Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Modular Forms as Classification Invariants of 4D N=2 Heterotic--IIA Dual Vacua


Yuichi EnokiTaizan Watari

We focus on 4D N=2 string vaccua described both by perturbative Heterotic theory and by Type IIA theory; a Calabi--Yau three-fold XIIA in the Type IIA language is assumed to have a regular K3-fibration. It is well-kwown that one can assign a modular form Φ to such a vacum by counting perturbative BPS states in Heterotic theory or collecting Noether--Lefschetz numbers associated with the K3-fibration of XIIA. In this article, we expand the observations and ideas (using gauge threshold correction) in the literature and formulate a modular form Ψ with full generality for the class of vacua above, which can be used along with Φ for the purpose of classification of those vacua. Topological invariants of XIIA can be extracted from Φ and Ψ, and even a pair of diffeomorphic Calabi--Yau's with different Kähler cones may be distinguished by introducing the notion of ``the set of realizable Ψ's''. We illustrated these ideas by simple examples.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Modular Orbits at Higher Genus


Daniel RobbinsThomas Vandermeulen

We extend the modular orbits method of constructing a two-dimensional orbifold conformal field theory to higher genus Riemann surfaces. We find that partition functions on surfaces of arbitrary genus can be constructed by a straightforward generalization of the rules that one would apply to the torus. We demonstrate how one can use these higher genus objects to compute correlation functions and OPE coefficients in the underlying theory. In the case of orbifolds of free bosonic theories by subgroups of continuous symmetries, we can give the explicit results of our procedure for symmetric and asymmetric orbifolds by cyclic groups.

Orbifolds from Modular Orbits


Daniel RobbinsThomas Vandermeulen

Given a two-dimensional conformal field theory with a global symmetry, we propose a method to implement an orbifold construction by taking orbits of the modular group. For the case of cyclic symmetries we find that this approach always seems to be consistent, even in asymmetric orbifold cases where the usual construction does not yield a modular invariant theory; our approach keeps modular invariance manifest but may give a result that is equivalent to the original theory. For the case that the symmetry is a subgroup of a continuous flavor symmetry, we can give explicit constructions of the spectrum, with twisted sectors corresponding to a non-standard group projection on an enlarged twisted sector Hilbert space.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Duality Defect of the Monster CFT


Ying-Hsuan LinShu-Heng Shao

We show that the fermionization of the Monster CFT with respect to Z2A is the tensor product of a free fermion and the Baby Monster CFT. The chiral fermion parity of the free fermion implies that the Monster CFT is self-dual under the Z2A orbifold, i.e. it enjoys the Kramers-Wannier duality. The Kramers-Wannier duality defect extends the Monster group to a larger category of topological defect lines that contains an Ising subcategory. We introduce the defect McKay-Thompson series defined as the Monster partition function twisted by the duality defect, and find that the coefficients can be decomposed into the dimensions of the (projective) irreducible representations of the Baby Monster group. We further prove that the defect McKay-Thompson series is invariant under the genus-zero congruence subgroup 16D0 of PSL(2,Z).