Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Generalized Macdonald polynomials, spectral duality for conformal blocks and AGT correspondence in five dimensions

We study five dimensional AGT correspondence by means of the q-deformed beta-ensemble technique. We provide a special basis of states in the q-deformed CFT Hilbert space consisting of generalized Macdonald polynomials, derive the loop equations for the beta-ensemble and obtain the factorization formulas for the corresponding matrix elements. We prove the spectral duality for Nekrasov functions and discuss its meaning for conformal blocks. We also clarify the relation between topological strings and q-Liouville vertex operators.

Automorphic inflation


Rolf Schimmrigk

A framework of inflation is formulated based on automorphic forms. In this setting the inflaton multiplet takes values in a curved target space constructed from a reductive group G and an arithmetic subgroup Γ. The dynamics of inflationary models is essentially determined by the choice of the groups (G,Γ) and a form Φ. Automorphic inflation provides a natural structure in which the shift symmetry of large field inflation arises as one of generating elements of the arithmetic group Γ. The model of jinflation is discussed as an example of modular inflation associated to the group SL(2).

The Umbral Moonshine Module for the Unique Unimodular Niemeier Root System

We use canonically-twisted modules for a certain super vertex operator algebra to construct the umbral moonshine module for the unique Niemeier lattice that coincides with its root sublattice. In particular, we give explicit expressions for the vector-valued mock modular forms attached to automorphisms of this lattice by umbral moonshine. We also characterize the vector-valued mock modular forms arising, in which four of Ramanujan's fifth order mock theta functions appear as components.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

On reciprocity formula of character Dedekind sums and the integral of products of Bernoulli polynomials


M.C. DağlıM. Can

In this paper, we study on two subjects. We first give a new proof for the reciprocity formula of character Dedekind sums with the help of the character analogue of the Euler-MacLaurin summation formula. Secondly, we extend known results on the integral of products of Bernoulli polynomials by considering the integral
As a consequence of this integral we establish a connection between the reciprocity relations of sums of products of Bernoulli polynomials and of the Dedekind sums. As applications we present some integrals involving periodic Bernoulli polynomials.

Some congruences for Siegel theta series

We discuss an arithmetic approach to some congruence properties of Siegel theta series of even positive definite unimodular quadratic forms.

Fourier coefficients for automorphic forms on quasisplit classical groups

In [J14], a conjecture was proposed on a relation between the global Arthur parameters and the structure of Fourier coefficients of the automorphic representations in the corresponding global Arthur packets. In this paper, we discuss the recent progress on this conjecture and certain problems which lead to better understanding of Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms. At the end, we extend a useful technical lemma to a few versions, which are more convenient for future applications.

On theta series attached to the Leech lattice

Some congruence relations satisfied by the theta series associated with the Leech lattice are given.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

$β$-deformed matrix models and the 2d/4d correspondence

This is the fourth article in the collection of reviews "Exact results on N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories", ed. J.Teschner. It describes a very useful mathematical representation of the results of the localisation computations of instanton partition functions as integrals having a form familiar from the study of matrix models. Techniques from the study of matrix models can be employed to extract important information on the instanton partition functions in various limits and special cases.

6D SCFTs and Gravity

We study how to couple a 6D superconformal field theory (SCFT) to gravity. In F-theory, the models in question are obtained working on the supersymmetric background R^{5,1} x B where B is the base of a compact elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold in which two-cycles have contracted to zero size. When the base has orbifold singularities, we find that the anomaly polynomial of the 6D SCFTs can be understood purely in terms of the intersection theory of fractional divisors: the anomaly coefficient vectors are identified with elements of the orbifold homology. This also explains why in certain cases, the SCFT can appear to contribute a "fraction of a hypermultiplet" to the anomaly polynomial. Quantization of the lattice of string charges also predicts the existence of additional light states beyond those captured by such fractional divisors. This amounts to a refinement to the lattice of divisors in the resolved geometry. We illustrate these general considerations with explicit examples, focusing on the case of F-theory on an elliptic Calabi-Yau threefold with base P^2 / Z_3.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Small automorphic representations and degenerate Whittaker vectors

We investigate Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on split simply-laced Lie groups G. We show that for automorphic representations of small Gelfand-Kirillov dimension the Fourier coefficients are completely determined by certain degenerate Whittaker vectors on G. Although we expect our results to hold for arbitrary simply-laced groups, we give complete proofs only for G=SL(3) and G=SL(4). This is based on a method of Ginzburg that associates Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms with nilpotent orbits of G. Our results complement and extend recent results of Miller and Sahi. We also use our formalism to calculate various local (real and p-adic) spherical vectors of minimal representations of the exceptional groups E_6, E_7, E_8 using global (adelic) degenerate Whittaker vectors, correctly reproducing existing results for such spherical vectors obtained by very different methods.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Elliptic multiple zeta values and one-loop superstring amplitudes

We investigate iterated integrals on an elliptic curve, which are a natural genus-one generalization of multiple polylogarithms. These iterated integrals coincide with the multiple elliptic polylogarithms introduced by Brown and Levin when constrained to the real line. At unit argument they reduce to an elliptic analogue of multiple zeta values, whose network of relations we start to explore. A simple and natural application of this framework are one-loop scattering amplitudes in open superstring theory. In particular, elliptic multiple zeta values are a suitable language to express their low energy limit. Similar to the techniques available at tree-level, our formalism allows to completely automatize the calculation.

Some insights in the structure of correlation functions in Liouville and Toda field theories

We discuss some aspects of Liouville field theory, starting from operator equation of motion in presence of two screening charges and re-derive the dual zero mode Schwinger Dyson equations for the two screening charges from the path integral. Using functional methods we show the familiar pole structure of Liouville correlation function using the partition function. Next we discuss a generalized structure of the correlation functions obtained from the zero mode functional equations. From this structure we infer the use of the Barnes double Gamma functions to construct a part of the denominator of the correlators and also use Weyl symmetry of the theory to deduce more information about the rest. We similarly extend these arguments in the case of Toda field theories where we make a general statement about the denominator of the three point function and Sine-Liouvile field theory where we only obtain an infinite product structure.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Twistorial Topological Strings and a tt* Geometry for N=2 Theories in 4d

We define twistorial topological strings by considering tt* geometry of the 4d N=2 supersymmetric theories on the Nekrasov-Shatashvili half-Omega background, which leads to quantization of the associated hyperKahler geometries. We show that in one limit it reduces to the refined topological string amplitude. In another limit it is a solution to a quantum Riemann-Hilbert problem involving quantum Kontsevich-Soibelman operators. In a further limit it encodes the hyperKahler integrable systems studied by GMN. In the context of AGT conjecture, this perspective leads to a twistorial extension of Toda. The 2d index of the half-Omega theory leads to the recently introduced index for N=2 theories in 4d. The twistorial topological string can alternatively be viewed, using the work of Nekrasov-Witten, as studying the vacuum geometry of 4d N=2 supersymmetric theories on T^2x I where I is an interval with specific boundary conditions at the two ends.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Strings of Minimal 6d SCFTs

We study strings associated with minimal 6d SCFTs, which by definition have only one string charge and no Higgs branch. These theories are labelled by a number n with 1 <= n <= 8 or n = 12. Quiver theories have previously been proposed which describe strings of SCFTs for n = 1, 2. For n > 2 the strings interact with the bulk gauge symmetry. In this paper we find a quiver description for the n = 4 string using Sen's limit of F-theory and calculate its elliptic genus with localization techniques. This result is checked using the duality of F-theory with M-theory and topological string theory whose refined BPS partition function captures the elliptic genus of the SCFT strings. We use the topological string theory to gain insight into the elliptic genus for other values of n.

A short overview of the "Topological recursion"

This is a short overview of the "topological recursion", a relation appearing in the asymptotic expansion of many integrable systems and in enumerative problems. We recall how computing large size asymptotics in random matrices, has allowed to discover some fascinating and ubiquitous geometric invariants. Specializations of this method recover many classical invariants, like Gromov--Witten invariants, or knot polynomials (Jones, HOMFLY,...). In this short review, we give some examples, give definitions, and review some properties and applications of the formalism.

On the elliptic genera of manifolds of Spin(7) holonomy

Superstring compactification on a manifold of Spin(7) holonomy gives rise to a 2d worldsheet conformal field theory with an extended supersymmetry algebra. The N=1 superconformal algebra is extended by additional generators of spins 2 and 5/2, and instead of just superconformal symmetry one has a c=12 realization of the symmetry group SW(3/2,2). In this paper, we compute the characters of this supergroup, and decompose the elliptic genus of a general Spin(7) compactification in terms of these characters. We find suggestive relations to various sporadic groups, which are made more precise in a companion paper.

Permutation orbifolds and holography

Two dimensional conformal field theories with large central charge and a sparse low-lying spectrum are expected to admit a classical string holographic dual. We construct a large class of such theories employing permutation orbifold technology. In particular, we describe the group theoretic constraints on permutation groups to ensure a (stringy) holographic CFT. The primary result we uncover is that in order for the degeneracy of states to be finite in the large central charge limit, the groups of interest are the so-called oligomorphic permutation groups. Further requiring that the low-lying spectrum be sparse enough puts a bound on the number of orbits of these groups (on finite element subsets). Along the way we also study familiar cyclic and symmetric orbifolds to build intuition. We also demonstrate how holographic spectral properties are tied to the geometry of covering spaces for permutation orbifolds.