Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tropical mirror symmetry for elliptic curves

Mirror symmetry relates Gromov-Witten invariants of an elliptic curve with certain integrals over Feynman graphs. We prove a tropical generalization of mirror symmetry for elliptic curves, i.e., a statement relating certain labeled Gromov-Witten invariants of a tropical elliptic curve to more refined Feynman integrals. This result easily implies the tropical analogue of the mirror symmetry statement mentioned above and, using the necessary Correspondence Theorem, also the mirror symmetry statement itself. In this way, our tropical generalization leads to an alternative proof of mirror symmetry for elliptic curves. We believe that our approach via tropical mirror symmetry naturally carries the potential of being generalized to more adventurous situations of mirror symmetry. Moreover, our tropical approach has the advantage that all involved invariants are easy to compute. Furthermore, we can use the techniques for computing Feynman integrals to prove that they are quasimodular forms. Also, as a side product, we can give a combinatorial characterization of Feynman graphs for which the corresponding integrals are zero. More generally, the tropical mirror symmetry theorem gives a natural interpretation of the A-model side (i.e., the generating function of Gromov-Witten invariants) in terms of a sum over Feynman graphs. Hence our quasimodularity result becomes meaningful on the A-model side as well. Our theoretical results are complemented by a Singular package including several procedures that can be used to compute Hurwitz numbers of the elliptic curve as integrals over Feynman graphs.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Jacobi Forms of Higher Index and Paramodular Groups in N=2, D=4 Compactifications of String Theory

We associate a Jacobi form over a rank s lattice to N=2, D=4 heterotic string compactifications which have s Wilson lines at a generic point in the vector multiplet moduli space. Jacobi forms of index m=1 and m=2 have appeared earlier in the context of threshold corrections to heterotic string couplings. We emphasize that higher index Jacobi forms as well as Jacobi forms of several variables over more generic even lattices also appear and construct models in which they arise. In particular, we construct an orbifold model which can be connected to models that give index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi forms through the Higgsing process. Constraints from being a Jacobi form are then employed to get threshold corrections using only partial information on the spectrum. We apply this procedure for index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi form examples and also for Jacobi forms over A_2 and A_3 root lattices. Examples with a single Wilson line are examined in detail and we display the relation of Siegel forms over a paramodular group \Gamma_m to these models, where \Gamma_m is associated with the T-duality group of the models we study. Finally, results on the heterotic string side are used to clarify the linear mapping of vector multiplet moduli to Type IIA duals without using the one-loop cubic part of the prepotential on the Type II side, and also to give predictions for the geometry of the dual Calabi-Yau manifolds.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Unified $(p,q; α,γ, l)$-deformation of oscillator algebra and two-dimensional conformal field theory

The unified $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformation of a number of well-known deformed oscillator algebras is introduced.The deformation is constructed by imputing new free parameters into the structure functions and by generalizing the defining relations of these algebras. The generalized Jordan-Schwinger and Holstein-Primakoff realizations of the $U_{pq}^{\alpha \gamma l}(su(2))$ algebra by the generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed operators are found. The generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformation of the two-dimensional conformal field theory is established. By introducing the $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-operator product expansion (OPE) between the energy momentum tensor and primary fields, we obtain the $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed centerless Virasoro algebra. The two-point correlation function of the primary generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed fields is calculated.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Universal Chern-Simons partition functions as quadruple Barnes' gamma-functions

We show that both perturbative and non-perturbative parts of universal partition functions of Chern-Simons theory on 3d sphere are ratios of four over four Barnes' quadruple gamma functions with arguments given by linear combinations of universal parameters. Since nonperturbative part of partition function is essentially a universal compact simple Lie group's volume, latter appears to be expressed through quadruple Barnes' functions, also. For SU(N) values of parameters recurrent relations on Barnes' functions give the proof of level-rank duality of complete partition function, thus extending that duality on non-integer level and rank. We note that integral representation of universal partition function is defined on few disjoint regions in parameters' space, corresponding to different signs of real parts of parameters, and introduce a framework for discussion of analytic continuation of partition functions(s) from these regions. Although initial integral representation is symmetric under all permutations of parameters (which corresponds particularly to $N \rightarrow -N$ duality of gauge theories with classical groups), analytic continuations are not symmetric under transposition of parameters with different signs of their real parts. For the particular case of SU(N) Chern-Simons this asymmetry appears to be the Kinkelin's functional equation (reflection relation) for Barnes' G-function.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gauge/Liouville Triality

Conformal blocks of Liouville theory have a Coulomb-gas representation as Dotsenko-Fateev (DF) integrals over the positions of screening charges. For q-deformed Liouville, the conformal blocks on a sphere with an arbitrary number of punctures are manifestly the same, when written in DF representation, as the partition functions of a class of 3d U(N) gauge theories with N=4 supersymmetry, mass deformed to N=2, in the Omega-background. Coupling the 3d gauge theory to a hypermultiplet in fundamental representation corresponds to inserting a Liouville vertex operator; the two real mass parameters determine the momentum and position of the puncture. The DF integrals can be computed by residues. The result is the instanton sum of a five dimensional N=1 gauge theory. The positions of the poles are labeled by tuples of partitions, the residues of the integrand are the Nekrasov summands.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hilbert Series for Moduli Spaces of Instantons on C^2/Z_n

We study chiral gauge-invariant operators on moduli spaces of G instantons for any classical group G on A-type ALE spaces using Hilbert Series (HS). Moduli spaces of instantons on an ALE space can be realized as Higgs branches of certain quiver gauge theories which appear as world-volume theories on Dp branes in a Dp-D(p+4) system with the D(p+4) branes (with or without O(p+4) planes) wrapping the ALE space. We study in detail a list of quiver gauge theories which are related to G-instantons of arbitrary ranks and instanton numbers on a generic A_{n-1} ALE space and discuss the corresponding brane configurations. For a large class of theories, we explicitly compute the Higgs branch HS which reveals various algebraic/geometric aspects of the moduli space such as the dimension of the space, generators of the moduli space and relations connecting them. In a large number of examples involving lower rank instantons, we demonstrate that HS for equivalent instantons of isomorphic gauge groups but very different quiver descriptions do indeed agree, as expected.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Instanton effects and quantum spectral curves

We study a spectral problem associated to the quantization of a spectral curve arising in local mirror symmetry. The perturbative WKB quantization condition is determined by the quantum periods, or equivalently by the refined topological string in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili (NS) limit. We show that the information encoded in the quantum periods is radically insufficient to determine the spectrum: there is an infinite series of instanton corrections, which are non-perturbative in \hbar, and lead to an exact WKB quantization condition. Moreover, we conjecture the precise form of the instanton corrections: they are determined by the standard or un-refined topological string free energy, and we test our conjecture successfully against numerical calculations of the spectrum. This suggests that the non-perturbative sector of the NS refined topological string contains information about the standard topological string. As an application of the WKB quantization condition, we explain some recent observations relating membrane instanton corrections in ABJM theory to the refined topological string.