Miranda Cheng, Paul de Lange, Daniel Whalen
Umbral moonshine describes an unexpected relation between 23 finite groups arising from lattice symmetries and special mock modular forms. It includes the Mathieu moonshine as a special case and can itself be viewed as an example of the more general moonshine phenomenon which connects finite groups and distinguished modular objects. In this paper we introduce the notion of generalised umbral moonshine, which includes the generalised Mathieu moonshine as a special case, and provide supporting data for it. A central role is played by the deformed Drinfel'd (or quantum) double of each umbral finite group G, specified by a cohomology class in H3(G,U(1)). We conjecture that in each of the 23 cases there exists a rule to assign an infinite-dimensional module for the deformed Drinfel'd double of the umbral finite group underlying the mock modular forms of umbral moonshine and generalised umbral moonshine. We also discuss the possible origin of the generalised umbral moonshine.
Nathan Haouzi, Christian Schmid
We derive the codimension-two defects of 4d N=4 Super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory from the (2, 0) little string. The origin of the little string is type IIB theory compactified on an ADE singularity. The defects are D-branes wrapping the 2-cycles of the singularity. We use this construction to make contact with the description of SYM defects due to Gukov and Witten [arXiv:hep-th/0612073]. Furthermore, we derive from a geometric perspective the complete nilpotent orbit classification of codimension-two defects, and the connection to ADE-type Toda CFT. The only data needed to specify the defects is a set of weights of the algebra obeying certain constraints, which we give explicitly. We highlight the differences between the defect classification in the little string theory and its (2, 0) CFT limit.
Jim Bryan, Martijn Kool
We compute the Donaldson-Thomas invariants of a local elliptic surface with section. We introduce a new computational technique which is a mixture of motivic and toric methods. This allows us to write the partition function for the invariants in terms of the topological vertex. Utilizing identities for the topological vertex proved in arXiv:1603.05271, we derive product formulas for the partition functions. The connected version of the partition function is written in terms of Jacobi forms. In the special case where the elliptic surface is a K3 surface, we get a new derivation of the Katz-Klemm-Vafa formula.
Nikita Nekrasov
Gieseker-Nakajima moduli spaces Mk(n) parametrize the charge k noncommutative U(n) instantons on R4 and framed rank n torsion free sheaves E on CP2 with ch2(E)=k. They also serve as local models of the moduli spaces of instantons on general four-manifolds. We study the generalization of gauge theory in which the four dimensional spacetime is a stratified space X immersed into a Calabi-Yau fourfold Z. The local model Mk(n→) of the corresponding instanton moduli space is the moduli space of charge k (noncommutative) instantons on origami spacetimes. There, X is modelled on a union of (up to six) coordinate complex planes C2 intersecting in Z modelled on C4. The instantons are shared by the collection of four dimensional gauge theories sewn along two dimensional defect surfaces and defect points. We also define several quiver versions Mγk(n→) of Mk(n→), motivated by the considerations of sewn gauge theories on orbifolds C4/Γ.
The geometry of the spaces Mγk(n→), more specifically the compactness of the set of torus-fixed points, for various tori, underlies the non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger identities recently found to be satisfied by the correlation functions of qq-characters viewed as local gauge invariant operators in the N=2 quiver gauge theories.
The cohomological and K-theoretic operations defined using Mk(n→) and their quiver versions as correspondences provide the geometric counterpart of the qq-characters, line and surface defects.