Thursday, September 13, 2007

Azumaya-type noncommutative spaces and morphisms therefrom: Polchinski's D-branes in string theory from Grothendieck's viewpoint

C.-H. Liu, S.-T. Yau
We explain how Polchinski's work on D-branes re-read from a noncommutative version of Grothendieck's equivalence of local geometries and function rings gives rise to an intrinsic prototype definition of D-branes (of B-type) as an Azumaya-type noncommutative space. Several originally open-string induced properties of D-branes can be reproduced solely by this intrinsic definition. We study also the moduli space of D0-branes on a commutative target space in this setup. Some of its features resembles gas of D0-branes in Vafa's work.

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