Yuji Satoh, Yuji Sugawara
We study the world-sheet conformal field theories for T-folds systematically based on the Lie algebra lattices representing the momenta of strings. The fixed point condition required for the T-duality twist restricts the possible Lie algebras. When the T-duality acts as a simple chiral reflection, one is left with the four cases, A1,D2r,E7,E8, among the simple simply-laced algebras. From the corresponding Englert-Neveu lattices, we construct the modular invariant partition functions for the T-fold CFTs in bosonic string theory. Similar construction is possible also by using Euclidean even self-dual lattices. We then apply our formulation to the T-folds in the E8×E8 heterotic string theory. Incorporating non-trivial phases for the T-duality twist, we obtain, as simple examples, a class of modular invariant partition functions parametrized by three integers. Our construction includes the cases which are not reduced to the free fermion construction.
Ofer Aharony, Francesco Benini, Po-Shen Hsin, Nathan Seiberg
In the last few years several dualities were found between the low-energy behaviors of Chern-Simons-matter theories with unitary gauge groups coupled to scalars, and similar theories coupled to fermions. In this paper we generalize those dualities to orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups. In particular, we conjecture dualities between SO(N)k Chern-Simons theories coupled to Nf real scalars in the fundamental representation, and SO(k)−N+Nf/2 coupled to Nf real (Majorana) fermions in the fundamental. For Nf=0 these are just level-rank dualities of pure Chern-Simons theories, whose precise form we clarify. They lead us to propose new gapped boundary states of topological insulators and superconductors. For k=1 we get an interesting low-energy duality between Nf free Majorana fermions and an SO(N)1 Chern-Simons theory coupled to Nf scalar fields (with Nf≤N−2).
Alexandre Belin, Alejandra Castro, Joao Gomes, Christoph A. Keller
We discuss the application of Siegel Modular Forms to Black Hole entropy counting. The role of the Igusa cusp form χ10 in the D1D5P system is well-known, and its transformation properties are what allows precision microstate counting in this case. We implement this counting for other Siegel modular and paramodular forms, and we show that they could serve as candidates for other types of black holes. We investigate the growth of their coefficients, identifying the dominant contributions and the leading logarithmic corrections in various regimes. We also discuss similarities and differences to the behavior of χ10, and possible physical interpretations of such forms both from a microscopic and gravitational point of view.
A. Alexandrov, G. Chapuy, B. Eynard, J. Harnad
This is an overview and summary of results on weighted Hurwitz numbers and topological recursion. The parametric family of hypergeometric τ-functions of Toda type serving as generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers is recalled. In terms of this, the Baker function and its dual, the adapted basis of the space of formal power series in an auxiliary variable, and the recursion operators that relate these basis elements and their duals are derived. The n-pair correlators and multicurrent correlators, which serve as an alternative type of generating function for the weighted Hurwitz numbers, are defined in terms of theτ-function and expressed in terms of these bases. Fermionic VEV representations are provided for all these quantities. The Baker function is shown to satisfy the quantum spectral curve equation whose classical limit is derived and given a rational parametrization. Choosing the weight generating function as a polynomial, and requiring the number of nonzero "second" KP flow parameters in the τ-function to be finite, the recursion relations are "folded" into a finite order covariant derivative equation with rational coefficients. A Christoffel-Darboux type integrable integral kernel is derived and the WKB series coefficients of the associated adjoint system are computed recursively. This leads to the topological recursion relations for the generators of weighted Hurwitz numbers, or equivalently for weighted constellations.
Shlomo S. Razamat, Cumrun Vafa, Gabi Zafrir
We study the geometry of 4d N=1 SCFT's arising from compactification of 6d (1,0) SCFT's on a Riemann surface. We show that the conformal manifold of the resulting theory is characterized, in addition to moduli of complex structure of the Riemann surface, by the choice of a connection for a vector bundle on the surface arising from flavor symmetries in 6d. We exemplify this by considering the case of 4d N=1 SCFT's arising from M5 branes probing Z_k singularity compactified on a Riemann surface. In particular, we study in detail the four dimensional theories arising in the case of two M5 branes on Z_2 singularity. We compute the conformal anomalies and indices of such theories in 4d and find that they are consistent with expectations based on anomaly and the moduli structure derived from the 6 dimensional perspective.