Monday, September 21, 2020

Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions

arXiv:2009.07236 Kathrin Bringmann, Ken Ono, Ian Wagner We consider the t-hook functions on partitions fa,t:P→C defined by fa,t(λ):=ta−1∑h∈Ht(λ)1ha, where Ht(λ) is the multiset of partition hook numbers that are multiples of t. The Bloch-Okounkov q-brackets ⟨fa,t⟩q include Eichler integrals of the classical Eisenstein series. For even a≥2, we show that these q-brackets are natural pieces of weight 2−a sesquiharmonic and harmonic Maass forms, while for odd a≤−1, we show that they are holomorphic quantum modular forms. We use these results to obtain new formulas of Chowla-Selberg type, and asymptotic expansions involving values of the Riemann zeta-function and Bernoulli numbers. We make use of work of Berndt, Han and Ji, and Zagier.

Topological Strings on XN,M: Conifold Singularities and Degeneration of Mirror Curves

arXiv:2009.07374 Ambreen Ahmed, M.Nouman Muteeb In this paper we study certain degenerations of the mirror curves, associated with Calabi-Yau threefolds XN,M, and the effect of these degenerations on the topological string partition function of XN,M. We show that when the mirror curve degenerates and become the union of the lower genus curves the corresponding partition function factorizes into pieces corresponding to the components of the degenerate mirror curve. Moreoever we show that using degeneration of a generalised mirror curve it is possible to obtain the partition function corresponding to XN,M−1 from XN,M.