Thursday, March 16, 2017

Weight One Jacobi Forms and Umbral Moonshine


Miranda C. N. ChengJohn F. R. DuncanJeffrey A. Harvey

We analyze holomorphic Jacobi forms of weight one with level. One such form plays an important role in umbral moonshine, leading to simplifications of the statements of the umbral moonshine conjectures. We prove that non-zero holomorphic Jacobi forms of weight one do not exist for many combinations of index and level, and use this to establish a characterization of the McKay--Thompson series of umbral moonshine in terms of Rademacher sums.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

6D SCFTs and Phases of 5D Theories


Michele Del ZottoJonathan J. HeckmanDavid R. Morrison

Starting from 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) realized via F-theory, we show how reduction on a circle leads to a uniform perspective on the phase structure of the resulting 5D theories, and their possible conformal fixed points. Using the correspondence between F-theory reduced on a circle and M-theory on the corresponding elliptically fibered Calabi--Yau threefold, we show that each 6D SCFT with minimal supersymmetry directly reduces to a collection of between one and four 5D SCFTs. Additionally, we find that in most cases, reduction of the tensor branch of a 6D SCFT yields a 5D generalization of a quiver gauge theory. These two reductions of the theory often correspond to different phases in the 5D theory which are in general connected by a sequence of flop transitions in the extended Kahler cone of the Calabi--Yau threefold. We also elaborate on the structure of the resulting conformal fixed points, and emergent flavor symmetries, as realized by M-theory on a canonical singularity.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Riemann-Hilbert problems for the resolved conifold


Tom Bridgeland

We study the Riemann-Hilbert problems associated to the Donaldson-Thomas theory of the resolved conifold. We give explicit solutions in terms of the Barnes double and triple sine functions. We show that the corresponding tau function is a non-perturbative partition function, in the sense that its asymptotic expansion coincides with the topological string partition function.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Polynomial solution of quantum Grassmann matrices


Miguel Tierz

We study a model of quantum mechanical fermions with matrix-like index structure (with indices N and L) and quartic interactions, recently introduced by Anninos and Silva. We compute the partition function exactly with q-deformed orthogonal polynomials (Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials), for different values of L and arbitrary N. From the explicit evaluation of the thermal partition function, the energy levels and degeneracies are determined. For a given L, the number of states of different energy is quadratic in N, which implies an exponential degeneracy of the energy levels. We also show that at high-temperature we have a Gaussian matrix model, which implies a symmetry that swaps N and L, together with a Wick rotation of the spectral parameter. In this limit, we also write the partition function, for generic L and N, in terms of a single generalized Hermite polynomial.

Beyond E11


Guillaume BossardAxel KleinschmidtJakob PalmkvistChristopher N. PopeErgin Sezgin

We study the non-linear realisation of E11 originally proposed by West with particular emphasis on the issue of linearised gauge invariance. Our analysis shows even at low levels that the conjectured equations can only be invariant under local gauge transformations if a certain section condition that has appeared in a different context in the E11 literature is satisfied. This section condition also generalises the one known from exceptional field theory. Even with the section condition, the E11 duality equation for gravity is known to miss the trace component of the spin connection. We propose an extended scheme based on an infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra, called the tensor hierarchy algebra, that incorporates the section condition and resolves the above issue. The tensor hierarchy algebra defines a generalised differential complex, which provides a systematic description of gauge invariance and Bianchi identities. It furthermore provides an E11 representation for the field strengths, for which we define a twisted first order self-duality equation underlying the dynamics.