Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Phases of large $N$ vector Chern-Simons theories on $S^2 \times S^1$

S. Jain, S. Minwalla, T. Sharma, T. Takimi, S.R. Wadia, S. Yokoyama

We study the thermal partition function of level $k$ U(N) Chern-Simons theories on $S^2$ interacting with matter in the fundamental representation. We work in the 't Hooft limit, $N,k\to\infty$, with $\lambda = N/k$ and $\frac{T^2 V_{2}}{N}$ held fixed where $T$ is the temperature and $V_{2}$ the volume of the sphere. An effective action proposed in arXiv:1211.4843 relates the partition function to the expectation value of a `potential' function of the $S^1$ holonomy in pure Chern-Simons theory; in several examples we compute the holonomy potential as a function of $\lambda$. We use level rank duality of pure Chern-Simons theory to demonstrate the equality of thermal partition functions of previously conjectured dual pairs of theories as a function of the temperature. We reduce the partition function to a matrix integral over holonomies. The summation over flux sectors quantizes the eigenvalues of this matrix in units of ${2\pi \over k}$ and the eigenvalue density of the holonomy matrix is bounded from above by $\frac{1}{2 \pi \lambda}$. The corresponding matrix integrals generically undergo two phase transitions as a function of temperature. For several Chern-Simons matter theories we are able to exactly solve the relevant matrix models in the low temperature phase, and determine the phase transition temperature as a function of $\lambda$. At low temperatures our partition function smoothly matches onto the $N$ and $\lambda$ independent free energy of a gas of non renormalized multi trace operators. We also find an exact solution to a simple toy matrix model; the large $N$ Gross-Witten-Wadia matrix integral subject to an upper bound on eigenvalue density.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Braid group action and twisted quantum affine algebras

N. Jing, H. Zhang

The Drinfled realization of quantum affine algebras has been tremendously useful since its discovery. Combining techniques of Beck and Damiani with our previous approach, we give a complete and conceptual proof of the Drinfeld realization for the twisted quantum affine algebras using Lusztig's twisted braid group action.

Multiple Bernoulli series and volumes of moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces

V. Baldoni, A. Boysal, M. Vergne

Using Szenes formula for multiple Bernoulli series we explain how to compute Witten series associated to classical Lie algebras. Particular instances of these series compute volumes of moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces, and also multiple zeta values.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

String Automorphic Motives of nondiagonal Varieties

R. Schimmrigk

In this paper automorphic motives are constructed and analyzed with a view toward the understanding of the geometry of compactification manifolds in string theory in terms of the modular structure of the worldsheet theory. The results described generalize a framework considered previously in two ways, first by relaxing the restriction to modular forms, and second by extending the construction of motives from diagonal varieties to nondiagonal spaces. The framework of automorphic forms and representations is described with a view toward applications, emphasizing the explicit structure of these objects.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Motivic L-Function Identities from CFT and Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry

R. Schimmrigk

Exactly solvable mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau threefolds of hypersurface type exist in the class of Gepner models that include nondiagonal affine invariants. Motivated by the string modular interpretation established previously for models in this class it is natural to ask whether the arithmetic structure of mirror pairs of varieties reflects the fact that as conformal field theories they are isomorphic. Mirror symmetry in particular predicts that the L-functions of the \Omega-motives of such pairs are identical. In the present paper this prediction is confirmed by showing that the \Omega-motives of exactly solvable mirror pairs are isomorphic. This follows as a corollary from a more general result establishing an isomorphism between nondiagonally and diagonally induced motives in this class of varieties. The motivic approach formulated here circumvents the difficulty that no mirror construction of the Hasse-Weil zeta function is known.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Superstring amplitudes and the associator


J.M. Drummond, E. Ragoucy

We investigate a pattern in the $\alpha'$ expansion of tree-level open superstring amplitudes which correlates the appearance of higher depth multiple zeta values with that of simple zeta values in a particular way. We rephrase this relationship in terms of the coaction on motivic multiple zeta values and show that the pattern takes a very simple form, which can be simply explained by relating the amplitudes to the Drinfel'd associator derived from the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation. Given this correspondence we show that, at least in the simplest case of the four-point amplitude, the associator can be used to extract the form of the amplitude.  

Exploring the Potential Energy Landscape Over a Large Parameter-Space


Y.-H. He, D. Mehta, M. Niemerg, M. Rummel, A. Valeanu

Solving large polynomial systems with coefficient parameters are ubiquitous and constitute an important class of problems. We demonstrate the computational power of two methods--a symbolic one called the Comprehensive Gr\"obner basis and a numerical one called the cheater's homotopy-applied to studying both potential energy landscapes and a variety of questions arising from geometry and phenomenology. Particular attention is paid to an example in flux compactification where important physical quantities such as the gravitino and moduli masses and the string coupling can be efficiently extracted. 

Oxidizing Borcherds symmetries

A. Kleinschmidt, J. Palmkvist

The tensor hierarchy of maximal supergravity in D dimensions is known to be closely related to a Borcherds (super)algebra that is constructed from the global symmetry group E(11-D). We here explain how the Borcherds algebras in different dimensions are embedded into each other and can be constructed from a unifying Borcherds algebra. The construction also has a natural physical explanation in terms of oxidation. We then go on to show that the Hodge duality that is present in the tensor hierarchy has an algebraic counterpart. For D>8 the Borcherds algebras we find differ from the ones existing in the literature although they generate the same tensor hierarchy.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Orthogonality of Macdonald Polynomials with Unitary Parameters

J.F. van Diejen, E. Emsiz

For any admissible pair of irreducible reduced crystallographic root systems, we present discrete orthogonality relations for a finite-dimensional system of Macdonald polynomials with parameters on the unit circle subject to a truncation relation.