Saturday, December 25, 2021

Schur Indices of Class S and Quasimodular Forms

arXiv:2112.10715 Christopher Beem, Shlomo S. Razamat, Palash Singh We investigate the unflavoured Schur indices of class S theories of modest rank, and in the case of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory with special unitary gauge group of somewhat more general rank, with an eye towards their modular properties. We find closed form expressions for many of these theories in terms of quasimodular forms of level one or two, with the curious feature that in general they are sums of quasimodular forms of different weights. For type a1 theories, the index can be fixed by taking a simple Ansatz for the family of quasimodular forms appearing in the expansion of this type and demanding that the result be sufficiently regular as q→0. For higher rank cases, an equally simple construction is lacking, but we nevertheless find that these indices can be expressed in terms of mixed-weight quasimodular forms.

The exact Schur index in closed form

arXiv:2112.09705 Yiwen Pan, Wolfger Peelaers The Schur limit of the superconformal index of a four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal field theory encodes rich physical information about the protected spectrum of the theory. For a Lagrangian model, this limit of the index can be computed by a contour integral of a multivariate elliptic function. However, surprisingly, so far it has eluded exact evaluation in closed, analytical form. In this paper we propose an elementary approach to bring to heel a large class of these integrals by exploiting the ellipticity of their integrand. Our results take the form of a finite sum of (products of) the well-studied flavored Eisenstein series. In particular, we derive a compact formula for the fully flavored Schur index of all theories of class S of type a1, we put forward a conjecture for the unflavored Schur indices of all N=4 super Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU(N), and we present closed-form expressions for the index of various other gauge theories of low ranks. We also discuss applications to non-Lagrangian theories, modular properties, and defect indices.

Elliptic Quantum Toroidal Algebra U_{q,t,p}(gl_{1,tor}) and Affine Quiver Gauge Theories

arXiv:2112.09885 Hitoshi Konno, Kazuyuki Oshima We introduce the elliptic quantum toroidal algebra Uq,t,p(gl1,tor). Various representations in the quantum toroidal algebra Uq,t(gl1,tor) are extended to the elliptic case including the level (0,0) representation realized by using the elliptic Ruijsenaars difference operator. Various intertwining operators of Uq,t,p(gl1,tor)-modules w.r.t. the Drinfeld comultiplication are also constructed. We show that Uq,t,p(gl1,tor) gives a realization of the affine quiver W-algebra Wq,t(Gamma(widehatA0)) proposed by Kimura-Pestun. This realization turns out to be useful to derive the Nekrasov instanton partition functions, i.e. the chiy- and elliptic genus, of the 5d and 6d lifts of the 4d calN=2∗ theories and provide a new Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa correspondence.