Generalised moonshine is reviewed from the point of view of holomorphic orbifolds, putting special emphasis on the role of the third cohomology group H^3(G, U(1)) in characterising consistent constructions. These ideas are then applied to the case of Mathieu moonshine, i.e. the recently discovered connection between the largest Mathieu group M_24 and the elliptic genus of K3. In particular, we find a complete list of twisted twining genera whose modular properties are controlled by a class in H^3(M_24, U(1)), as expected from general orbifold considerations.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Modified melting crystal model and Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy
This paper addresses the issue of integrable structure in a modified melting crystal model of topological string theory on the resolved conifold. The partition function can be expressed as the vacuum expectation value of an operator on the Fock space of 2D complex free fermion fields. The quantum torus algebra of fermion bilinears behind this expression is shown to have an extended set of "shift symmetries". They are used to prove that the partition function (deformed by external potentials) is essentially a tau function of the 2D Toda hierarchy. This special solution of the 2D Toda hierarchy can be characterized by a factorization problem of $\ZZ\times\ZZ$ matrices as well. The associated Lax operators turn out to be quotients of first order difference operators. This implies that the solution of the 2D Toda hierarchy in question is actually a solution of the Ablowitz-Ladik (equivalently, relativistic Toda) hierarchy. As a byproduct, the shift symmetries are shown to be related to matrix-valued quantum dilogarithmic functions.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
ADHM Polytopes
We discuss the construction of ADHM data for Yang-Mills instantons with the symmetries of the regular polytopes in four dimensions. We show that the case of the pentatope can be studied using a simple modification of the approach previously developed for platonic data. For the remaining polytopes, we describe a framework in which the building blocks of the ADHM data correspond to the edges in the extended Dynkin diagram that arises via the McKay correspondence. These building blocks are then assembled into ADHM data through the identification of pairs of commuting representations of the associated binary polyhedral group. We illustrate our procedure by the construction of ADHM data associated with the pentatope, the hyperoctahedron and the 24-cell, with instanton charges 4, 7 and 23, respectively. Furthermore, we show that within our framework these are the lowest possible charges with these symmetries. Plots of topological charge densities are presented that confirm the polytope structure and the relation to JNR instanton data is clarified.
From non-semisimple Hopf algebras to correlation functions for logarithmic CFT
We use factorizable finite tensor categories, and specifically the representation categories of factorizable ribbon Hopf algebras H, as a laboratory for exploring bulk correlation functions in local logarithmic conformal field theories. For any ribbon Hopf algebra automorphism omega of H we present a candidate for the space of bulk fields and endow it with a natural structure of a commutative symmetric Frobenius algebra. We derive an expression for the corresponding bulk partition functions as bilinear combinations of irreducible characters; as a crucial ingredient this involves the Cartan matrix of the category. We also show how for any candidate bulk state space of the type we consider, correlation functions of bulk fields for closed oriented world sheets of any genus can be constructed that are invariant under the natural action of the relevant mapping class group.
The Resurgence of Instantons: Multi-Cuts Stokes Phases and the Painleve II Equation
Resurgent transseries have recently been shown to be a very powerful construction in order to completely describe nonperturbative phenomena in both matrix models and topological or minimal strings. These solutions encode the full nonperturbative content of a given gauge or string theory, where resurgence relates every (generalized) multi-instanton sector to each other via large-order analysis. The Stokes phase is the adequate gauge theory phase where an 't Hooft large N expansion exists and where resurgent transseries are most simply constructed. This paper addresses the nonperturbative study of Stokes phases associated to multi-cuts solutions of generic matrix models, constructing nonperturbative solutions for their free energies and exploring the asymptotic large-order behavior around distinct multi-instanton sectors. Explicit formulae are presented for the Z_2 symmetric two-cuts set-up, addressing the cases of the quartic matrix model in its two-cuts Stokes phase; the "triple" Penner potential which yields four-point correlation functions in the AGT framework; and the Painleve II equation describing minimal superstrings.
Colored HOMFLY Polynomials from Chern-Simons theory
We elaborate the Chern-Simons field theoretic method to obtain colored HOMFLY invariants of knots and links. Using multiplicity-free quantum 6j-symbols for U_q(sl_N), we present explicit evaluations of the HOMFLY invariants colored by symmetric representations for a variety of knots, two-component links and three-component links.
Multiplicity-free quantum 6j-symbols for U_q(sl_N)
We propose a closed form expression of multiplicity-free quantum 6j-symbols for U_q(sl_N). The expression is a natural generalization of the quantum 6j-symbols for U_q(sl_2) obtained by Kirillov and Reshetikhin. Our conjectured form enables computation of colored HOMFLY polynomials for various knots and links carrying arbitrary symmetric representations.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Wilson loops in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories and duality
We study the algebra of BPS Wilson loops in 3d gauge theories with N=2 supersymmetry and Chern-Simons terms. We argue that new relations appear on the quantum level, and that in many cases this makes the algebra finite-dimensional. We use our results to propose the mapping of Wilson loops under Seiberg-like dualities and verify that the proposed map agrees with the exact results for expectation values of circular Wilson loops. In some cases we also relate the algebra of Wilson loops to the equivariant quantum K-ring of certain quasi projective varieties. This generalizes the connection between the Verlinde algebra and the quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian found by Witten.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Nonperturbative universal Chern-Simons theory
Closed simple integral representation through Vogel's universal parameters is found both for perturbative and nonperturbative parts of free energy of Chern-Simons theory on $S^3$. This proves the universality of Chern-Simons partition function. For classical groups partition function manifestly satisfy $N \rightarrow - N$ duality, in apparent contradiction with previously used ones. For SU(N) we show that asymptotic of nonperturbative part of our partition function coincides with that of Barnes G-function, recover Chern-Simons/topological string duality in genus expansion and resolve abovementioned contradiction. We discuss few possible directions of development of these results: derivation of representation of free energy through Gopakumar-Vafa invariants, possible appearance of non-perturbative additional terms, 1/N expansion for exceptional groups, duality between string coupling constant and K\"ahler parameters, etc.
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