We compute one-loop threshold corrections to non-abelian gauge couplings in four-dimensional heterotic vacua with spontaneously broken $\cal N = 2 \to \cal N = 0$ supersymmetry, obtained as Scherk-Schwarz reductions of six-dimensional K3 compactifications. As expected, the gauge thresholds are no-longer BPS protected, and receive contributions also from the excitations of the RNS sector. Remarkably, the difference of thresholds for non-abelian gauge couplings is BPS saturated and exhibits a universal behaviour independently of the orbifold realisation of K3. Moreover, the thresholds and their difference develop infra-red logarithmic singularities whenever charged BPS-like states, originating from the twisted RNS sector, become massless at special loci in the classical moduli space.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
6d Conformal Matter
A single M5-brane probing G, an ADE-type singularity, leads to a system which has G x G global symmetry and can be viewed as "bifundamental" (G,G) matter. For the A_N series, this leads to the usual notion of bifundamental matter. For the other cases it corresponds to a strongly interacting (1,0) superconformal system in six dimensions. Similarly, an ADE singularity intersecting the Horava-Witten wall leads to a superconformal matter system with E_8 x G global symmetry. Using the F-theory realization of these theories, we elucidate the Coulomb/tensor branch of (G,G') conformal matter. This leads to the notion of fractionalization of an M5-brane on an ADE singularity as well as fractionalization of the intersection point of the ADE singularity with the Horava-Witten wall. Partial Higgsing of these theories leads to new 6d SCFTs in the infrared, which we also characterize. This generalizes the class of (1,0) theories which can be perturbatively realized by suspended branes in IIA string theory. By reducing on a circle, we arrive at novel duals for 5d affine quiver theories. Introducing many M5-branes leads to large N gravity duals.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Resurgent Transseries and the Holomorphic Anomaly: Nonperturbative Closed Strings in Local $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^2$
The holomorphic anomaly equations describe B-model closed topological strings in Calabi-Yau geometries. Having been used to construct perturbative expansions, it was recently shown that they can also be extended past perturbation theory by making use of resurgent transseries. These yield formal nonperturbative solutions, showing integrability of the holomorphic anomaly equations at the nonperturbative level. This paper takes such constructions one step further by working out in great detail the specific example of topological strings in the mirror of the local $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^2$ toric Calabi-Yau background, and by addressing the associated (resurgent) large-order analysis of both perturbative and multi-instanton sectors. In particular, analyzing the asymptotic growth of the perturbative free energies, one finds contributions from three different instanton actions related by $Z_3$ symmetry, alongside another action related to the K\"ahler parameter. Resurgent transseries methods then compute, from the extended holomorphic anomaly equations, higher instanton sectors and it is shown that these precisely control the asymptotic behavior of the perturbative free energies, as dictated by resurgence. The asymptotic large-order growth of the one-instanton sector unveils the presence of resonance, i.e., each instanton action is necessarily joined by its symmetric contribution. The structure of different resurgence relations is extensively checked at the numerical level, both in the holomorphic limit and in the general nonholomorphic case, always showing excellent agreement with transseries data computed out of the nonperturbative holomorphic anomaly equations. The resurgence relations further imply that the string free energy displays an intricate multi-branched Borel structure, and that resonance must be properly taken into account in order to describe the full transseries solution.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Supersymmetric $U(N)$ Chern-Simons-matter theory and phase transitions
We study ${\mathcal{N}}=2$ supersymmetric $U(N)$ Chern-Simons with $N_{f}$ fundamental and $N_{f}$ antifundamental chiral multiplets of mass $m$ in the complete parameter space spanned by $(g,\,m,\,N,\,N_{f})$, where $g$ denotes the coupling constant. In particular, we analyze the matrix model description of its partition function, both at finite $N$ using the method of orthogonal polynomials and at large $N$ with fixed $g$, using the theory of Toeplitz determinants. For finite $N$, with $N>N_{f}$, three regimes that exactly correspond to the known three large $N$ phases of theory are identified and characterized.
Root systems, spectral curves, and analysis of a Chern-Simons matrix model for Seifert fibered spaces
We study a class of scalar, linear, non-local Riemann-Hilbert problems (RHP) involving finite subgroups of PSL(2,C). We associate to such problems a (maybe infinite) root system and describe the relevance of the orbits of the Weyl group in the construction of its solutions. As an application, we study in detail the large N expansion of SU(N) or SO(N) or Sp(2N) Chern-Simons partition function Z_N(M) of 3-manifolds M that are either rational homology spheres or more generally Seifert fibered spaces. It has a matrix model-like representation, whose spectral curve can be characterized in terms of a RHP as above. When pi_1(M) is finite (i.e. for manifolds M that are quotients of \mathbb{S}_{3} by a finite isometry group of type ADE), the Weyl group associated to the RHP is finite and the spectral curve is algebraic and can be in principle computed. We then show that the large $N$ expansion of Z_N(M) is computed by the topological recursion. This has consequences for the analyticity properties of SU/SO/Sp perturbative invariants of knots along fibers in $M$.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Weyl group orbits on Kac--Moody root systems
Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a Dynkin diagram and let $\Pi=\{\alpha_1,\dots ,\alpha_{\ell}\}$ be the simple roots of the corresponding Kac--Moody root system. Let $\mathfrak{h}$ denote the Cartan subalgebra, let $W$ denote the Weyl group and let $\Delta$ denote the set of all roots. The action of $W$ on $\mathfrak{h}$, and hence on $\Delta$, is the discretization of the action of the Kac--Moody algebra. Understanding the orbit structure of $W$ on $\Delta$ is crucial for many physical applications. We show that for $i\neq j$, the simple roots $\alpha_i$ and $\alpha_j$ are in the same $W$--orbit if and only if vertices $i$ and $j$ in the Dynkin diagram corresponding to $\alpha_i$ and $\alpha_j$ are connected by a path consisting only of single edges. We introduce the notion of `the Cayley graph $\mathcal{P}$ of the Weyl group action on real roots' whose connected components are in one-to-one correspondence with the disjoint orbits of $W$. For a symmetric hyperbolic generalized Cartan matrix $A$ of rank $\geq 4$ we prove that any 2 real roots of the same length lie in the same $W$--orbit. We show that if the generalized Cartan matrix $A$ contains zeros, then there are simple roots that are stabilized by simple root reflections in $W$, that is, $W$ does not act simply transitively on real roots. We give sufficient conditions in terms of the generalized Cartan matrix $A$ (equivalently ${\mathcal D}$) for $W$ to stabilize a real root. Using symmetry properties of the imaginary light cone in the hyperbolic case, we deduce that the number of $W$--orbits on imaginary roots on a hyperboloid of fixed radius is bounded above by the number of root lattice points on the hyperboloid that intersect the closure of the fundamental region for $W$.
Friday, July 11, 2014
M2-brane surface operators and gauge theory dualities in Toda
We give a microscopic two dimensional ${\cal N}=(2,2)$ gauge theory description of arbitrary M2-branes ending on $N_f$ M5-branes wrapping a punctured Riemann surface. These realize surface operators in four dimensional ${\cal N}=2$ field theories. We show that the expectation value of these surface operators on the sphere is captured by a Toda CFT correlation function in the presence of an additional degenerate vertex operator labelled by a representation ${\cal R}$ of $SU(N_f)$, which also labels M2-branes ending on M5-branes. We prove that symmetries of Toda CFT correlators provide a geometric realization of dualities between two dimensional gauge theories, including ${\cal N}=(2,2)$ analogues of Seiberg and Kutasov--Schwimmer dualities. As a bonus, we find new explicit conformal blocks, braiding matrices, and fusion rules in Toda CFT.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The spectral problem of the ABJ Fermi gas
The partition function on the three-sphere of ABJ theory can be rewritten into a partition function of a non-interacting Fermi gas, with an accompanying one-particle Hamiltonian. We study the spectral problem defined by this Hamiltonian. We determine the exact WKB quantization condition, which involves quantities from refined topological string theory, and test it successfully against numerical calculations of the spectrum.
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