Thursday, January 28, 2016

Working with Nonassociative Geometry and Field Theory


Gwendolyn E. BarnesAlexander SchenkelRichard J. Szabo

We review aspects of our formalism for differential geometry on noncommutative and nonassociative spaces which arise from cochain twist deformation quantization of manifolds. We work in the simplest setting of trivial vector bundles and flush out the details of our approach providing explicit expressions for all bimodule operations, and for connections and curvature. As applications, we describe the constructions of physically viable action functionals for Yang-Mills theory and Einstein-Cartan gravity on noncommutative and nonassociative spaces, as first steps towards more elaborate models relevant to non-geometric flux deformations of geometry in closed string theory.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Monstrous BPS-Algebras and the Superstring Origin of Moonshine


Natalie M. PaquetteDaniel PerssonRoberto Volpato

We provide a physics derivation of Monstrous moonshine. We show that the McKay-Thompson series TggM, can be interpreted as supersymmetric indices counting spacetime BPS-states in certain heterotic string models. The invariance groups of these series arise naturally as spacetime T-duality groups and their genus zero property descends from the behaviour of these heterotic models in suitable decompactification limits. We also show that the space of BPS-states forms a module for the Monstrous Lie algebras mg, constructed by Borcherds and Carnahan. We argue that mg arise in the heterotic models as algebras of spontaneously broken gauge symmetries, whose generators are in exact correspondence with BPS-states. This gives mg an interpretation as a kind of BPS-algebra.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Vertical D4-D2-D0 bound states on K3 fibrations and modularity


Vincent BouchardThomas CreutzigDuiliu-Emanuel DiaconescuCharles DoranCallum QuigleyArtan Sheshmani

An explicit formula is derived for the generating function of vertical D4-D2-D0 bound states on smooth K3 fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds, generalizing previous results of Gholampour and Sheshmani. It is also shown that this formula satisfies strong modularity properties, as predicted by string theory. This leads to a new construction of vector valued modular forms which exhibits some of the features of a generalized Hecke transform.

Quiver Theories for Moduli Spaces of Classical Group Nilpotent Orbits


Amihay HananyRudolph Kalveks

We approach the topic of Classical group nilpotent orbits from the perspective of their moduli spaces, described in terms of Hilbert series and generating functions. We review the established Higgs and Coulomb branch quiver theory constructions for A series nilpotent orbits. We present systematic constructions for BCD series nilpotent orbits on the Higgs branches of quiver theories defined by canonical partitions; this paper collects earlier work into a systematic framework, filling in gaps and providing a complete treatment. We find new Coulomb branch constructions for above minimal nilpotent orbits, including some based upon twisted affine Dynkin diagrams. We also discuss aspects of 3d mirror symmetry between these Higgs and Coulomb branch constructions and explore dualities and other relationships, such as HyperKahler quotients, between quivers. We analyse all Classical group nilpotent orbit moduli spaces up to rank 4 by giving their unrefined Hilbert series and the Highest Weight Generating functions for their decompositions into characters of irreducible representations and/or Hall Littlewood polynomials.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Cohomological Donaldson-Thomas theory of a quiver with potential and quantum enveloping algebras


Ben DavisonSven Meinhardt

This paper is a companion paper to 1512.08898, on the general definition of Donaldson--Thomas invariants for Jacobi algebras, or equivalently, the integrality conjecture for such algebras. In this paper we concentrate on the Hodge-theoretic aspects of the theory, and explore the structure of the Cohomological Hall algebra associated to a quiver and potential, introduced by Kontsevich and Soibelman. Via a study of the representation theory of these algebras, we introduce a perverse filtration on them, and prove that they are quantum enveloping algebras, for which the integrality theorem, and the wall crossing theorem relating DT invariants for different Bridgeland stability conditions, are a K-theoretic shadow of the existence of PBW bases.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Homomorphisms between different quantum toroidal and affine Yangian algebras


Alexander TsymbaliukMikhail Bershtein

This paper concerns the relation between the quantum toroidal algebras and the affine Yangians of sln, denoted by U(n)q1,q2,q3and Y(n)h1,h2,h3, respectively. Our motivation arises from the milestone work of Gautam and Toledano Laredo, where a similar relation between the quantum loop algebra Uq(Lg) and the Yangian Yh(g) has been established by constructing an isomorphism of C[[]]-algebras Φ:Uˆexp()(Lg)Yˆ(g) (with  ˆ  standing for the appropriate completions). These two completions model the behavior of the algebras in the formal neighborhood of h=0. The same construction can be applied to the toroidal setting with qi=exp(i) for i=1,2,3
In the current paper, we are interested in the more general relation: q1=ωmneh1/m,q2=eh2/m,q3=ω1mneh3/m, where m,nN and ωmn is an mnth root of 1. For any such choice of m,n,ωmn and the corresponding values q1,q2,q3, we construct a homomorphism Φωmnm,n from the completion of the formal version of U(m)q1,q2,q3 to the completion of the formal version of Y(mn)h1/mn,h2/mn,h3/mn. We also construct homomorphisms Ψω,ωm,n between the completions of the formal versions of U(m)q1,q2,q3with different parameters m and ωmn.