We discuss the homological aspects of the connection between quantum string generating function and the formal power series associated to the dimensions of chains and homologies of suitable Lie algebras. Our analysis can be considered as a new straightforward application of the machinery of modular forms and spectral functions (with values in the congruence subgroup of $SL(2,{\mathbb Z})$) to the partition functions of Lagrangian branes, refined vertex and open string partition functions, represented by means of formal power series that encode Lie algebra properties. The common feature in our examples lies in the modular properties of the characters of certain representations of the pertinent affine Lie algebras and in the role of Selberg-type spectral functions of an hyperbolic three-geometry associated with $q$-series in the computation of the string amplitudes.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
On AGT-W Conjecture and q-Deformed W-Algebra
We propose an extension of the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa-Wyllard conjecture to 5d SU(N) gauge theories. A Nekrasov partition function then coincides with the scalar product of the corresponding Gaiotto-Whittaker vectors of the q-deformed W_N algebra.
Octonions, Monopoles, and Knots
Witten's approach to Khovanov homology of knots is based on the five-dimensional system of partial differential equations, which we call Haydys-Witten equations. We argue for a one-to-one correspondence between its solutions and solutions of the seven-dimensional system of equations. The latter can be formulated on any G2 holonomy manifold and is a close cousin of the monopole equation of Bogomolny. Octonions play the central role in our view, in which both the seven-dimensional equations and the Haydys-Witten equations appear as reductions of the eight-dimensional Spin(7) instanton equation.
The Scattering Variety
The so-called Scattering Equations which govern the kinematics of the scattering of massless particles in arbitrary dimensions has recently been cast into a system of homogeneous polynomials. We study these as affine and projective geometries which we call Scattering Varieties by analyzing such quantities as Hilbert series, Euler characteristic and singularities. Interestingly, we find such structures as affine Calabi-Yau threefolds as well as singular K3 and del Pezzo surfaces.
Complete Graphs, Hilbert Series, and the Higgs branch of the 4d N=2 $(A_n,A_m)$ SCFT's
The strongly interacting 4d N=2 SCFT's of type $(A_n,A_m)$ are the simplest examples of models in the $(G,G^\prime)$ class introduced by Cecotti, Neitzke, and Vafa in arXiv:1006.3435. These systems have a known 3d N=4 mirror only if $h(A_n)$ divides $h(A_m)$, where $h$ is the Coxeter number. By 4d/2d correspondence, we show that in this case these systems have a nontrivial global flavor symmetry group and, therefore, a non-trivial Higgs branch. As an application of the methods of arXiv:1309.2657, we then compute the refined Hilbert series of the Coulomb branch of the 3d mirror for the simplest models in the series. This equals the refined Hilbert series of the Higgs branch of the $(A_n,A_m)$ SCFT, providing interesting information about the Higgs branch of these non-lagrangian theories.
Quiver mutation loops and partition q-series
A quiver mutation loop is a sequence of mutations and vertex relabelings, along which a quiver transforms back to the original form. For a given mutation loop, we introduce a quantity called a partition q-series. The partition q-series are invariant under pentagon moves. If the quivers are of Dynkin type or square products thereof, they reproduce so-called parafermionic or quasi-particle character formulas of certain modules associated with affine Lie algebras. They enjoy nice modular properties as expected from the conformal field theory point of view.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Generalised Space-time and Gauge Transformations
We consider the generalised space-time introduced by the author in 2003 in the context of the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its first fundamental representation. For all the fields we propose gauge transformations which are compatible with the underlying E11 structure. A crucial role is played by the generalised vielbein that the generalised space-time possess. We work out the explicit form of the gauge transformations, at low levels, in four, five and eleven dimensions.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
M-theoretic matrix models
Some matrix models admit, on top of the usual 't Hooft expansion, an M-theory-like expansion, i.e. an expansion at large N but where the rest of the parameters are fixed, instead of scaling with N. These models, which we call M-theoretic matrix models, appear in the localization of Chern-Simons-matter theories, and also in two-dimensional statistical physics. Generically, their partition function receives non-perturbative corrections which are not captured by the 't Hooft expansion. In this paper, we discuss general aspects of these type of matrix integrals and we analyze in detail two different examples. The first one is the matrix model computing the partition function of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions with one adjoint hypermultiplet and N_f fundamentals, which has a conjectured M-theory dual, and which we call the N_f matrix model. The second one, which we call the polymer matrix model, computes form factors of the 2d Ising model and is related to the physics of 2d polymers. In both cases we determine their exact planar limit. In the N_f matrix model, the planar free energy reproduces the expected behavior of the M-theory dual. We also study their M-theory expansion by using Fermi gas techniques, and we find non-perturbative corrections to the 't Hooft expansion.
Classical and Umbral Moonshine: Connections and $p$-adic Properties
The classical theory of monstrous moonshine describes the unexpected connection between the representation theory of the monster group $M$, the largest of the simple sporadic groups, and certain modular functions, called Hauptmodln. In particular, the $n$-th Fourier coefficient of Klein's $j$-function is the dimension of the grade $n$ part of a special infinite dimensional representation $V$ of the monster group. More generally the coefficients of Hauptmoduln are graded traces $T_g$ of $g \in M$ acting on $V$. Similar phenomena have been shown to hold for the Matthieu group $M_{24}$, but instead of modular functions, mock modular forms must be used. This has been conjecturally generalized even further, to umbral moonshine, which associates to each of the 23 Niemeier lattices a finite group, infinite dimensional representation, and mock modular form. We use generalized Borcherds products to relate monstrous moonshine and umbral moonshine. Namely, we use mock modular forms from umbral moonshine to construct via generalized Borcherds products rational functions of the Hauptmoduln $T_g$ from monstrous moonshine. This allows us to associate to each pure $A$-type Niemeier lattice a conjugacy class $g$ of the monster group, and gives rise to identities relating dimensions of representations from umbral moonshine to values of $T_g$. We also show that the logarithmic derivatives of the Borcherds products are $p$-adic modular forms for certain primes $p$ and describe some of the resulting properties of their coefficients modulo $p$.
Monday, March 17, 2014
A_n-type AGT correspondence anticipates that conformal blocks of A_n Toda CFT are related to partition functions of a family of 4d N=2 SCFTs. We use gauge/vortex duality to both give a precise form of the correspondence, and to prove it. Gauge/vortex duality relates the 4d theories and the 2d theories living on its vortices. Partition functions of the 2d theories on vortices provide Coulomb-gas representation of A_n Toda conformal blocks with discrete internal momenta. This gives a triality of relations between the gauge theory, its vortices and the Toda CFT. We prove that A_n triality holds for conformal blocks of A_n Toda on a sphere with all full punctures. The lift to one higher dimensional theories, compactified on a circle of arbitrary radius, and q-deformation of the Toda CFT, play a key role.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Coulomb branch Hilbert series and Three Dimensional Sicilian Theories
We evaluate the Coulomb branch Hilbert series of mirrors of three dimensional Sicilian theories, which arise from compactifying the $6d$ $(2,0)$ theory with symmetry $G$ on a circle times a Riemann surface with punctures. We obtain our result by gluing together the Hilbert series for building blocks $T_{\mathbf{\rho}}(G)$, where $\mathbf{\rho}$ is a certain partition related to the dual group of $G$, which we evaluated in a previous paper. The result is expressed in terms of a class of symmetric functions, the Hall-Littlewood polynomials. As expected from mirror symmetry, our results agree at genus zero with the superconformal index prediction for the Higgs branch Hilbert series of the Sicilian theories and extend it to higher genus. In the $A_1$ case at genus zero, we also evaluate the Coulomb branch Hilbert series of the Sicilian theory itself, showing that it only depends on the number of external legs.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Factorization of 4d N=1 superconformal index
We study the factorization of four dimensional N=1 superconformal index for U(N) (SU(N)) SQCD with N_F fundamental and anti-fundamental chiral multiplets. When both the anomaly free R-charge assignment and the traceless condition for total vorticities are satisfied, we find that the superconformal index factorizes to a pair of the elliptic uplift of the vortex partition functions. We also study the relation between open topological string and the the elliptic uplift of the vortex partition functions. In the three dimensional limit, we show index for U(N) theory reduces to the factorized form of the partition function on the three dimensional squashed sphere.
Coulomb branch Hilbert series and Hall-Littlewood polynomials
There has been a recent progress in understanding the chiral ring of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ superconformal gauge theories by explicitly constructing an exact generating function (Hilbert series) counting BPS operators on the Coulomb branch. In this paper we introduce Coulomb branch Hilbert series in the presence of background magnetic charges for flavor symmetries, which are useful for computing the Hilbert series of more general theories through gluing techniques. We find a simple formula of the Hilbert series with background magnetic charges for $T_\rho(G)$ theories in terms of Hall-Littlewood polynomials. Here $G$ is a classical group and $\rho$ is a certain partition related to the dual group of $G$. The Hilbert series for vanishing background magnetic charges show that Coulomb branches of $T_\rho(G)$ theories are complete intersections. We also demonstrate that mirror symmetry maps background magnetic charges to baryonic charges.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Nonassociative geometry and twist deformations in non-geometric string theory
We describe nonassociative deformations of geometry probed by closed strings in non-geometric flux compactifications of string theory. We show that these non-geometric backgrounds can be geometrised through the dynamics of open membranes whose boundaries propagate in the phase space of the target space compactification, equiped with a twisted Poisson structure. The effective membrane target space is determined by the standard Courant algebroid over the target space twisted by an abelian gerbe in momentum space. Quantization of the membrane sigma-model leads to a proper quantization of the non-geometric background, which we relate to Kontsevich's formalism of global deformation quantization that constructs a noncommutative nonassociative star product on phase space. We construct Seiberg-Witten type maps between associative and nonassociative backgrounds, and show how they may realise a nonassociative deformation of gravity. We also explain how this approach is related to the quantization of certain Lie 2-algebras canonically associated to the twisted Courant algebroid, and cochain twist quantization using suitable quasi-Hopf algebras of symmetries in the phase space description of R-space which constructs a Drinfel'd twist with non-trivial 3-cocycle. We illustrate and apply our formalism to present a consistent phase space formulation of nonassociative quantum mechanics.
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