetries are in precise correspondence to those predicted by the very-extended Kac-Moody algebra E11. We demonstrate that whereas in the ungauged limit the bosonic gauge algebra closes off-shell, the closure is only on-shell in the full gauged theory. This underlines the importance of dynamics for understanding the Kac-Moody origin of the symmetries of gauged supergravity.
arXiv:0803.2945E.H Saidi, A. Segui.We study the attractor mechanism of dual pairs of black brane bounds in N=2 supergravity in six and seven dimensions. First, we consider the effective potentials of the 6D and 7D black branes as well as their entropies. The contribution coming from the SO(1,1) factor of the moduli spaces M_{6D} and M_{7D} of these theories is carefully analyzed and it is used to motivate the study of the dual black branes bounds; which in turn allow to fix the critical value of the dilaton at horizon. The attractor eqs of the black branes and the bound pairs are derived by combining the criticality conditions of the corresponding effective potentials and the Lagrange multiplier method capturing constraints eqs on the fields moduli.
arXiv:0803.2260A. Iqbal, C. Kozcaz, K. Shabbir. We show that the partition function of the U(1) gauge theory with adjoint hypermultiplet (in the Omega-background), calculated using the refined topological vertex, can be interpreted as the generating function of cylindric plane partitions. The size of the cylinder is given by the mass of adjoint hypermultiplet and the parameters of the Omega-background. We also obtain, using the refined topological vertex, (q,t)identities involving specialization of Schur and Macdonald functions. For each toric Calabi-Yau threefold giving rise to an N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory we obtain a set of these identities which encode the fiber-base duality of the corresponding gauge theories.
arXiv:0803.2692A. Dabholkar, J. Gomes, S. Murthy.For dyons in heterotic string theory compactified on a six-torus, with electric charge vector Q and magnetic charge vector P, the positive integer I = g.c.d.(Q \wedge P) is an invariant of the U-duality group. We propose the microscopic theory for computing the spectrum of all dyons for all values of I, generalizing earlier results that exist only for the simplest case of I=1. Our derivation uses a combination of arguments from duality, 4d-5d lift, and a careful analysis of fermionic zero modes. The resulting degeneracy agrees with the black hole degeneracy for large charges and with the degeneracy of field-theory dyons for small charges. It naturally satisfies several physical requirements including integrality and duality invariance. As a byproduct, we also derive the microscopic (0,4) superconformal field theory relevant for computing the spectrum of five-dimensional Strominger-Vafa black holes in ALE backgrounds and count the resulting degeneracies.
arXiv:0803.2041R. Argurio, G Ferretti, C. Petersson.We show how to construct the general action coupling (multi)instantons to gauge theories arising from branes probing arbitrary toric singularities. We give a general set of rules for how to construct such an action given the knowledge of the superpotential for the gauge theory. The main idea is to obtain the action by higgsing a theory whose instanton dynamics is known, namely an orbifold of N=4 super Yang-Mills. We find that the couplings of the fermionic zero-modes with the holomorphic fields are dictated by the structure of the superpotential describing the toric singularity. We present explicit examples such as the Suspended Pinch Point, the Conifold and the first three del Pezzo's. We perform various checks on these results by further higgsing to smaller orbifolds and present some applications, including both gauge theory and stringy instantons.
arXiv:0803.1827A. Belhaj, M.P.G. del Moral, A. Restuccia, A. Segui, J.P. Veiro.We construct the 11D supermembrane with topological central charges induced through an irreducible winding on a G2 manifold realized from the T7/Z2xZ2xZ2 orbifold construction. The hamiltonian H of the theory on a T7 target has a discrete spectrum. Within the discrete symmetries of H associated to large diffeomorphisms, the Z2xZ2xZ2 group of automorphisms of the quaternionic subspaces preserving the octonionic structure is relevant. By performing the corresponding identification on the target space, the supermembrane may be formulated on a G2 manifold, preserving the discretness of the spectrum. The corresponding 4D low energy effective field theory has N=1 supersymmetry.
arXiv:0803.1667C.C. Ttira, C.D. Fosco, A.P.C. Malbouisson, I. Roditi.We impose the periodicity conditions corresponding to the Matsubara formalism for Thermal Field Theory as constraints in the imaginary time path integral. These constraints are introduced by means of time-independent auxiliary fields which, by integration of the original variables, become dynamical fields in the resulting `dual' representation for the theory. This alternative representation has the appealing property of involving fields which live in one dimension less than the original ones, with a quantum partition function whose integration measure is identical to the one of its classical counterpart, albeit with a different (spatially nonlocal) action.
arXiv:0803.1194F. Denef.These lectures give a detailed introduction to constructing and analyzing string vacua suitable for phenomenological model building, with particular emphasis on F-theory flux vacua. Topics include (1) general challenges and overview of some proposed scenarios, (2) an extensive introduction to F-theory and its relation to M-theory and perturbative IIB string theory, (3) F-theory flux vacua and moduli stabilization scenarios, (4) a practical geometrical toolkit for constructing string vacua from scratch, (5) statistics of flux vacua, and (6) explicit models.
arXiv:0803.1184S. Hellerman, M. Schnabl.We use open string field theory to study the dynamics of unstable branes in the bosonic string theory, in the background of a generic linear dilaton. We find a simple exact solution describing a dynamical interpolation between the perturbative vacuum and the recently discovered nonperturbative tachyon vacuum. In our solution, the open string tachyon increases exponentially along a null direction, after which nonlinearities set in and cause the solution to asymptote to a static state. In particular, the wild oscillations of the open string fields which plague the time-like rolling tachyon solution are entirely absent. Our model thus represents the first example proving that the true tachyon vacuum of open string field theory can be realized as the endpoint of a dynamical transition from the perturbative vacuum.
arXiv:0803.0562P. Gao, B. Pioline. We revisit the holomorphic anomaly equations satisfied by the topological string amplitude from the perspective of the 4D-5D lift, in the context of ``magic'' N=2 supergravity theories. In particular, we interpret the Gopakumar-Vafa relation between 5D black hole degeneracies and the topological string amplitude as the result of a canonical transformation from 4D to 5D charges. Moreover we use the known Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of 5D black holes to constrain the asymptotic behavior of the topological wave function at finite topological coupling but large K\"ahler classes. In the process, some subtleties in the relation between 5D black hole degeneracies and the topological string amplitude are uncovered, but not resolved. Finally we extend these considerations to the putative one-parameter generalization of the topological string amplitude, and identify the canonical transformation as a Weyl reflection inside the 3D duality group.
arXiv:0803.0344M. Unsal, L.G. Yaffe.We examine a double trace deformation of SU(N) Yang-Mills theory which, for large $N$ and large volume, is equivalent to unmodified Yang-Mills theory up to $O(1/N^2)$ corrections. In contrast to the unmodified theory, large $N$ volume independence is valid in the deformed theory down to arbitrarily small volumes. The double trace deformation prevents the spontaneous breaking of center symmetry which would otherwise disrupt large $N$ volume independence in small volumes. For small values of $N$, if the theory is formulated on $\R^3 \times S^1$ with a sufficiently small compactification size $L$, then an analytic treatment of the non-perturbative dynamics of the deformed theory is possible. In this regime, we show that the deformed Yang-Mills theory has a mass gap and exhibits linear confinement. Increasing the circumference $L$ or number of colors $N$ decreases the separation of scales on which the analytic treatment relies. However, there are no order parameters which distinguish the small and large radius regimes. Consequently, for small $N$ the deformed theory provides a novel example of a locally four-dimensional pure gauge theory in which one has analytic control over confinement, while for large $N$ it provides a simple fully reduced model for Yang-Mills theory. The construction is easily generalized to QCD and other QCD-like theories.