We propose a modular anomaly equation for the prepotential of the N=2* super Yang-Mills theory on R^4 with gauge group U(N) in the presence of an Omega-background. We then study the behaviour of the prepotential in a large-N limit, in which N goes to infinity with the gauge coupling constant kept fixed. In this regime instantons are not suppressed. We focus on two representative choices of gauge theory vacua, where the vacuum expectation values of the scalar fields are distributed either homogeneously or according to the Wigner semi-circle law. In both cases we derive an all-instanton exact formula for the prepotential. As an application, we show that the gauge theory partition function on S^4 at large N localises around a Wigner distribution for the vacuum expectation values leading to a very simple expression in which the instanton contribution becomes independent of the coupling constant.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Hanany-Witten effect and SL(2,Z) dualities in matrix models
We provide tests of dualities for three-dimensional N=4 quiver SCFTs with brane realizations in IIB string theory, by matching their exact partition functions on $S^3$. The dualities are generated by SL(2,Z) transformations and Hanany-Witten 5-brane moves. These contain mirror symmetry as well as dualities identifiying fixed points of Yang-Mills quivers and Chern-Simons theories. The partition function is given by a matrix model, that can be nicely rearranged into a sequence of factors mimicking the brane realization. Identities obeyed by these elementary factors can be used to match the partition functions of dual theories, providing tests for the full web of dualities. In particular we are able to check mirror symmetry for linear and circular quivers with gauge nodes of arbitrary ranks. Our analysis also leads to a proof of a conjectured formula evaluating the matrix models of linear quiver theories.
Mock Modular Mathieu Moonshine Modules
We construct vertex operator super-algebras which lead to modules for moonshine relations connecting the sporadic simple Mathieu groups M22 and M23, with distinguished mock modular forms. Starting with an orbifold of a free fermion theory, any subgroup of Co_0 that fixes a 3-dimensional subspace of its unique non-trivial 24-dimensional representation commutes with a certain N=4 superconformal algebra. Similarly, any subgroup of Co_0 that fixes a 2-dimensional subspace of the 24-dimensional representation commutes with a certain N=2 superconformal algebra. Through the decomposition of the corresponding twined partition functions into characters of the N=4 (resp. N=2) superconformal algebra, we arrive at mock modular forms which coincide with the graded characters of an infinite-dimensional Z-graded module for the corresponding group. The two Mathieu groups are singled out amongst various other possibilities by the moonshine property: requiring the corresponding mock modular forms to be regular at all cusps inequivalent to the low temperature cusp at i-infinity. Our constructions constitute the first examples of explicitly realized modules underlying moonshine phenomena relating mock modular forms to sporadic simple groups. Modules for other groups, including the sporadic groups of McLaughlin and Higman--Sims, are also discussed.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The topological quantum field theory of Riemann's theta functions
In this paper we prove the existence and uniqueness of a topological quantum field theory that incorporates, for all Riemann surfaces, the corresponding spaces of theta functions and the actions of the Heisenberg groups and modular groups on them.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
K3 surfaces, modular forms, and non-geometric heterotic compactifications
We construct non-geometric compactifications by using the F-theory dual of the heterotic string compacti?ed on a two-torus, together with a close connection between Siegel modular forms of genus two and the equations of certain K3 surfaces. The modular group mixes together the K\"ahler, complex structure, and Wilson line moduli of the torus yielding weakly coupled heterotic string compacti?cations which have no large radius interpretation.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
ABJ Wilson loops and Seiberg Duality
We study supersymmetric Wilson loops in the ${\cal N} = 6$ supersymmetric $U(N_1)_k\times U(N_2)_{-k}$ Chern-Simons-matter (CSM) theory, the ABJ theory, at finite $N_1$, $N_2$ and $k$. This generalizes our previous study on the ABJ partition function. First computing the Wilson loops in the $U(N_1) \times U(N_2)$ lens space matrix model exactly, we perform an analytic continuation, $N_2$ to $-N_2$, to obtain the Wilson loops in the ABJ theory that is given in terms of a formal series and only valid in perturbation theory. Via a Sommerfeld-Watson type transform, we provide a nonperturbative completion that renders the formal series well-defined at all couplings. This is given by ${\rm min}(N_1,N_2)$-dimensional integrals that generalize the "mirror description" of the partition function of the ABJM theory. Using our results, we find the maps between the Wilson loops in the original and Seiberg dual theories and prove the duality. In our approach we can explicitly see how the perturbative and nonperturbative contributions to the Wilson loops are exchanged under the duality. The duality maps are further supported by a heuristic yet very useful argument based on the brane configuration as well as an alternative derivation based on that of Kapustin and Willett.
Quantum Phase Transitions in Mass-Deformed ABJM Matrix Model
When mass-deformed ABJM theory is considered on S(3), the partition function of the theory localises and is given by a matrix model. We solve this model at large-N in the decompactification limit, where the radius of the three-sphere is taken to infinity. In this limit, the theory exhibits a rich phase structure with an infinite number of third-order quantum phase transitions accumulating at strong coupling.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
E + E $\rightarrow$ H
E-strings arise from M2 branes suspended between an M5 brane and an M9 plane. In this paper we obtain explicit expressions for the elliptic genus of two E-strings using a series of string dualities. Moreover we show how this can be used to recover the elliptic genus of two $E_8\times E_8$ heterotic strings using the Horava-Witten realization of heterotic strings in M-theory. This involves highly non-trivial identities among Jacobi forms, and is remarkable in light of the fact that E-strings are 'sticky' and form bound states whereas heterotic strings do not form bound states.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Umbral Moonshine and K3 Surfaces
Recently, 23 cases of umbral moonshine, relating mock modular forms and finite groups, have been discovered in the context of the 23 even unimodular Niemeier lattices. One of the 23 cases in fact coincides with the so-called Mathieu moonshine, discovered in the context of K3 non-linear sigma models. In this paper we establish a uniform relation between all 23 cases of umbral moonshine and K3 sigma models, and thereby take a first step in placing umbral moonshine into a geometric and physical context. This is achieved by relating the ADE root systems of the Niemeier lattices to the ADE du Val singularities that a K3 surface can develop, and the configuration of smooth rational curves in their resolutions. A geometric interpretation of our results is given in terms of the marking of K3 surfaces by Niemeier lattices.
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