Michael Rios, Alessio Marrani, David Chester
Bars and Sezgin have proposed a super Yang-Mills theory in D=11+3 space-time dimensions with an electric 3-brane that generalizes the 2-brane of M-theory. More recently, the authors found an infinite family of exceptional super Yang-Mills theories in D=(8n+3)+3 via the study of exceptional periodicity (EP). A particularly interesting case occurs in signature D=s+t=27+3, where the superalgebra supports an electric 11-brane and its 15-brane magnetic dual. The worldvolume symmetry of the 11-brane has signature D=11+3 and can reproduce super Yang-Mills theory in D=11+3. Upon reduction to D=26+2, the 11-brane reduces to a 10-brane with 10+2 worldvolume signature. A single time projection gives a 10+1 worldvolume signature and can serve as a model for D=10+1 M-theory as a reduction from the D=26+1 signature of bosonic M-theory. Extending previous results of Dijkgraaf, Verlinde and Verlinde, we also put forward the realization of spinor generators of EP algebras as total cohomologies of (the largest spatially extended) branes which centrally extend the (1,0) superalgebra underlying the corresponding exceptional super Yang-Mills theory.
Ioana Coman, Elli Pomoni, Joerg Teschner
In this paper we investigate the relation between conformal blocks of Liouville CFT and the topological string partition functions of the rank one trinion theory T2. The partition functions exhibit jumps when passing from one chamber in the parameter space to another. Such jumps can be attributed to a change of the integration contour in the free field representation of Liouville conformal blocks. We compare the partition functions of the T2 theories representing trifundamental half hypermultiplets in N=2, d=4field theories to the partition functions associated to bifundamental hypermultiplets. We find that both are related to the same Liouville conformal blocks up to inessential factors. In order to establish this picture we combine and compare results obtained using topological vertex techniques, matrix models and topological recursion. We furthermore check that the partition functions obtained by gluing two T2 vertices can be represented in terms of a four point Liouville conformal block. Our results indicate that the T2 vertex offers a useful starting point for developing an analog of the instanton calculus for SUSY gauge theories with trifundamental hypermultiplets.
Mikhail Bershtein, Roman Gonin
We study certain representations of quantum toroidal gl1 algebra for q=t. We construct explicit bosonization of the Fock modules F(n′,n)u with nontrivial slope n′/n. As a vector space, it is naturally identified with the basic level 1 representation of affine gln. We also study twisted W-algebras of sln acting on these Fock modules.
As an application, we prove the relation on q-deformed conformal blocks which was conjectured in the study of q-deformation of isomonodromy/CFT correspondence.
Jean-Emile Bourgine, Saebyeok Jeong
Quantum toroidal algebras are obtained from quantum affine algebras by a further affinization, and, like the latter, can be used to construct integrable systems. These algebras also describe the symmetries of instanton partition functions for 5D N=1supersymmetric quiver gauge theories. We consider here the gauge theories defined on an orbifold S1×C2/Zp where the action of Zp is determined by two integer parameters (ν1,ν2). The corresponding quantum toroidal algebra is introduced as a deformation of the quantum toroidal algebra of gl(p). We show that it has the structure of a Hopf algebra, and present two representations, called vertical and horizontal, obtained by deforming respectively the Fock representation and Saito's vertex representations of the quantum toroidal algebra of gl(p). We construct the vertex operator intertwining between these two types of representations. This object is identified with a (ν1,ν2)-deformation of the refined topological vertex, allowing us to reconstruct the Nekrasov partition function and the qq-characters of the quiver gauge theories.