John Ryan Westernacher-Schneider, Luis Lehner
We present measurements of relativistic scaling relations in (2+1)-dimensional conformal fluid turbulence from numerical simulations, in the weakly compressible regime. These relations were analytically derived previously in Westernacher-Schneider, Lehner, Oz (2015) for a relativistic fluid; this work is a continuation of that study, providing further analytical insights together with numerical experiments to test the scaling relations and extract other important features characterizing the turbulent behavior. We first explicitly demonstrate that the non-relativistic limit of the these scaling relations reduce to known results from the statistical theory of incompressible Navier-Stokes turbulence. In the inverse-cascade range, we find the relevant relativistic scaling relation is satisfied to a high degree of accuracy. We observe that the non-relativistic versions of this scaling relation underperform the relativistic one in both an absolute and relative sense, with a progressive degradation as the rms Mach number increases from 0.14 to 0.19. In the direct-cascade range, the two relevant relativistic scaling relations are satisfied with a lower degree of accuracy in a simulation with rms Mach number 0.11. We elucidate the poorer agreement with further simulations of an incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid. Finally, as has been observed in the incompressible Navier-Stokes case, we show that the energy spectrum in the inverse-cascade of the conformal fluid exhibits k−2 scaling rather than the Kolmogorov/Kraichnan expectation of k−5/3, and that it is not necessarily associated with compressive effects. We comment on the implications for a recent calculation of the fractal dimension of a turbulent (3+1)-dimensional AdS black brane.
Marcos Marino, Szabolcs Zakany
It has been recently conjectured that the exact eigenfunctions of quantum mirror curves can be obtained by combining their WKB expansion with the open topological string wavefunction. In this paper we give further evidence for this conjecture. We present closed expressions for the wavefunctions in the so-called maximally supersymmetric case, in various geometries. In the higher genus case, our conjecture provides a solution to the quantum Baxter equation of the corresponding cluster integrable system, and we argue that the quantization conditions of the integrable system follow from imposing appropriate asymptotic conditions on the wavefunction. We also present checks of the conjecture for general values of the Planck constant.
Kazuhiro Sakai
We discuss Jacobi forms that are invariant under the action of the Weyl group of type E_n (n=6,7,8). For n=6,7 we explicitly construct a full set of generators of the algebra of E_n weak Jacobi forms. We first construct n+1 independent E_n Jacobi forms in terms of Jacobi theta functions and modular forms. By using them we obtain Seiberg-Witten curves of type E_6 and E_7 for the E-string theory. The coefficients of each curve are E_n weak Jacobi forms of particular weights and indices specified by the root system, realizing the generators whose existence was shown some time ago by Wirthm\"uller.
Shamit Kachru, Arnav Tripathy
We show that BPS jumping loci -- loci in the moduli space of string compactifications where the number of BPS states jumps in an upper semi-continuous manner -- naturally appear as Fourier coefficients of (vector space-valued) automorphic forms. For the case of T2 compactification, the jumping loci are governed by a modular form studied by Hirzebruch and Zagier, while the jumping loci in K3 compactification appear in a story developed by Oda and Kudla-Millson in arithmetic geometry. We also comment on some curious related automorphy in the physics of black hole attractors and flux vacua.