Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Calabi-Yau manifolds and sporadic groups


Andreas BanlakiAbhishek ChowdhuryAbhiram KidambiMaria SchimpfHarald SkarkeTimm Wrase

A few years ago a connection between the elliptic genus of the K3 manifold and the largest Mathieu group M24 was proposed. We study the elliptic genera for Calabi-Yau manifolds of larger dimensions and discuss potential connections between the expansion coefficients of these elliptic genera and sporadic groups. While the Calabi-Yau 3-fold case is rather uninteresting, the elliptic genera of certain Calabi-Yau d-folds for d>3 have expansions that could potentially arise from underlying sporadic symmetry groups. We explore such potential connections by calculating twined elliptic genera for a large number of Calabi-Yau 5-folds that are hypersurfaces in weighted projected spaces, for a toroidal orbifold and two Gepner models.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Entanglement on linked boundaries in Chern-Simons theory with generic gauge groups


Siddharth DwivediVivek Kumar SinghSaswati DharaP. RamadeviYang ZhouLata Kh Joshi

We study the entanglement for a state on linked torus boundaries in 3d Chern-Simons theory with a generic gauge group and present the asymptotic bounds of R\'enyi entropy at two different limits: (i) large Chern-Simons coupling k, and (ii) large rank r of the gauge group. These results show that the R\'enyi entropies cannot diverge faster than lnk and lnr, respectively. We focus on torus links T(2,2n) with topological linking number n. The R\'enyi entropy for these links shows a periodic structure in n and vanishes whenever n=0 (mod p), where the integer p is a function of coupling k and rank r. We highlight that the refined Chern-Simons link invariants can remove such a periodic structure in n.

Friday, November 10, 2017

The Kontsevich-Penner matrix integral, isomonodromic tau functions and open intersection numbers


Marco BertolaGiulio Ruzza

We identify the Kontsevich-Penner matrix integral, for finite size n, with the isomonodromic tau function of a 3×3 rational connection on the Riemann sphere with n Fuchsian singularities placed in correspondence with the eigenvalues of the external field of the matrix integral. By formulating the isomonodromic system in terms of an appropriate Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem, we can pass to the limit n (at a formal level) and identify an isomonodromic system in terms of the Miwa variables, which play the role of times of a KP-like hierarchy. This allows to derive the String and Dilaton equations via a purely Riemann-Hilbert approach. 
The expression of the formal limit of the partition function as an isomonodromic tau function allows us to derive explicit closed formul\ae\ for the correlators of this matrix model in terms of the solution of the Riemann-Hilbert problem with all times set to zero. These correlators have been conjectured to describe the intersection numbers for Riemann surfaces with boundaries, or open intersection numbers.