Thursday, December 24, 2015

Automorphic Lie Algebras and Cohomology of Root Systems

This paper defines a cohomology theory of root systems which emerges naturally in the context of Automorphic Lie Algebras (ALiAs) but applies more generally to deformations of Lie algebras obtained by assigning a monomial in a finite number of variables to each weight vector. In the theory of Automorphic Lie Algebras certain problems can be formulated and partially solved in terms of cohomology, in particular one can find explicit models for an ALiA in terms of monomial deformations of the original Lie algebra. In this paper we formulate a cohomology theory of root systems and define the cup product in this context; we show that it can be restricted to symmetric forms, that it is equivariant with respect to the automorphism group of the original Lie algebra, and finally we show acyclicity at dimension two of the symmetric part, which is exactly what is needed to find models for ALiAs explicitly.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Quantum curves and conformal field theory


M. ManabeP. Sułkowski

To a given algebraic curve we assign an infinite family of quantum curves (Schr\"odinger equations), which are in one-to-one correspondence with, and have the structure of, Virasoro singular vectors. For a spectral curve of a matrix model we build such quantum curves out of an appropriate representation of the Virasoro algebra, encoded in the structure of the α/β-deformed matrix integral and its loop equation. We generalize this construction to a large class of algebraic curves by means of a refined topological recursion. We also specialize this construction to various specific matrix models with polynomial and logarithmic potentials, and among other results, show that various ingredients familiar in the study of conformal field theory (Ward identities, correlation functions and a representation of Virasoro operators acting thereon, BPZ equations) arise upon specialization of our formalism to the multi-Penner matrix model.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Non-supersymmetric Asymmetric Orbifolds with Vanishing Cosmological Constant

We study type II string vacua defined by torus compactifications accompanied by T-duality twists. We realize the string vacua, specifically, by means of the asymmetric orbifolding associated to the chiral reflections combined with a shift, which are interpreted as describing the compactification on `T-folds'. We discuss possible consistent actions of the chiral reflection on the Ramond-sector of the world-sheet fermions, and explicitly construct non-supersymmetric as well as supersymmetric vacua. Above all, we demonstrate a simple realization of non-supersymmetric vacua with vanishing cosmological constant at one loop. Our orbifold group is generated only by a single element, which results in simpler models than those with such property known previously.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Exact relations between M2-brane theories with and without Orientifolds

We study partition functions of low-energy effective theories of M2-branes, whose type IIB brane constructions include orientifolds. We mainly focus on circular quiver superconformal Chern-Simons theory on S^3, whose gauge group is O(2N+1)x USp(2N)x ... x O(2N+1)x USp(2N). This theory is a natural generalization of N=5 ABJM theory with the gauge group O(2N+1)_{2k}x USp(2N)_{-k}. We find that the partition function of this type of theory has a simple relation to the one of the M2-brane theories without the orientifolds, whose gauge group is U(N)x ... x U(N). By using this relation, we determine an exact form of the grand partition function of the O(2N+1)_2 x USp(2N)_{-1} ABJM theory, where its supersymmetry is expected to enhance to N=6. As another interesting application, we discuss that our result gives a natural physical interpretation of a relation between grand partition functions of the U(N+1)_4 x U(N)_{-4} ABJ theory and U(N)_2 x U(N)_{-2} ABJM theory, recently conjectured by Grassi-Hatsuda-Marino. We also argue that partition function of \hat{A}_3 quiver theory has a representation in terms of an ideal Fermi gas system associated with \hat{D}-type quiver theory and this leads an interesting relation between certain U(N) and USp(2N) supersymmetric gauge theories.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Generalized Zeta function representation of groups and 2-dimensional Topological Yang-Mills theory: The example of GL(2, F_q) and PGL(2, F_q)


P. Roche

We recall the relation between Zeta function representation of groups and two-dimensional topological Yang-Mills theory through Mednikh formula. We prove various generalisations of Mednikh formulas and define generalization of Zeta functions representations of groups. We compute some of these functions in the case of the finite group GL(2,Fq) and PGL(2,Fq). We recall the table characters of these groups for any q, compute the Frobenius-Schur indicator of their irreducible representations and give the explicit structure of their fusion rings.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

E11 must be a symmetry of strings and branes

We construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its vector representation in five dimensions and find the dynamical equations it predicts at low levels. Restricting this result to contain only the usual fields of supergravity and the generalised space-time to be the usual space-time we find the equations of five dimensional maximal supergravity. Since this non-linear realisation contains effects that are beyond the supergravity approximation and are thought to be present in an underlying theory we conclude that the low energy effective action of string and branes must possess an E11 symmetry.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Duality and (q-)multiple zeta values

Zudilin recently introduced the notion of multiple q-zeta brackets, which provides a q-analog of multiple zeta values possessing both shuffle as well as quasi-shuffle relations. The corresponding products are related in terms of duality. In this work we study Zudilin's duality construction in the context of classical multiple zeta values as well as various q-analogs of multiple zeta values. Regarding the former we identify the derivation relation of order two with a Hoffman-Ohno type relation. Then we describe relations between the Ohno-Okuda-Zudilin q-multiple zeta values and the Schlesinger-Zudilin q-multiple zeta values.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

F-theory and the Classification of Little Strings

Little string theories (LSTs) are UV complete non-local 6D theories decoupled from gravity in which there is an intrinsic string scale. In this paper we present a systematic approach to the construction of supersymmetric LSTs via the geometric phases of F-theory. Our central result is that all LSTs with more than one tensor multiplet are obtained by a mild extension of 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in which the theory is supplemented by an additional, non-dynamical tensor multiplet, analogous to adding an affine node to an ADE quiver, resulting in a negative semidefinite Dirac pairing. We also show that all 6D SCFTs naturally embed in an LST. Motivated by physical considerations, we show that in geometries where we can verify the presence of two elliptic fibrations, exchanging the roles of these fibrations amounts to T-duality in the 6D theory compactified on a circle.

Eisenstein series and automorphic representations

We provide an introduction to the theory of Eisenstein series and automorphic forms on real simple Lie groups G, emphasising the role of representation theory. It is useful to take a slightly wider view and define all objects over the (rational) adeles A, thereby also paving the way for connections to number theory, representation theory and the Langlands program. Most of the results we present are already scattered throughout the mathematics literature but our exposition collects them together and is driven by examples. Many interesting aspects of these functions are hidden in their Fourier coefficients with respect to unipotent subgroups and a large part of our focus is to explain and derive general theorems on these Fourier expansions. Specifically, we give complete proofs of Langlands' constant term formula for Eisenstein series on adelic groups G(A) as well as the Casselman--Shalika formula for the p-adic spherical Whittaker vector associated to unramified automorphic representations of G(Q_p). Somewhat surprisingly, all these results have natural interpretations as encoding physical effects in string theory. We therefore introduce also some basic concepts of string theory, aimed toward mathematicians, emphasising the role of automorphic forms. In addition, we explain how the classical theory of Hecke operators fits into the modern theory of automorphic representations of adelic groups, thereby providing a connection with some key elements in the Langlands program, such as the Langlands dual group LG and automorphic L-functions. Our treatise concludes with a detailed list of interesting open questions and pointers to additional topics where automorphic forms occur in string theory.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The F-theory geometry with most flux vacua


W. TaylorY.-N. Wang

Applying the Ashok-Denef-Douglas estimation method to elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds suggests that a single elliptic fourfold Mmaxgives rise to O(10272,000) F-theory flux vacua, and that the sum total of the numbers of flux vacua from all other F-theory geometries is suppressed by a relative factor of O(103000). The fourfold Mmax arises from a generic elliptic fibration over a specific toric threefold base Bmax, and gives a geometrically non-Higgsable gauge group of E98×F84×(G2×SU(2))16, of which we expect some factors to be broken by G-flux to smaller groups. It is not possible to tune an SU(5) GUT group on any further divisors in Mmax, or even an SU(2) or SU(3), so the standard model gauge group appears to arise in this context only from a broken E8 factor. The results of this paper can either be interpreted as providing a framework for predicting how the standard model arises most naturally in F-theory and the types of dark matter to be found in a typical F-theory compactification, or as a challenge to string theorists to explain why other choices of vacua are not exponentially unlikely compared to F-theory compactifications on Mmax.