Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Macdonald topological vertices and brane condensates


Omar FodaMasahide Manabe

We show, in a number of simple examples, that Macdonald-type qt-deformations of topological string partition functions are equivalent to topological string partition functions that are without qt-deformations but with brane condensates, and that these brane condensates lead to geometric transitions.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

On Geometric Classification of 5d SCFTs


Patrick JeffersonSheldon KatzHee-Cheol KimCumrun Vafa

We formulate geometric conditions necessary for engineering 5d super-conformal field theories (SCFTs) via M-theory compactification on a local Calabi-Yau 3-fold. Extending the classification of the rank 1 cases, which are realized geometrically as shrinking del Pezzo surfaces embedded in a 3-fold, we propose an exhaustive classification of local 3-folds engineering rank 2 SCFTs in 5d. This systematic classification confirms that all rank 2 SCFTs predicted using gauge theoretic arguments can be realized as consistent theories, with the exception of one family. Moreover we find that all rank 2 SCFTs descend from 6d (1,0) SCFTs compactified on a circle possibly twisted with an automorphism together with holonomies for global symmetries around the Kaluza-Klein circle. These results support our conjecture that every 5d SCFT can be obtained from the circle compactification of some parent 6d (1,0) SCFT.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

E11, Brane Dynamics and Duality Symmetries


Peter West

Following hep-th/0412336 we use the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its vector representation to construct brane dynamics. The brane moves through a spacetime which arises in the non-linear realisation from the vector representation and it contains the usual embedding coordinates as well as the world volume fields. The resulting equations of motion are first order in derivatives and can be thought of as duality relations. Each brane carries the full E11 symmetry and so the Cremmer-Julia duality symmetries. We apply this theory to find the dynamics of the IIA and IIB strings, the M2 and M5 branes, the IIB D3 brane as well as the one and two branes in seven dimensions.