Saturday, February 25, 2017

5d/6d DE instantons from trivalent gluing of web diagrams


Hirotaka HayashiKantaro Ohmori

We propose a new prescription for computing the Nekrasov partition functions of five-dimensional theories with eight supercharges realized by gauging non-perturbative flavor symmetries of three five-dimensional superconformal field theories. The topological vertex formalism gives a way to compute the partition functions of the matter theories with flavor instanton backgrounds, and the gauging is achieved by summing over Young diagrams. We apply the prescription to calculate the Nekrasov partition functions of various five-dimensional gauge theories such as SO(2N) gauge theories with or without hypermultiplets in the vector representation and also pure E6,E7,E8 gauge theories. Furthermore, the technique can be applied to computations of the Nekrasov partition functions of five-dimensional theories which arise from circle compactifications of six-dimensional minimal superconformal field theories characterized by the gauge groups SU(3),SO(8),E6,E7,E8. We exemplify our method by comparing some of the obtained partition functions with known results and find perfect agreement. We also present a prescription of extending the gluing rule to the refined topological vertex.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Little strings on Dn orbifolds


Joonho KimKimyeong Lee

We explore two classes of 6d N=(1,0) little string theories obtained from type IIA/IIB NS5-branes probing Dn singularities. Their tensor branches are described by effective gauge theories whose instanton solitons are macroscopic little strings. We specifically study two families of 2d N=(0,4) gauge theories which describe at low energy the worldsheet dynamics of the type IIA/IIB little strings. These gauge theories are useful to calculate the supersymmetric partition functions of the little string theories on R4×T2. We establish the T-duality of the little string theories by utilizing their BPS spectra as a probe.

Elliptic Genera of 2d (0,2) Gauge Theories from Brane Brick Models


Sebastian FrancoDongwook GhimSangmin LeeRak-Kyeong Seong

We compute the elliptic genus of abelian 2d (0,2) gauge theories corresponding to brane brick models. These theories are worldvolume theories on a single D1-brane probing a toric Calabi-Yau 4-fold singularity. We identify a match with the elliptic genus of the non-linear sigma model on the same Calabi-Yau background, which is computed using a new localization formula. The matching implies that the quantum effects do not drastically alter the correspondence between the geometry and the 2d (0,2) gauge theory. In theories whose matter sector suffers from abelian gauge anomaly, we propose an ansatz for an anomaly cancelling term in the integral formula for the elliptic genus. We provide an example in which two brane brick models related to each other by Gadde-Gukov-Putrov triality give the same elliptic genus.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The hidden symmetry of the heterotic string


Shamit KachruArnav Tripathy

We propose that Borcherds' Fake Monster Lie algebra is a broken symmetry of heterotic string theory compactified on T7×T2. As evidence, we study the fully flavored counting function for BPS instantons contributing to a certain loop amplitude. The result is controlled by Φ12, an automorphic form for O(2,26,Z). The degeneracies it encodes in its Fourier coefficients are graded dimensions of a second-quantized Fock space for this large symmetry algebra. This construction provides a concrete realization of Harvey and Moore's proposed relationship between Generalized Kac-Moody symmetries and supersymmetric string vacua.

Friday, February 3, 2017

2D Seiberg-like dualities with an adjoint matter


Kyoungho ChoHyungchul KimJaemo Park

We consider the analogue of Kutasov-Schwimmer-Seiberg duality for two-dimensional $\CN=(2,2)$ U(k) gauge theory with one adjoint X with the superpotential $\Tr X^{l+1}$and with fundamental and anti-fundamantal chiral multiplets. We give the evidences for the proposed dualities by analytically proving that the elliptic genus of dual pair coincides with each other. For some of the dual pairs flowing to the superconformal field theory, we show the nonperturbative truncation of the chiral ring. For the theory with one adjoint and Nf>k fundamentals, we argue the theory exhibits mass gap.