Luca Cassia, Rebecca Lodin, Maxim Zabzine
Motivated by the BPS/CFT correspondence, we explore the similarities between the classical β-deformed Hermitean matrix model and the q-deformed matrix models associated to 3d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories on D2×qS1 and S3b by matching parameters of the theories. The novel results that we obtain are the correlators for the models, together with an additional result in the classical case consisting of the W-algebra representation of the generating function. Furthermore, we also obtain surprisingly simple expressions for the expectation values of characters which generalize previously known results.
Naotaka Kubo
It is known that matrix models computing the partition functions of three-dimensional N=4 superconformal Chern-Simons theories described by circular quiver diagrams can be written as the partition functions of ideal Fermi gases when all the nodes have equal ranks. We extend this approach to rank deformed theories. The resulting matrix models factorize into factors depending only on the relative ranks in addition to the Fermi gas factors. We find that this factorization plays a critical role in showing the equality of the partition functions of dual theories related by the Hanany-Witten transition. Furthermore, we show that the inverses of the density matrices of the ideal Fermi gases can be simplified and regarded as quantum curves as in the case without rank deformations. We also comment on four nodes theories using our results.
Jonathan J. Heckman
We consider a class of 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) which have a large N limit and a semi-classical gravity dual description. Using the quiver-like structure of 6D SCFTs we study a subsector of operators protected from large operator mixing. These operators are characterized by degrees of freedom in a one-dimensional spin chain, and the associated states are generically highly entangled. This provides a concrete realization of qubit-like states in a strongly coupled quantum field theory. Renormalization group flows triggered by deformations of 6D UV fixed points translate to specific deformations of these one-dimensional spin chains. We also present a conjectural spin chain Hamiltonian which tracks the evolution of these states as a function of renormalization group flow, and study qubit manipulation in this setting. Similar considerations hold for theories without AdS duals, such as 6D little string theories and 4D SCFTs obtained from compactification of the partial tensor branch theory on aT2.
Tatsuo Honda, Hiroshi Oda, Nobukazu Shimeno
We give the inversion formula and the Plancherel formula for the hypergeometric Fourier transform associated with a root system of type BC, when the multiplicity parameters are not necessarily nonnegative.