Takeshi Morita, Kento Sugiyama
We elaborate the Chern-Simons (CS) matrix models at large N. The saddle point equations of these matrix models have a curious structure which cannot be seen in the ordinary one matrix models. Thanks to this structure, an infinite number of multi-cut solutions exist in the CS matrix models. Particularly we exactly derive the two-cut solutions at finite 't\,Hooft coupling in the pure CS matrix model. In the ABJM matrix model, we argue that some of multi-cut solutions might be interpreted as a condensation of the membrane instantons.
Maxime Gabella, Pietro Longhi, Chan Y. Park, Masahito Yamazaki
We define "BPS graphs" on punctured Riemann surfaces associated with AN−1 theories of class S. BPS graphs provide a bridge between two powerful frameworks for studying the spectrum of BPS states: spectral networks and BPS quivers. They arise from degenerate spectral networks at maximal intersections of walls of marginal stability on the Coulomb branch. While the BPS spectrum is ill-defined at such intersections, a BPS graph captures a useful basis of elementary BPS states. The topology of a BPS graph encodes a BPS quiver, even for higher-rank theories and for theories with certain partial punctures. BPS graphs lead to a geometric realization of the combinatorics of Fock-Goncharov N-triangulations and generalize them in several ways.
Cesar Cuenca
We introduce Macdonald characters and use algebraic properties of Macdonald polynomials to study them. As a result, we produce several formulas for Macdonald characters, which are generalizations of those obtained by Gorin-Panova in arXiv:1301.0634 [math.PR], and are expected to provide tools for the study of statistical mechanical models, representation theory and random matrices. As first application of our formulas, we characterize the boundary of the (q,t)−deformation of the Gelfand-Tsetlin graph.
Daniel Persson, Roberto Volpato
We define a very general class of CHL-models associated with any string theory (bosonic or supersymmetric) compactified on an internal CFT C x T^d. We take the orbifold by a pair (g,\delta), where g is a (possibly non-geometric) symmetry of C and \delta is a translation along T^d. We analyze the T-dualities of these models and show that in general they contain Atkin-Lehner type symmetries. This generalizes our previous work on N=4 CHL-models based on heterotic string theory on T^6 or type II on K3 x T^2, as well as the `monstrous' CHL-models based on a compactification of heterotic string theory on the Frenkel-Lepowsky-Meurman CFT V^{\natural}.