Thursday, January 29, 2015

Real weights, bound states and duality orbits

We show that the duality orbits of extremal black holes in supergravity theories with symmetric scalar manifolds can be derived by studying the stabilizing subalgebras of suitable representatives, realized as bound states of specific weight vectors of the corresponding representation of the duality symmetry group. The weight vectors always correspond to weights that are real, where the reality properties are derived from the Tits-Satake diagram that identifies the real form of the Lie algebra of the duality symmetry group. Both N=2 magic Maxwell-Einstein supergravities and the semisimple infinite sequences of N=2 and N=4 theories in D=4 and 5 are considered, and various results, obtained over the years in the literature using different methods, are retrieved. In particular, we show that the stratification of the orbits of these theories occurs because of very specific properties of the representations: in the case of the theory based on the real numbers, whose symmetry group is maximally non-compact and therefore all the weights are real, the stratification is due to the presence of weights of different length, while in the other cases it is due to the presence of complex weights.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Topological String on elliptic CY 3-folds and the ring of Jacobi forms

We give evidence that the all genus amplitudes of topological string theory on compact elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds can be written in terms of meromorphic Jacobi forms whose weight grows linearly and whose index grows quadratically with the base degree. The denominators of these forms have a simple universal form with the property that the poles of the meromorphic form lie only at torsion points. The modular parameter corresponds to the fibre class while the role of the string coupling is played by the elliptic parameter. This leads to very strong all genus results on these geometries, which are checked against results from curve counting. The structure can be viewed as an indication that an N=2 analog of the reciprocal of the Igusa cusp form exists that might govern the topological string theory on these Calabi-Yau manifolds completely.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

3d mirror symmetry as a canonical transformation


N. DrukkerJ. Felix

We generalize the free Fermi-gas formulation of certain 3d N=3 supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories by allowing Fayet-Iliopoulos couplings as well as mass terms for bifundamental matter fields. The resulting partition functions are given by simple modifications of the argument of the Airy function found previously. With these extra parameters it is easy to see that mirror-symmetry corresponds to linear canonical transformations on the phase space (or operator algebra) of the 1-dimensional fermions.

Monday, January 12, 2015

From Veneziano to Riemann: A String Theory Statement of the Riemann Hypothesis

We discuss a precise relation between the Veneziano amplitude of string theory, rewritten in terms of ratios of the Riemann zeta function, and two elementary criteria for the Riemann hypothesis formulated in terms of integrals of the logarithm and the argument of the zeta function. We also discuss how the integral criterion based on the argument of the Riemann zeta function relates to the Li criterion for the Riemann hypothesis. We provide a new generalization of this integral criterion. Finally, we comment on the physical interpretation of our recasting of the Riemann hypothesis in terms of the Veneziano amplitude.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions

We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular curves.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Uniform Approach to Double Shuffle and Duality Relations of Various q-Analogs of Multiple Zeta Values via Rota-Baxter Algebras


J. Zhao

The multiple zeta values (MZVs) have been studied extensively in recent years. Currently there exist a few different types of q-analogs of the MZVs (q-MZVs) defined and studied by mathematicians and physicists. In this paper, we give a uniform treatment of these q-MZVs by considering their double shuffle relations (DBSFs) and duality relations. The main idea is a modification and generalization of the one used by Castillo Medina et al. who have considered the DBSFs of a special type of q-MZVs. We generalize their method to a few other types of q-MZVs including the one defined by the author in 2003. With different approach, Takeyama has already studied this type by "regularization" and observed that there exist Q-linear relations which are not consequences of the DBSFs. He also discovered a new family of relations which we call the duality relations in this paper. This deficiency of DBSFs occurs among other types, too, so we generalize the duality relations to all of these values and find that there are still some missing relations. This leads to the most general type of q-MZVs together with a new kind of relations called P-Qrelations which are used to lower the deficiencies further. As an application, we will confirm a conjecture of Okounkov on the dimensions of certain q-MZV spaces, either theoretically or numerically, for the weight up to 12. Some relevant numerical data are provided at the end.