Friday, May 29, 2015

Sporadic and Exceptional


Y.-H. HeJ. McKay

We study the web of correspondences linking the exceptional Lie algebras E8,7,6 and the sporadic simple groups Monster, Baby and the largest Fischer group. This is done via the investigation of classical enumerative problems on del Pezzo surfaces in relation to the cusps of certain subgroups of PSL(2,R) for the relevant McKay-Thompson series in Generalized Moonshine. We also study Conway's sporadic group, as well as its association with the Horrocks-Mumford bundle.

Monday, May 25, 2015

On the Superconformal Index of Argyres-Douglas Theories

We conjecture a closed-form expression for the Schur limit of the superconformal index of two infinite series of Argyres-Douglas (AD) superconformal field theories (SCFTs): the (A_1,A_{2n-3}) and the (A_1,D_{2n}) theories. While these SCFTs can be realized at special points on the Coulomb branch of certain N=2 gauge theories, their superconformal R symmetries are emergent, and hence their indices cannot be evaluated by localization. Instead, we construct the (A_1, A_{2n-3}) and (A_1, D_{2n}) indices by using a relation to two-dimensional q-deformed Yang-Mills theory and data from the class S construction. Our results generalize the indices derived from the torus partition functions of the two-dimensional chiral algebras associated with the (A_1, A_3) and (A_1, D_4) SCFTs. As checks of our conjectures, we study the consistency of our results with an S-duality recently discussed by us in collaboration with Giacomelli and Papageorgakis, we reproduce known Higgs branch relations, we check consistency with a series of renormalization group flows, and we verify that the small S^1 limits of our indices reproduce expected Cardy-like behavior. We will discuss the S^1 reduction of our indices in a separate paper.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mathematical structures behind supersymmetric dualities

The purpose of these notes is to give a short survey of an interesting connection between partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories and hypergeometric functions and to present the recent progress in this direction.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Matrix models from operators and topological strings, 2

The quantization of mirror curves to toric Calabi--Yau threefolds leads to trace class operators, and it has been conjectured that the spectral properties of these operators provide a non-perturbative realization of topological string theory on these backgrounds. In this paper, we find an explicit form for the integral kernel of the trace class operator in the case of local P1xP1, in terms of Faddeev's quantum dilogarithm. The matrix model associated to this integral kernel is an O(2) model, which generalizes the ABJ(M) matrix model. We find its exact planar limit, and we provide detailed evidence that its 1/N expansion captures the all genus topological string free energy on local P1xP1.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Exceptional knot homology

The goal of this article is twofold. First, we find a natural home for the double affine Hecke algebras (DAHA) in the physics of BPS states. Second, we introduce new invariants of torus knots and links called "hyperpolynomials" that address the "problem of negative coefficients" often encountered in DAHA-based approaches to homological invariants of torus knots and links. Furthermore, from the physics of BPS states and the spectra of singularities associated with Landau-Ginzburg potentials, we also describe a rich structure of differentials that act on homological knot invariants for exceptional groups and uniquely determine the latter for torus knots.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Geometric Engineering, Mirror Symmetry and 6d (1,0) -> 4d, N=2

We study compactification of 6 dimensional (1,0) theories on T^2. We use geometric engineering of these theories via F-theory and employ mirror symmetry technology to solve for the effective 4d N=2 geometry for a large number of the (1,0) theories including those associated with conformal matter. Using this we show that for a given 6d theory we can obtain many inequivalent 4d N=2 SCFTs. Some of these respect the global symmetries of the 6d theory while others exhibit SL(2,Z) duality symmetry inherited from global diffeomorphisms of the T^2. This construction also explains the 6d origin of moduli space of 4d affine ADE quiver theories as flat ADE connections on T^2. Among the resulting 4d N=2 CFTs we find theories whose vacuum geometry is captured by an LG theory (as opposed to a curve or a local CY geometry). We obtain arbitrary genus curves of class S with punctures from toroidal compactification of (1,0) SCFT's where the curve of the class S theory emerges through mirror symmetry. We also show that toroidal compactification of the little string version of these theories can lead to class S theories with no punctures on arbitrary genus Riemann surface.

Traces of Singular Moduli and Moonshine for the Thompson Group

We describe a relationship between the representation theory of the Thompson sporadic group and a weakly holomorphic modular form of weight one-half that appears in work of Borcherds and Zagier on Borcherds products and traces of singular moduli. We conjecture the existence of an infinite dimensional graded module for the Thompson group and provide evidence for our conjecture by constructing McKay--Thompson series for each conjugacy class of the Thompson group that coincide with weight one-half modular forms of higher level. We also observe a discriminant property in this moonshine for the Thompson group that is closely related to the discriminant property conjectured to exist in Umbral Moonshine.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fricke S-duality in CHL models


D. PerssonR. Volpato

We consider four dimensional CHL models with sixteen spacetime supersymmetries obtained from orbifolds of type IIA superstring on K3x T^2 by a Z_N symmetry acting (possibly) non-geometrically on K3. We show that most of these models (in particular, for geometric symmetries) are self-dual under a weak-strong duality acting on the heterotic axio-dilaton modulus S by a "Fricke involution" S1/NS. This is a novel symmetry of CHL models that lies outside of the standard SL(2,Z)-symmetry of the parent theory, heterotic strings on T^6. For self-dual models this implies that the lattice of purely electric charges is N-modular, i.e. isometric to its dual up to a rescaling of its quadratic form by N. We verify this prediction by determining the lattices of electric and magnetic charges in all relevant examples. We also calculate certain BPS-saturated couplings and verify that they are invariant under the Fricke S-duality. For CHL models that are not self-dual, the strong coupling limit is dual to type IIA compactified on T^6/Z_N, for some Z_N-symmetry preserving half of the spacetime supersymmetries.

Multispecies weighted Hurwitz numbers


J. Harnad

The construction of hypergeometric 2D Toda τ-functions as generating functions for weighted Hurwitz numbers is extended to multispecies families. Both the enumerative geometrical significance of multispecies weighted Hurwitz numbers as weighted enumerations of branched coverings of the Riemann sphere and their combinatorial significance in terms of weighted paths in the Cayley graph of Sn are derived. The particular case of multispecies quantum weighted Hurwitz numbers is studied in detail.