Monday, May 28, 2018

Siegel Paramodular Forms and Sparseness in AdS3/CFT2


Alexandre BelinAlejandra CastroJoao GomesChristoph A. Keller

We discuss the application of Siegel paramodular forms to the counting of polar states in symmetric product orbifold CFTs. We present five special examples and provide exact analytic counting formulas for their polar states. The first example reproduces the known result for type IIB supergravity on AdS3×S3×K3, whereas the other four examples give new counting formulas. Their crucial feature is that the low energy spectrum is very sparse, which suggests the existence of a suitable dual supergravity theory. These examples open a path to novel realizations of AdS3/CFT2.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Refined Topological Branes


Can KozçazShamil ShakirovCumrun VafaWenbin Yan

We study the open refined topological string amplitudes using the refined topological vertex. We determine the refinement of holonomies necessary to describe the boundary conditions of open amplitudes (which in particular satisfy the required integrality properties). We also derive the refined holonomies using the refined Chern-Simons theory.

Toward the construction of the general multi-cut solutions in Chern-Simons Matrix Models


Takeshi MoritaKento Sugiyama

In our previous work arXiv:1704.08675, we pointed out that various multi-cut solutions exist in the Chern-Simons (CS) matrix models at large-N due to a curious structure of the saddle point equations. In the ABJM matrix model, these multi-cut solutions might be regarded as the condensations of the D2-brane instantons. However many of these multi-cut solutions including the ones corresponding to the condensations of the D2-brane instantons were obtained numerically only. In the current work, we propose an ansatz for the multi-cut solutions which may allow us to derive the analytic expressions for all these solutions. As a demonstration, we derive several novel analytic solutions in the pure CS matrix model and the ABJM matrix model. We also develop the argument for the connection to the instantons.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Wilson loops and free energies in 3d N=4 SYM: exact results, exponential asymptotics and duality


Miguel Tierz

We show that U(N) 3d N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories on S3 with Nf massive fundamental hypermultiplets and with a Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term are solvable in terms of generalized Selberg integrals. Finite N expressions for the partition function and Wilson loop in arbitrary representations are given. We obtain explicit analytical expressions for Wilson loops with symmetric, antisymmetric, rectangular and hook representations, in terms of Gamma functions of complex argument. The free energy for orthogonal and symplectic gauge group is also given. The study of asymptotic expansions of the free energy then leads to the emergence of exponentially small contributions for Nf<2N2, which corresponds to bad theories. Duality checks are also explicitly performed and we show how the exponential asymptotics is understood from the point of view of the duality between good and bad theories.