Jungwon Lee, Hae-Sang Sun
We formulate a thermodynamical approach to the study of distribution of modular symbols, motivated by the work of Baladi-Vallée. We introduce the modular partitions of continued fractions and observe that the statistics for modular symbols follow from the behavior of modular partitions. We prove the limit Gaussian distribution and residual equidistribution for modular partitions as a vector-valued random variable on the set of rationals whose denominators are up to a fixed positive integer by studying the spectral properties of transfer operator associated to the underlying dynamics. The approach leads to a few applications. We show an average version of conjectures of Mazur-Rubin on statistics for the period integrals of an elliptic newform. We further observe that the equidistribution of mod p values of modular symbols leads to mod p non-vanishing results for special modular L-values twisted by a Dirichlet character.
Kohei Iwaki
We show that a 2-parameter family of τ-functions for the first Painlevé equation can be constructed by the discrete Fourier transform of the topological recursion partition function for a family of elliptic curves. We also perform an exact WKB theoretic computation of the Stokes multipliers of associated isomonodromy system assuming certain conjectures.
Davide Gaiotto, Tadashi Okazaki
We compute supersymmetric indices which count local operators at certain half-BPS interfaces and quarter-BPS junctions of interfaces in four-dimensional N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We use the indices as very stringent tests of a variety of string theory-inspired conjectures about the action of S-duality on such defects.
Giulio Bonelli, Fabrizio Del Monte, Pavlo Gavrylenko, Alessandro Tanzini
In this paper we study the extension of Painlevé/gauge theory correspondence to circular quivers by focusing on the special case of SU(2) N=2∗ theory. We show that the Nekrasov-Okounkov partition function of this gauge theory provides an explicit combinatorial expression and a Fredholm determinant formula for the tau-function describing isomonodromic deformations of SL2flat connections on the one-punctured torus. This is achieved by reformulating the Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to the latter in terms of chiral conformal blocks of a free-fermionic algebra. This viewpoint provides the exact solution of the renormalization group flow of the SU(2) N=2∗ theory on self-dual Ω-background and, in the Seiberg-Witten limit, an elegant relation between the IR and UV gauge couplings.
Ivan Garozzo, Gabriele Lo Monaco, Noppadol Mekareeya
A local SL(2,Z) transformation on the Type IIB brane configuration gives rise to an interesting class of superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold CFTs. Previously it has been proposed that the corresponding quiver theory has a link involving the T(U(N)) theory. In this paper, we generalise the preceding result by studying quivers that contain a T(G) link, where G is self-dual under S-duality. In particular, the cases of G = SO(2N), USp'(2N) and G_2 are examined in detail. We propose the theories that arise from an appropriate insertion of an S-fold into a brane system, in the presence of an orientifold threeplane or an orientifold fiveplane. By analysing the moduli spaces, we test such a proposal against its S-dual configuration using mirror symmetry. The case of G_2 corresponds to a novel class of quivers, whose brane construction is not available. We present several mirror pairs, containing G_2 gauge groups, that have not been discussed before in the literature.