Saturday, October 27, 2007

U-Duality and the Compactified Gauss-Bonnet Term

L. Bao, J. Bielecki, M. Cederwall, B.E.W. Nilsson, D. Persson
We present the complete toroidal compactification of the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian from D dimensions to D-n dimensions. Our goal is to investigate the resulting action from the point of view of the "U-duality" symmetry SL(n+1,R) which is present in the tree-level Lagrangian when D-n=3. The analysis builds upon and extends the investigation of the paper [arXiv:0706.1183], by computing in detail the full structure of the compactified Gauss-Bonnet term, including the contribution from the dilaton exponents. We analyze these exponents using the representation theory of the Lie algebra sl(n+1,R) and determine which representation is the relevant one for quadratic curvature corrections. By interpreting the result of the compactification as a leading term in a large volume expansion of an SL(n+1,Z)-invariant action, we conclude that the overall exponential dilaton factor should not be included in the representation structure. As a consequence, all dilaton exponents correspond to weights of sl(n+1,R), which, nevertheless, remain on the positive side of the root lattice.

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