Sergio Cecotti, Chris Gerig, Cumrun Vafa
Using a reformulation of topological N=2 QFT's in M-theory setup, where QFT is realized via M5 branes wrapping co-associative cycles in a G2 manifold constructed from the space of self-dual 2-forms over X4, we show that superconducting vortices are mapped to M2 branes stretched between M5 branes. This setup provides a physical explanation of Taubes' construction of the Seiberg-Witten invariants when X4 is symplectic and the superconducting vortices are realized as pseudo-holomorphic curves. This setup is general enough to realize topological QFT's arising from N=2 QFT's from all Gaiotto theories on arbitrary 4-manifolds.
Giulio Bonelli, Fabrizio Del Monte, Pavlo Gavrylenko, Alessandro Tanzini
We study the relation between class S theories on punctured tori and isomonodromic deformations of flat SL(N) connections on the two dimensional torus with punctures. Turning on the self dual Ω-background corresponds to a deautonomization of the Seiberg-Witten integrable system which implies a specific time dependence in its Hamiltonians. We show that the corresponding τ-function is proportional to the dual gauge theory partition function, the proportionality factor being a non trivial function of the solution of the deautonomized Seiberg-Witten integrable system. This is obtained by mapping the isomonodromic deformation problem to WN free fermion correlators on the torus.
Piero Truini, Alessio Marrani, Michael Rios
We introduce and start investigating the properties of a periodic countably infinite chain of finite-dimensional generalizations of the exceptional Lie algebras: each exceptional Lie algebra (but g2) is part of an infinite family of finite-dimensional algebras, which we name "Magic Star" algebras.