Friday, January 31, 2020

Nonlinearity and Topology


A. SaxenaP.G. KevrekidisJ. Cuevas-Maraver

The interplay of nonlinearity and topology results in many novel and emergent properties across a number of physical systems such as chiral magnets, nematic liquid crystals, Bose-Einstein condensates, photonics, high energy physics, etc. It also results in a wide variety of topological defects such as solitons, vortices, skyrmions, merons, hopfions, monopoles to name just a few. Interaction among and collision of these nontrivial defects itself is a topic of great interest. Curvature and underlying geometry also affect the shape, interaction and behavior of these defects. Such properties can be studied using techniques such as, e.g. the Bogomolnyi decomposition. Some applications of this interplay, e.g. in nonreciprocal photonics as well as topological materials such as Dirac and Weyl semimetals, are also elucidated.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Maximally chaotic dynamical systems of Anosov-Kolmogorov


George Savvidy

The maximally chaotic K-systems are dynamical systems which have nonzero Kolmogorov entropy. On the other hand, the hyperbolic dynamical systems that fulfil the Anosov C-condition have exponential instability of phase trajectories, mixing of all orders, countable Lebesgue spectrum and positive Kolmogorov entropy. The C-condition defines a rich class of maximally chaotic systems which span an open set in the space of all dynamical systems. The interest in Anosov-Kolmogorov C-K systems is associated with the attempts to understand the relaxation phenomena, the foundation of the statistical mechanics, the appearance of turbulence in fluid dynamics, the non-linear dynamics of the Yang-Mills field as well as the dynamical properties of gravitating N-body systems and the Black hole thermodynamics. In this respect of special interest are C-K systems that are defined on Reimannian manifolds of negative sectional curvature and on a high-dimensional tori. Here we shall review the classical- and quantum-mechanical properties of maximally chaotic dynamical systems, the application of the C-K theory to the investigation of the Yang-Mills dynamics and gravitational systems as well as their application in the Monte Carlo method.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM


Pietro Benetti GenoliniMasazumi HondaHee-Cheol KimDavid TongCumrun Vafa

We study supersymmetry breaking deformations of the N=1 5d fixed point known as E1, the UV completion of SU(2) super-Yang-Mills. The phases of the non-supersymmetric theory can be characterized by Chern-Simons terms involving background U(1) gauge fields, allowing us to identify a phase transition at strong coupling. We propose that this may signify the emergence of a non-trivial, non-supersymmetric CFT in d=4+1 dimensions.