Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Classification of Higher Order Modular Forms and their Cohomology

D. Sim
We construct bases for the spaces of higher order modular forms of all orders and weights. We also provide a cohomological interpretation of these forms.

Noncommutative del Pezzo surfaces and Calabi-Yau algebras

P. Etingof, V. Ginzburg
The hypersurface in a 3-dimensional vector space with an isolated quasi-homogeneous elliptic singularity of type E_r,r=6,7,8, has a natural Poisson structure. We show that the family of del Pezzo surfaces of the corresponding type E_r provides a semiuniversal Poisson deformation of that Poisson structure. We also construct a deformation-quantization of the coordinate ring of such a del Pezzo surface. To this end, we first deform the polynomial algebra C[x,y,z] to a noncommutative algebra with generators x,y,z and the following 3 relations (where [u,v]_t = uv- [x,y]_t=F_1(z), [y,z]_t=F_2(x), [z,x]_t=F_3(y). This gives a family of Calabi-Yau algebras A(F) parametrized by a complex number t and a triple F=(F_1,F_2,F_3), of polynomials in one variable of specifically chosen degrees. Our quantization of the coordinate ring of a del Pezzo surface is provided by noncommutative algebras of the form A(F)/(g) where (g) stands for the ideal of A(F) generated by a central element g, which generates the center of the algebra A(F) if F is generic enough.

Open-closed moduli spaces and related algebraic structures

E. Harrelson, A.A. Voronov, J. J. Zuniga
We set up a Batalin-Vilkovisky Quantum Master Equation for open-closed string theory and show that the corresponding moduli spaces give rise to a solution, a generating function for their fundamental chains. The equation encodes the topological structure of the compactification of the moduli space of bordered Riemann surfaces. The moduli spaces of bordered J-holomorphic curves are expected to satisfy the same equation, and from this viewpoint, our paper treats the case of the target space equal to a point. We also introduce the notion of a symmetric Open-Closed Topological Conformal Field Theory and study the L_\infty and A_\infty algebraic structures associated to it.

Homotopy nilpotent groups

G. Biedermann, W.G. Dwyer
We study the connection between the Goodwillie tower of the identity and the lower central series of the loop group on connected spaces. We define the simplicial theory of homotopy n-nilpotent groups. This notion interpolates between infinite loop spaces and loop spaces. We prove, that the set-valued algebraic theory obtained by applying $\pi_0$ is the theory of ordinary n-nilpotent groups. Finally we prove, that the Goodwillie tower of a connected space is determined by a homotopy left Kan extension.

Mutations Vs. Seiberg duality

J. Vitória
For a quiver with potential, Derksen, Weyman and Zelevinsky defined a combinatorial transformation - mutations. Mukhopadhyay and Ray, on the other hand, tell us how to compute Seiberg dual quivers for some quivers with potentials through a tilting procedure, thus obtaining derived equivalent algebras. In this text, we compare mutations with the concept of Seiberg duality, concluding that for a certain class of potentials (the good ones) mutations coincide with Seiberg duality, therefore giving derived equivalences.

On the relation of Voevodsky's algebraic cobordism to Quillen's K-theory

I. Panin, K. Pimenov, O. Röndigs
Quillen's algebraic K-theory is reconstructed via Voevodsky's algebraic cobordism. More precisely, for a ground field k the algebraic cobordism P^1-spectrum MGL of Voevodsky is considered as a commutative P^1-ring spectrum. There is a unique ring morphism MGL^{2*,*}(k)--> Z which sends the class [X]_{MGL} of a smooth projective k-variety X to the Euler characteristic of the structure sheaf of X. Our main result states that there is a canonical grade preserving isomorphism of ring cohomology theories MGL^{*,*}(X,U) \tensor_{MGL^{2*,*}(k)} Z --> K^{TT}_{- *}(X,U) = K'_{- *}(X-U)} on the category of smooth k-varieties, where K^{TT}_* is Thomason-Trobaugh K-theory and K'_* is Quillen's K'-theory. In particular, the left hand side is a ring cohomology theory. Moreover both theories are oriented and the isomorphism above respects the orientations. The result is an algebraic version of a theorem due to Conner and Floyd. That theorem reconstructs complex K-theory via complex cobordism.

On representation theory of affine Hecke algebras of type B

V. Miemietz
Ariki's and Grojnowski's approach to the representation theory of affine Hecke algebras of type $A$ is applied to type $B$ with unequal parameters to obtain -- under certain restrictions on the eigenvalues of the lattice operators -- analogous multiplicity-one results and a classification of irreducibles with partial branching rules as in type $A$.

Some properties of group-theoretical categories

S. Gelaki, D. Naidu
We first show that every group-theoretical category is graded by a certain double coset ring. As a consequence, we obtain a necessary and suffi-cient condition for a group-theoretical category to be nilpotent. We then give an explicit description of the simple objects in a group-theoretical category (following V. Ostrik, Module categories over the Drinfeld double of a finite group) and of the group of invertible objects of a group-theoretical category, in group-theoretical terms. Finally, under certain restrictive conditions, we describe the universal grading group of a group-theoretical category.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Intersecting Branes and Free Fermions

R. Dijkgraaf, L. Hollands, P. Sulkowski, C. Vafa
We show that various holomorphic quantities in supersymmetric gauge theories can be conveniently computed by configurations of D4-branes and D6-branes. These D-branes intersect along a Riemann surface that is described by a holomorphic curve in a complex surface. The resulting I-brane carries two-dimensional chiral fermions on its world-volume. This system can be mapped directly to the topological string on a large class of non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds. Inclusion of the string coupling constant corresponds to turning on a constant B-field on the complex surface, which makes this space non-commutative. Including all string loop corrections the free fermion theory is elegantly formulated in terms of holonomic D-modules that replace the classical holomorphic curve in the quantum case.

Geometric Transitions and Dynamical SUSY Breaking

M. Aganagic, C. Beem, S. Kachru
We show that the physics of D-brane theories that exhibit dynamical SUSY breaking due to stringy instanton effects is well captured by geometric transitions, which recast the non-perturbative superpotential as a classical flux superpotential. This allows for simple engineering of Fayet, Polonyi, O'Raifeartaigh, and other canonical models of supersymmetry breaking in which an exponentially small scale of breaking can be understood either as coming from stringy instantons or as arising from the classical dynamics of fluxes.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Non-BPS Attractors in 5d and 6d Extended Supergravity

L. Andrianopoli, S. Ferrara, A. Marrani, M. Trigiante
We connect the attractor equations of a certain class of N=2, d=5 supergravities with their (1,0), d=6 counterparts, by relating the moduli space of non-BPS d=5 black hole/black string attractors to the moduli space of extremal dyonic black string d=6 non-BPS attractors. For d = 5 real special symmetric spaces and for N = 4,6,8 theories, we explicitly compute the flat directions of the black object potential corresponding to vanishing eigenvalues of its Hessian matrix. In the case N = 4, we study the relation to the (2,0), d=6 theory. We finally describe the embedding of the N=2, d=5 magic models in N=8, d=5 supergravity as well as the interconnection among the corresponding charge orbits.

M-Theory Through the Looking Glass: Tachyon Condensation in the E_8 Heterotic String

P. Horava, C.A. Keeler
We study the spacetime decay to nothing in string theory and M-theory. First we recall a nonsupersymmetric version of heterotic M-theory, in which bubbles of nothing -- connecting the two E_8 boundaries by a throat -- are expected to be nucleated. We argue that the fate of this system should be addressed at weak string coupling, where the nonperturbative instanton instability is expected to turn into a perturbative tachyonic one. We identify the unique string theory that could describe this process: The heterotic model with one E_8 gauge group and a singlet tachyon. We then use worldsheet methods to study the tachyon condensation in the NSR formulation of this model, and show that it induces a worldsheet super-Higgs effect. The main theme of our analysis is the possibility of making meaningful alternative gauge choices for worldsheet supersymmetry, in place of the conventional superconformal gauge. We show in a version of unitary gauge how the worldsheet gravitino assimilates the goldstino and becomes dynamical. This picture clarifies recent results of Hellerman and Swanson. We also present analogs of R_\xi gauges, and note the importance of logarithmic CFT in the context of tachyon condensation.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

From matrix models' topological expansion to topological string theories: counting surfaces with algebraic geometry

N. Orantin
The 2-matrix model has been introduced to study Ising model on random surfaces. Since then, the link between matrix models and combinatorics of discrete surfaces has strongly tightened. This manuscript aims to investigate these deep links and extend them beyond the matrix models, following my work's evolution. First, I take care to define properly the hermitian 2 matrix model which gives rise to generating functions of discrete surfaces equipped with a spin structure. Then, I show how to compute all the terms in the topological expansion of any observable by using algebraic geometry tools. They are obtained as differential forms on an algebraic curve associated to the model: the spectral curve. In a second part, I show how to define such differentials on any algebraic curve even if it does not come from a matrix model. I then study their numerous symmetry properties under deformations of the algebraic curve. In particular, I show that these objects coincide with the topological expansion of the observable of a matrix model if the algebraic curve is the spectral curve of this model. Finally, I show that fine tuning the parameters ensure that these objects can be promoted to modular invariants and satisfy the holomorphic anomaly equation of the Kodaira-Spencer theory. This gives a new hint that the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture is correct.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Constraints and the E10 Coset Model

T. Damour, A. Kleinschmidt, H. Nicolai
We continue the study of the one-dimensional E10 coset model (massless spinning particle motion on E10/K(E10) whose dynamics at low levels is known to coincide with the equations of motion of maximal supergravity theories in appropriate truncations. We show that the coset dynamics (truncated at levels less or equal to three) can be consistently restricted by requiring the vanishing of a set of constraints which are in one-to-one correspondence with the canonical constraints of supergravity. Hence, the resulting constrained sigma-model dynamics captures the full (constrained) supergravity dynamics in this truncation. Remarkably, the bosonic constraints are found to be expressible in a Sugawara-like (current x current) form in terms of the conserved E10 Noether current, and transform covariantly under an upper parabolic subgroup E10+ of E10. We discuss the possible implications of this result, and in particular exhibit a tantalising link with the usual affine Sugawara construction in the truncation of E10 to its affine subgroup E9.

Background Independence and the Open Topological String Wavefunction

A. Neitzke, J. Walcher
The open topological string partition function in the background of a D-brane on a Calabi-Yau threefold specifies a state in the Hilbert space associated with the quantization of the underlying special geometry. This statement is a consequence of the extended holomorphic anomaly equation after an appropriate shift of the closed string variables, and can be viewed as the expression of background independence for the open-closed topological string. We also clarify various other aspects of the structure of the extended holomorphic anomaly equation. We conjecture that the collection of all D-branes furnishes a basis of the Hilbert space, and revisit the BPS interpretation of the open topological string wavefunction in this light.

Friday, September 14, 2007

D-branes, KK-theory and duality on noncommutative spaces

J. Brodzki, V. Mathai, J. Rosenberg, R.J. Szabo
We present a new categorical classification framework for D-brane charges on noncommutative manifolds using methods of bivariant K-theory. We describe several applications including an explicit formula for D-brane charge in cyclic cohomology, a refinement of open string T-duality, and a general criterion for cancellation of global worldsheet anomalies.

D-Branes in Topological String Theory

J. Knapp
This thesis is concerned with D-branes in topological string theory, focusing on the description of B-type D-branes in topological Landau-Ginzburg models. Such D-branes are characterized by matrix factorizations of the Landau-Ginzburg superpotential. After reviewing some aspects of topological string theory we give a detailed discussion of matrix factorizations. We discuss methods to calculate the effective superpotential in minimal models, putting emphasis on an algorithm to calculate the effective superpotential via deformations of matrix factorizations. We furthermore perform a non-trivial check of homological mirror symmetry for the torus.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Azumaya-type noncommutative spaces and morphisms therefrom: Polchinski's D-branes in string theory from Grothendieck's viewpoint

C.-H. Liu, S.-T. Yau
We explain how Polchinski's work on D-branes re-read from a noncommutative version of Grothendieck's equivalence of local geometries and function rings gives rise to an intrinsic prototype definition of D-branes (of B-type) as an Azumaya-type noncommutative space. Several originally open-string induced properties of D-branes can be reproduced solely by this intrinsic definition. We study also the moduli space of D0-branes on a commutative target space in this setup. Some of its features resembles gas of D0-branes in Vafa's work.

Heterotic String Compactifications on Half-flat Manifolds II

S. Gurrieri, A. Lukas, A. Micu
In this paper, we continue the analysis of heterotic string compactifications on half-flat mirror manifolds by including the 10-dimensional gauge fields. It is argued, that the heterotic Bianchi identity is solved by a variant of the standard embedding. Then, the resulting gauge group in four dimensions is still E6 despite the fact that the Levi-Civita connection has SO(6) holonomy. We derive the associated four-dimensional effective theories including matter field terms for such compactifications. The results are also extended to more general manifolds with SU(3) structure.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hurwitz numbers, matrix models and enumerative geometry

V. Bouchard, M. Marino
We propose a new, conjectural recursion solution for Hurwitz numbers at all genera. This conjecture is based on recent progress in solving type B topological string theory on the mirrors of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds, which we briefly review to provide some background for our conjecture. We show in particular how this B-model solution, combined with mirror symmetry for the one-leg, framed topological vertex, leads to a recursion relation for Hodge integrals with three Hodge class insertions. Our conjecture in Hurwitz theory follows from this recursion for the framed vertex in the limit of infinite framing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remodeling the B-model

V. Bouchard, A. Klemm, M. Marino, S. Pasquetti
We propose a complete, new formalism to compute unambiguously B-model open and closed amplitudes in local Calabi-Yau geometries, including the mirrors of toric manifolds. The formalism is based on the recursive solution of matrix models recently proposed by Eynard and Orantin. The resulting amplitudes are non-perturbative in both the closed and the open moduli. The formalism can then be used to study stringy phase transitions in the open/closed moduli space. At large radius, this formalism may be seen as a mirror formalism to the topological vertex, but it is also valid in other phases in the moduli space. We develop the formalism in general and provide an extensive number of checks, including a test at the orbifold point of A_p fibrations, where the amplitudes compute the 't Hooft expansion of Wilson loops in lens spaces. We also use our formalism to predict the disk amplitude for the orbifold C^3/Z_3.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Instanton Counting and Matrix Model

T. Tai
We construct an Imbimbo-Mukhi type matrix model, which reproduces exactly the partition function of ${\mathbb{CP}^1}$ topological strings in the small phase space, Nekrasov's instanton counting in ${\cal{N}}=2$ gauge theory and the large $N$ limit of the partition function in 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a sphere. In addition, we propose a dual Stieltjes-Wigert type matrix model, which emerges when all-genus topological string amplitudes on certain simple toric Calabi-Yau manifolds are compared with the Imbimbo-Mukhi type model.

N=2 Supersymmetric Black Attractors in Six and Seven Dimensions

A. Belhaj, L.B. Drissi, E.H. Saidi, A. Segui
Using a quaternionic formulation of the moduli space $\boldsymbol{M}({\small IIA/K3}) $ of 10D type IIA superstring on a generic K3 complex surface with volume $\boldsymbol{V}_{0}$, we study extremal $\mathcal{N}=2$ black attractors in 6D space-time and their uplifting to 7D. For the 6D theory, we exhibit the role played by 6D $\mathcal{N}=1$ hypermultiplets and the $Z^{m}$ central charges isotriplet of the 6D $\mathcal{N}=2$ superalgebra. We construct explicitly the special hyperKahler geometry of $% \boldsymbol{M}({\small IIA/K3}) $ and show that the $SO(4) \times SO(20) $ invariant hyperKahler potential is given by $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_{0}+\mathrm{Tr}[ \ln (1-% \boldsymbol{V}_{0}^{-1}\boldsymbol{S}) ] $ with Kahler leading term $\mathcal{H}_{0}=\mathrm{Tr}[ \ln \boldsymbol{V}_{0}] $ plus an extra term which can be expanded as a power series in $\boldsymbol{V}%_{0}^{-1}$ and the traceless and symmetric 3$\times $3 matrix $\boldsymbol{S} $. We also derive the holomorphic matrix prepotential $\mathcal{G}$ and the flux potential $\mathcal{G}_{BH}$ of the 6D black objects induced by the topology of the RR field strengths $\mathcal{F}_{2}=d\mathcal{A}_{1}$ and $% \mathcal{F}_{4}=d\mathcal{A}_{3}$ on K3 and show that $\mathcal{G}_{BH}$ reads as $Q_{0}+\sum_{m=1}^{3}q^{m}Z^{m}$. Moreover, we reveal that $% Z^{m}=\sum_{I=1}^{20}Q_{I}(\int_{C_{2}^{I}}J^{m}) $ where the isotriplet $J^{m}$ is the hyperKahler 2- form on K3. It is found as well that the uplifting to seven dimensions is quite similar to 4D/5D correspondence for back hole potential considered in arXiv 0707.0964.

A Multitrace Matrix Model from Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory

D. O'Connor, C. Saemann
We present the analytical approach to scalar field theory on the fuzzy sphere which has been developed in arXiv:0706.2493 [hep-th]. This approach is based on considering a perturbative expansion of the kinetic term in the partition function. After truncating this expansion at second order, one arrives at a multitrace matrix model, which allows for an application of the saddle-point method. The results are in agreement with the numerical findings in the literature.

A-D-E Quivers and Baryonic Operators

Y. Tachikawa, F. Yagi
We study baryonic operators of the gauge theory on multiple D3-branes at the tip of the conifold orbifolded by a discrete subgroup Gamma of SU(2). The string theory analysis predicts that the number and the order of the fixed points of Gamma acting on S^2 are directly reflected in the spectrum of baryonic operators on the corresponding quiver gauge theory constructed from two Dynkin diagrams of the corresponding type. We confirm the prediction by developing techniques to enumerate baryonic operators of the quiver gauge theory which includes the gauge groups with different ranks. We also find that the Seiberg dualities act on the baryonic operators in a non-Abelian fashion.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

D-branes in T-fold conformal field theory

S. Kawai, Y. Sugawara
We investigate boundary dynamics of orbifold conformal field theory involving T-duality twists. Such models typically appear in contexts of non-geometric string compactifications that are called monodrofolds or T-folds in recent literature. We use the framework of boundary conformal field theory to analyse the models from a microscopic world-sheet perspective. In these backgrounds there are two kinds of D-branes that are analogous to bulk and fractional branes in standard orbifold models. The bulk D-branes in T-folds allow intuitive geometrical interpretations and are consistent with the classical analysis based on the doubled torus formalism. The fractional branes, on the other hand, are `non-geometric' at any point in the moduli space and their geometric counterparts seem to be missing in the doubled torus analysis. We compute cylinder amplitudes between the bulk and fractional branes, and find that the lightest modes of the open string spectra show intriguing non-linear dependence on the moduli (location of the brane or value of the Wilson line), suggesting that the physics of T-folds, when D-branes are involved, could deviate from geometric backgrounds even at low energies. We also extend our analysis to the models with SU(2) WZW fibre at arbitrary levels.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Nonabelian localization for gauge theory on the fuzzy sphere

H. Steinacker, R.J. Szabo
We apply nonabelian equivariant localization techniques to Yang-Mills theory on the fuzzy sphere to write the partition function entirely as a sum over local contributions from critical points of the action. The contributions of the classical saddle-points are evaluated explicitly, and the partition function of ordinary Yang-Mills theory on the sphere is recovered in the commutative limit.