We give some remarks on exact quantization conditions associated with quantized mirror curves of local Calabi-Yau threefolds, conjectured in arXiv:1410.3382. It is shown that they characterize a non-perturbative completion of the refined topological strings in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit. We find that the quantization conditions enjoy an exact S-dual invariance. We also discuss Borel summability of the semi-classical spectrum.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
On Orbifold Theory
Let V be a simple vertex operator algebra and G a finite automorphism group of V such that V^G is regular. It is proved that every irreducible V^G-module occurs in an irreducible g-twisted V-module for some g in G. Moreover, the quantum dimensions of each irreducible V^G-module are determined and a global dimension formula for V in terms of twisted modules is obtained.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Spectral Theory and Mirror Curves of Higher Genus
Recently, a correspondence has been proposed between spectral theory and topological strings on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this paper we develop in detail this correspondence for mirror curves of higher genus, which display many new features as compared to the genus one case studied so far. Given a curve of genus g, our quantization scheme leads to g different trace class operators. Their spectral properties are encoded in a generalized spectral determinant, which is an entire function on the Calabi-Yau moduli space. We conjecture an exact expression for this spectral determinant in terms of the standard and refined topological string amplitudes. This conjecture provides a non-perturbative definition of the topological string on these geometries, in which the genus expansion emerges in a suitable 't Hooft limit of the spectral traces of the operators. In contrast to what happens in quantum integrable systems, our quantization scheme leads to a single quantization condition, which is elegantly encoded by the vanishing of a quantum-deformed theta function on the mirror curve. We illustrate our general theory by analyzing in detail the resolved C3/Z5 orbifold, which is the simplest toric Calabi-Yau manifold with a genus two mirror curve. By applying our conjecture to this example, we find new quantization conditions for quantum mechanical operators, in terms of genus two theta functions, as well as new number-theoretic properties for the periods of this Calabi-Yau.
Higher S-dualities and Shephard-Todd groups
S. Cecotti, M.D. Zotto
Seiberg and Witten have shown that in N=2 SQCD withNf=2Nc=4 the S-duality group PSL(2,Z) acts on the flavor charges, which are weights of Spin(8), by triality. There are other N=2 SCFTs in which SU(2) SYM is coupled to strongly-interacting non-Lagrangian matter: their matter charges are weights of E6 , E7 and E8 instead of Spin(8). The S-duality group PSL(2,Z) acts on these weights: what replaces Spin(8) triality for the E6,E7,E8 root lattices?
In this paper we answer the question. The action on the matter charges of (a finite central extension of) PSL(2,Z) factorizes trough the action of the exceptional Shephard--Todd groupsG4 and G8 which should be seen as complex analogs of the usual triality group S3≃Weyl(A2) .
Our analysis is based on the identification of S-duality for SU(2) gauge SCFTs with the group of automorphisms of the cluster category of weighted projective lines of tubular type.
S. Cecotti, M.D. Zotto
Seiberg and Witten have shown that in N=2 SQCD with
In this paper we answer the question. The action on the matter charges of (a finite central extension of) PSL(2,Z) factorizes trough the action of the exceptional Shephard--Todd groups
Our analysis is based on the identification of S-duality for SU(2) gauge SCFTs with the group of automorphisms of the cluster category of weighted projective lines of tubular type.
Exact Instanton Expansion of ABJM Partition Function
We review recent progress in determining the partition function of the ABJM theory in the large N expansion, including all of the perturbative and non-perturbative corrections. Especially, we will focus on how these exact expansions are obtained from various beautiful relations to Fermi gas system, topological string theory, integrable model and supergroup.
Friday, July 3, 2015
N=2 gauge theories, instanton moduli spaces and geometric representation theory
We survey some of the AGT relations between N=2 gauge theories in four dimensions and geometric representations of symmetry algebras of two-dimensional conformal field theory on the equivariant cohomology of their instanton moduli spaces. We treat the cases of gauge theories on both flat space and ALE spaces in some detail, and with emphasis on the implications arising from embedding them into supersymmetric theories in six dimensions. Along the way we construct new toric noncommutative ALE spaces using the general theory of complex algebraic deformations of toric varieties, and indicate how to generalise the construction of instanton moduli spaces. We also compute the equivariant partition functions of topologically twisted six-dimensional Yang-Mills theory with maximal supersymmetry in a general Omega-background, and use the construction to obtain novel reductions to theories in four dimensions.
Quantum spectral curve for (q,t)-matrix model
We derive quantum spectral curve equation for (q,t)-matrix model, which turns out to be a certain difference equation. We show that in Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit this equation reproduces the Baxter TQ equation for the quantum XXZ spin chain. This chain is spectral dual to the Seiberg-Witten integrable system associated with the AGT dual gauge theory.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Exact solutions to quantum spectral curves by topological string theory
J. Gu, A. Klemm, M. Marino, J. Reuter
We generalize the conjectured connection between quantum spectral problems and topological strings to many local almost del Pezzo surfaces with arbitrary mass parameters. The conjecture uses perturbative information of the topological string in the unrefined and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit to solve non-perturbatively the quantum spectral problem. We consider the quantum spectral curves for the local almost del Pezzo surfaces ofF2 , F1 , the blowup of P2 in two points and a mass deformation of the E8 del Pezzo corresponding to different deformations of the three-term operators O1,1 , O1,2 and O2,3 . To check the conjecture, we compare the predictions for the spectrum of these operators with numerical results for the eigenvalues. We also compute the first few fermionic spectral traces from the conjectural spectral determinant, and we compare them to analytic and numerical results in spectral theory. In all these comparisons, we find that the conjecture is fully validated with high numerical precision. For local F2 we expand the spectral determinant around the orbifold point and find intriguing relations for Jacobi theta functions. We also give an explicit map between the geometries of F0 and F2 as well as a systematic way to derive the operators Om,n from toric geometries.
J. Gu, A. Klemm, M. Marino, J. Reuter
We generalize the conjectured connection between quantum spectral problems and topological strings to many local almost del Pezzo surfaces with arbitrary mass parameters. The conjecture uses perturbative information of the topological string in the unrefined and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit to solve non-perturbatively the quantum spectral problem. We consider the quantum spectral curves for the local almost del Pezzo surfaces of
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