Leonardo Santilli, Richard J. Szabo, Miguel Tierz
We revisit the duality between five-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and deformations of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory from a new perspective. We give a unified treatment of supersymmetric gauge theories in three and five dimensions using cohomological localization techniques and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. We survey various known results in a unified framework and provide simplified derivations of localization formulas, as well as various extensions including the case of irregular Seifert fibrations. We describe the reductions to four-dimensional gauge theories, and give an extensive description of the dual two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory when the three-dimensional part of the geometry is a squashed three-sphere, including its extension to non-zero area, and a detailed analysis of the resulting matrix model. The squashing parameter b yields a further deformation of the usual q-deformation of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory, which for rational values b2=p/s yields a new correspondence with Chern-Simons theory on lens spaces L(p,s).
Neil Dummigan, Dan Fretwell
We look at genera of even unimodular lattices of rank 12 over the ring of integers of Q(5–√) and of rank 8 over the ring of integers of Q(3–√), using Kneser neighbours to diagonalise spaces of scalar-valued algebraic modular forms. We conjecture most of the global Arthur parameters, and prove several of them using theta series, in the manner of Ikeda and Yamana. We find instances of congruences for non-parallel weight Hilbert modular forms. Turning to the genus of Hermitian lattices of rank 12 over the Eisenstein integers, even and unimodular over Z, we prove a conjecture of Hentschel, Krieg and Nebe, identifying a certain linear combination of theta series as an Hermitian Ikeda lift, and we prove that another is an Hermitian Miyawaki lift.
Wei Li, Masahito Yamazaki
We find a new infinite class of infinite-dimensional algebras acting on BPS states for non-compact toric Calabi-Yau three-folds. In Type IIA superstring compactification on a toric Calabi-Yau manifold, the D-branes wrapping holomorphic cycles represent the BPS states, and the fixed points of the moduli spaces of BPS states are described by statistical configurations of crystal melting. Our algebras act on molten crystal configurations, hence on the BPS states contributing to the BPS degeneracy. We discuss the truncation of the algebra and its relation with D4-branes. We illustrate our results in many examples, with and without compact 4-cycles.
B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, E. Mukhin, I. Vilkoviskiy
The deformed W algebras of type A have a uniform description in terms of the quantum toroidal gl1 algebra E. We introduce a comodule algebra K over E which gives a uniform construction of basic deformed W currents and screening operators in types B,C,D including twisted and supersymmetric cases. We show that a completion of algebra K contains three commutative subalgebras. In particular, it allows us to obtain a commutative family of integrals of motion associated with affine Dynkin diagrams of all non-exceptional types except D(2)ℓ+1. We also obtain in a uniform way deformed finite and affine Cartan matrices in all classical types together with a number of new examples, and discuss the corresponding screening operators.
Miranda C. N. Cheng, Terry Gannon, Guglielmo Lockhart
The well-known modular property of the torus characters and torus partition functions of (rational) vertex operator algebras (VOAs) and 2d conformal field theories (CFTs) has been an invaluable tool for studying this class of theories. In this work we prove that sphere four-point chiral blocks of rational VOAs are vector-valued modular forms for the groups Γ(2), Γ0(2), or SL2(Z). Moreover, we prove that the four-point correlators, combining the holomorphic and anti-holomorphic chiral blocks, are modular invariant. In particular, in this language the crossing symmetries are simply modular symmetries. This gives the possibility of exploiting the available techniques and knowledge about modular forms to determine or constrain the physically interesting quantities such as chiral blocks and fusion coefficients, which we illustrate with a few examples. We also highlight the existence of a sphere-torus correspondence equating the sphere quantities of certain theories Ts with the torus quantities of another family of theories Tt. A companion paper will delve into more examples and explore more systematically this sphere-torus duality.