Shamit Kachru, Natalie M. Paquette, Roberto Volpato
The simplest string theory compactifications to 3D with 16 supercharges -- the heterotic string on T7, and type II strings on K3×T3 -- are related by U-duality, and share a moduli space of vacua parametrized by O(8,24;Z)∖O(8,24)/(O(8)×O(24)). One can think of this as the moduli space of even, self-dual 32-dimensional lattices with signature (8,24). At 24 special points in moduli space, the lattice splits as Γ8,0⊕Γ0,24. Γ0,24 can be the Leech lattice or any of 23 Niemeier lattices, while Γ8,0 is the E8 root lattice. We show that starting from this observation, one can find a precise connection between the Umbral groups and type IIA string theory on K3. This provides a natural physical starting point for understanding Mathieu and Umbral moonshine. The maximal unbroken subgroups of Umbral groups in 6D (or any other limit) are those obtained by starting at the associated Niemeier point and moving in moduli space while preserving the largest possible subgroup of the Umbral group. To illustrate the action of these symmetries on BPS states, we discuss the computation of certain protected four-derivative terms in the effective field theory, and recover facts about the spectrum and symmetry representations of 1/2-BPS states.
Zhonghua Li, Chen Qin
Using the combinatorial description of shuffle product, we prove or reformulate several shuffle product formulas of multiple zeta values, including a general formula of the shuffle product of two multiple zeta values, some restricted shuffle product formulas of the product of two multiple zeta values, and a restricted shuffle product formula of the product of n multiple zeta values.
Tohru Eguchi, Yuji Sugawara
We consider the N=4 Liouville theory by varying the linear dilaton coupling constant Q. It is known that at two different values of coupling constant Q=2N−−√,−(N−1)2N−−√ system exhibits two different small N=4 superconformal symmetries with central charge c=6 and c=6(N−1), respectively. In the context of string theory these two theories are considered to describe Coulumb and Higgs branch of the theory and expected to be dual to each other. We study the Mathieu and umbral moonshine phenomena in these two theories and discuss their dual description. We mainly consider the case of AN type modular invariants.
Nava Gaddam
I show how elliptic genera for various Calabi-Yau threefolds may be understood from supergravity localization using the quantization of the phase space of certain multi-center configurations. I present a simple procedure that allows for the enumeration of all multi-center configurations contributing to the polar sector of the elliptic genera\textemdash explicitly verifying this in the cases of the quintic in P4, the sextic in WP(2,1,1,1,1), the octic in WP(4,1,1,1,1) and the dectic in WP(5,2,1,1,1). With an input of the corresponding `single-center' indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants), the polar terms have been known to determine the elliptic genera completely. I argue that this multi-center approach to the low-lying spectrum of the elliptic genera is a stepping stone towards an understanding of the exact microscopic states that contribute to supersymmetric single center black hole entropy in N=2supergravity.