Saturday, February 27, 2016

(p,q)-deformed Virasoro-Witt n-algebra


Xiao-Yu JiaLu DingZhao-Wen YanShi-Kun Wang

n-ary algebras have played important roles in mathematics and mathematical physics. The purpose of this paper is to construct a deformation of Virasoro-Witt n-algebra based on an oscillator realization with two independent parameters (p, q) and investigate its n-Lie subalgebra.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Computing Jacobi Forms


Nathan C. RyanNicolás SirolliNils-Peter SkoruppaGonzalo Tornaría

We describe an implementation for computing holomorphic and skew-holomorphic Jacobi forms of integral weight and scalar index on the full modular group. This implementation is based on formulas derived by one of the authors which express Jacobi forms in terms of modular symbols of elliptic modular forms. Since this method allows to generate a Jacobi eigenform directly from a given modular eigensymbol without reference to the whole ambient space of Jacobi forms it makes it possible to compute Jacobi Hecke eigenforms of large index. We illustrate our method with several examples.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fivebranes and 3-manifold homology


Sergei GukovPavel PutrovCumrun Vafa

Motivated by physical constructions of homological knot invariants, we study their analogs for closed 3-manifolds. We show that fivebrane compactifications provide a universal description of various old and new homological invariants of 3-manifolds. In terms of 3d/3d correspondence, such invariants are given by the Q-cohomology of the Hilbert space of partially topologically twisted 3d N=2 theory T[M_3] on a Riemann surface with defects. We demonstrate this by concrete and explicit calculations in the case of monopole/Heegaard Floer homology and a 3-manifold analog of Khovanov-Rozansky link homology. The latter gives a categorification of Chern-Simons partition function. Some of the new key elements include the explicit form of the S-transform and a novel connection between categorification and a previously mysterious role of Eichler integrals in Chern-Simons theory.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Higher spin representations of K(E10)


Axel KleinschmidtHermann Nicolai

We review the recently constructed non-trivial fermionic representations of the infinite-dimensional subalgebra K(E10) of the hyperbolic Kac--Moody algebra E10. These representations are all unfaithful (and more specifically, of finite dimension). In addition we present their decompositions under the various finite-dimensional subgroups associated with some maximal supergravities in dimensions D<=11, and the projectors for `spin-7/2' which have not been given before. Those representations that have not been derived from supergravity still have to find a role and a proper physical interpretation in the conjectured correspondence between E10 and M-theory. Nevertheless, they provide novel mathematical structures that could shed some light on fundamental questions in supergravity and on the possible role of K(E10) as an `R-symmetry' of M-theory, and perhaps also on the algebra E10 itself.