Friday, October 27, 2017

Exotic branes in Exceptional Field Theory: the SL(5) duality group


Ilya BakhmatovDavid BermanAxel KleinschmidtEdvard MusaevRay Otsuki

We study how exotic branes, i.e. branes whose tensions are proportional to gαs, with α>2, are realised in Exceptional Field Theory (EFT). The generalised torsion of the Weitzenbock connection of the SL(5) EFT which, in the language of gauged supergravity describes the embedding tensor, is shown to classify the exotic branes whose magnetic fluxes can fit into four internal dimensions. By analysing the weight diagrams of the corresponding representations of SL(5) we determine the U-duality orbits relating geometric and non-geometric fluxes. As a further application of the formalism we consider the Kaluza-Klein monopole of 11D supergravity and rotate it into the exotic 53-brane.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A note on mock automorphic forms and the BPS index


Tian An Wong

We show that mock automorphic forms obtained from weak harmonic Maa{\ss} forms give rise to nontrivial (g,K)-cohomology, providing evidence for replacing the `holomorphic' condition with `cohomological' when generalizing to general reductive groups. We note that such a candidate allows for growing Fourier coefficients, in contrast to automorphic forms under the Miatello-Wallach conjecture. The second part of this note surveys the connection with BPS black hole counts as a physical motivation for introducing mock automorphic forms.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sum of interpolated multiple q-zeta values


Zhonghua LiNoriko Wakabayashi

Interpolated multiple q-zeta values are deformation of multiple q-zeta values with one parameter, t, and restore classical multiple zeta values as t=0 and q1. In this paper, we discuss generating functions for sum of interpolated multiple q-zeta values with fixed weight, depth and i-height. The functions are systematically expressed in terms of the basic hypergeometric functions. Compared with the result of Ohno and Zagier, our result includes three generalizations: general height, q-deformation and t-interpolation. As an application, we prove some expected relations for interpolated multiple q-zeta values including sum formulas.